Sadino's Playlist #20: Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino

Anissa Sadino
Provehito in Altum
Konten dari Pengguna
13 Mei 2018 22:11 WIB
Tulisan dari Anissa Sadino tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Sadino's Playlist #20: Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
Badan gue nge-drop minggu ini. Tapi, ada Arctic Monkeys dan album baru mereka sebagai obatnya.
Enggak ada yang lebih penting selain ngebahas album "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino". Orang-orang kayaknya pada enggak terima Arctic Monkeys jadi 'band khusus bar' gini. Ya, wajar sih, musiknya berubah banget. Tapi, gue enjoy banget dengerin "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino".
Temen sekaligus bos di kantor gue, Mas Rossi, bilang kalo Alex Turner udah masuk level auteur. Gue setuju. Influence-nya Turner gede banget di album ini. Dan terbukti sih, karena menurut gue "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino" ini tuh Alex Turner banget. Flamboyant!
Buat gue, "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino" has a romantic tunes and atmosphere, "oldies but good" kinda thing, easy listening, and classic feelin'. Di semua lagu, Turner nyanyi kayak lagi sange, which is good karena 'rasa' dari masing-masing lagu jadi keluar.
Selain itu, I think he was drunk when he recorded "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino", which is (lagi-lagi) very good karena musiknya jadi agak complicated dan sound-nya juga makin kaya. Tiap instrumen kedengeran suaranya. Efek gema di vokal Turner juga bikin lagu-lagu di "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino" jadi horor, but still beautiful. Kayak, ada drakula nih lagi makan malem. Nah, lagu-lagu yang ngiringin ya, lagu-lagu dari "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino".
Ada yang lucu sih, menurut gue. Somehow, "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino" ngingetin gue sama soundtrack game 'Final Fantasy VIII'. Pas, lo lagi jalan-jalan ke Timber, Deling City, atau Dollet. Kalo enggak percaya, dengerin lagu yang judul "Martial Law", "Under Her Control", "The Spy", sama "Fear". Seru!
Bagus kok, album ini. Buat gue, enggak se-mengecewakan itu. Buat fans-nya Arctic Monkeys mungkin agak enggak bisa nerima. But hey, it's good to see those guys walked out from their comfort zone.
Oke, ini playlist gue minggu ini.
1. Arctic Monkeys - Star Treatment
I just wanted to be one of The Strokes, Now look at the mess you made me make, Hitchhiking with a monogrammed suitcase, Miles away from any half-useful imaginary highway.
I'm a big name in deep space, Ask your mates, But golden boy's in bad shape, I found out the hard way that, Here ain't no place for dolls like you and me, Everybody's on a barge, Floating down the endless stream of great TV, 1984, 2019.
Maybe I was a little too wild in the '70s, Rocket-ship grease down the cracks of my knuckles, Karate bandana, warp speed chic, Hair down to there, impressive moustache, Love came in a bottle with a twist-off cap, Let's all have a swig and do a hot lap.
So who you gonna call? The martini police? Baby, that isn't how they look tonight, Oh no, It took the light forever to get to your eyes.
Ini monolognya Alex Turner sebenernya. Dia nyanyi kayak ngomong sendiri sambil main gitar, lengkap dengan rokok di mulut.
It feels like, I'm living in the 70s. Lagu ini memang kayak balik lagi ke masa lalunya Turner sebelum dia terkenal, pas zaman-zamannya dia suka banget sama The Strokes. Ada beberapa review juga bilang kalo lagu ini buat menghormati Leonard Cohen. Ya, make sense. Sound-nya mirip-mirip. It's good though.
2. Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
Good afternoon, Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino, Mark speaking, Please, tell me, how may I direct your call?
This magical thinking feels as if it really might catch on, Mama wants some answers, Do you remember where it all went wrong? Technological advances really bloody get me in the mood, Pull me in close on a crisp eve, baby, Kiss me underneath the moon's side boob.
Good afternoon, Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino, Mark speaking, Please, tell me, how may I direct your call?
Mending Arctic Monkeys ganti nama band, deh. Jadi Tranquility Base Hotel Band, gitu? Atau Rose and Wine? Atau Piano Keys with Subtleties? Atau Whining Mr. Turner?
Lagunya simpel, tentang hotel dan kasino. Tapi, gue rasa Turner mabok deh, pas lagi recording lagu ini. I mean, the song is a whole. Paham, enggak?
3. Arctic Monkeys - Four Out of Five
Advertise in imaginative ways, Start your free trial today, Come on in, the water's lovely, Look, you could meet someone you like, During the meteor strike, it is that easy, Lunar surface on a Saturday night, Dressed up in silver and white, With coloured old grey whistle test lights.
Take it easy for a little while, Come and stay with us, It’s such an easy flight, Cute new places keep on popping up, Since the exodus, it's all getting gentrified, I put a taqueria on the roof, it was well reviewed, Four stars out of five, And that's unheard of.
Ini nih, lagu yang bikin gue bilang kayak soundtrack-nya 'Final Fantasy VIII'. Ya, enggak juga sih, cuma musiknya aja yang mengingatkan.
Di lagu ini, Turner curhat lagi nih, kalo dia sebenernya enggak suka sama yang namanya penilaian orang-orang soal isi otaknya dia. Dia maunya tuh kayak, "Udah, lo dengerin musik gue aja, enggak usah complaint. Enak, enggak? Enak, kan? Ya udah, enjoy aja."
Intinya, sesimpel itu. Terus, ini cuma gue aja atau gimana ya, tapi gue denger ada sedikit sound "Do I Wanna Know?" di lagu ini. Anyway, lagu ini menurut gue adalah lagu terbaik di album "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino".
4. Arctic Monkeys - Batphone
I want an interesting synonym to describe this thing, That you say we're all grandfathered in, I'll use the search engine, (We've got much to discuss), Too much to discuss over a bucket of balls, I can recall the glow of your low beams.
It's the big night in Tinsel City, Life became a spectator sport, I launch my fragrance called 'Integrity', I sell the fact, that I can't be bought, Have I told you all about the time that I got sucked into a hole? Through a handheld device? I will flashback now and again, But I'm usually alright, Thankfully, the process has been simplified, Since the last time you tried.
I've recognised, The glow of your low beams numerous times, I'll be by the Batphone if you need to get a hold, Making a selection, opening credits roll, Panoramic windows looking out across your soul.
Gue nyerah! Senyerah-nyerahnya sama lagu ini. The song's too sexy to listen!
Banyak juga ya, monolognya Turner di album "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino". Bagus-bagus, lagi. Dan lagu ini tuh kayak... Gue masih berusaha mencerna sih, "Batphone" ini tuh curhat Turner kalo dia enggak suka sama kemajuan teknologi atau sekadar kritik tajem tentang penggunaan teknologi?
Intinya sih, lo enggak akan bisa beli integritasnya Alex Turner. Itu sih, epic.
5. Childish Gambino - This Is America
This is America, Don't catch you slippin' now, Don't catch you slippin' now, Look what I'm whippin' now, This is America (woo), Don't catch you slippin' now, Don't catch you slippin' now, Look what I'm whippin' now.
Oke, lagu ini enggak ada hubungannya sama "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino". Tapi, ini salah satu lagu yang gue puter terus minggu ini. Soalnya, video musiknya epic!
Nah, apa alasannya, baca tulisan gue di kumparan ( soal lagu ini di sini 'This Is America': Negeri Paman Sam di Mata Childish Gambino. Cyus!