Struktur dan Contoh Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa Bahasa Inggris

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17 Juni 2021 9:24 WIB
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Struktur dan Contoh Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa, Foto: Pixabay
Struktur dan Contoh Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa, Foto: Pixabay
Mendapatkan beasiswa untuk bisa menempuh pendidikan di luar negeri merupakan impian banyak murid. Untuk mendapatkannya, selain dibutuhkan prestasi yang membanggakan, juga dibutuhkan surat rekomendasi berbahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, contoh surat rekomendasi beasiswa berbahasa Inggris sangat diperlukan para guru untuk membantu para siswa/i berprestasi di dalam mendapatkan beasiswa ke luar negeri.

Struktur Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa

Struktur dan Contoh Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa, Foto: Pixabay
Dilansir dari Buku Pintar Beasiswa, Erny Murniasih, (2009:156), terdapat 3 bagian yang harus ada di dalam contoh surat rekomendasi ini, yaitu:
Mulailah penulisan surat rekomendasi beasiswa dengan memberitahukan siapa yang Anda rekomendasikan, bagaimana Anda mengenalnya, dan apa saja yang membuat Anda pantas untuk memberikan penilaian tentang orang itu.
Jika Anda telah mengenal murid tersebut di dalam beberapa kesempatan berbeda, maka Anda harus mengatakannya. Contoh: sebagai guru sekaligus konselor. Hal tersebut akan semakin meyakinkan bahwa Anda telah mengenal calon penerima beasiswa secara mendalam.
Di bagian isi, ini, tuliskan penilaian Anda tentang murid itu. Anda tentu saja harus menyoroti kelebihan si murid itu dan membuat penilaian berdasarkan topik beasiswanya.
Contoh: kalau beasiswa itu mencari murid dengan prestasi akademis, maka tuliskanlah bahwa murid Anda merupakan salah satu murid yang paling pintar di kelas dan tonjolkan deretan prestasi akademisnya. Apabila beasiswa itu ditujukan untuk calon mahasiswa kedokteran, maka tuliskan pencapaiannya di dalam kompetisi sains.
Selain itu, agar murid itu terlihat sebagai individu yang ingin dibiayai oleh donor beasiswa, maka perjelas komitmennya, motivasinya, dan talentanya di dalam belajar serta tunjukkan kontribusinya selama ini.
Di bagian akhir, tuliskan juga kontak Anda dan nyatakan bahwa Anda bersedia untuk dihubungi oleh komite beasiswa jika memang memiliki pertanyaan lebih jauh.

Contoh Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa Bahasa Inggris

Nah, agar lebih jelas berikut ini adalah contoh surat rekomendasi beasiswa berbahasa Inggris:
Dear Scholarship Committee,
I am more than happy to recommend Henry Salim for the Youth Scholarship. I taught Henry’s English Literature and Gender Studies classes, and I also am the counselor of his high school. I have known Henry for three years ever since he attended our school. I have seen him using his intelligence, empathy, critical thinking, and social skills to accomplish more than any other student in our school. Therefore, I truly highly recommend him for this scholarship.
I first met Henry when he was in the 10th grade in my English Literature class. From the first attendance, he quickly grasped the theories and concepts in literature studies and engaged in passionate discussion. He has been very skilled in applying abstract concepts to literature examples and understands their impact in both fictional and real life.
When he attended my Gender Studies class, he also showed high interest in the systemic problem that lies within and has been very open in sharing his thoughts with the class. It is very rare to see a teenage student who expresses such a high-level passion towards a subject that could be seen as taboo in some societies. Furthermore, he does not only focus on his studies but also helps his classmates when they are stumped with an analysis.
Other than being an excellent student and considerate peer, Henry’s most impressive achievement is when he gained first place in the Teen Novelist Competition which was held by the Ministry of Culture in 2020. His novel continues to become one of the best seller drama novels in our country and was discussed by many critics. This door led to his knowing even more literary critics who have grown to both teach and learn from him. I truly believe that this is only the first step in his success.
Henry has discussed with me how he would use this scholarship to help to expand his knowledge about literature and critical thinking and also its applications in real life. He has a dream of reviving the Indonesian literature industry once he has finished his studies. I believe that Henry would be a deserving recipient of this scholarship and that you can be more than certain that he will make the most out of it. I can guarantee you that he has never taken light of any opportunities that he has had, and he will not start to do so.
I am open to any discussion about Henry and his potential should you have any further questions. You could email me at [email protected].
Mrs. Layla,
English Literature and Gender Studies Teacher of World High School
Demikianlah struktur dan contoh surat rekomendasi beasiswa berbahasa Inggris. Semoga murid yang Anda rekomendasikan bisa mendapatkan beasiswa yang ia butuhkan!(BRP)