Unique Facts : Did You Know, Antarctica Has No Permanent Residents?

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23 Oktober 2018 9:28 WIB
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Unique Facts : Did You Know, Antarctica Has No Permanent Residents?
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(Image : Pixabay)
Unique Facts. Have you ever wonder what it's like living in remote area such as Antarctica? It's a cold, far, and quiet place, which is the home to the geographic South Pole. There are so many unusual things that you may not know about this deserted yet exotic place!
1. No non-native species are allowed in Antarctica. Only penguins, sea lions, and other variety of species in the sea. The last huskies that are allowed to be in Antarctica were taken out in 1994. As a part of the environmental protection, there are no more non-native species brought to Antarctica.
2. Antarctica is the fifth largest continent in the world.
3. But there is no permanent residents, the bases is for research purposes only.
4. Also, there's no time zone in Antarctica. Due to the Earth's tilt, there are only two polar seasons. Which is summer and winter with continuous sunlight or no sunrise at all. So, researchers and travelers that visit the area tend to follow the respective time zones of their own countries.
5. Antarctica is the driest place on earth! Rain never occured in Antarctica cause simply it's just too cold.
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