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60 Contoh Soal Cause and Effect Pilihan Ganda untuk Belajar Bahasa Inggris

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6 Agustus 2024 17:23 WIB
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Ilustrasi Contoh Soal Cause and Effect Pilihan Ganda. Foto: unsplash/National Cancer Institute.
Ilustrasi Contoh Soal Cause and Effect Pilihan Ganda. Foto: unsplash/National Cancer Institute.
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Memahami hubungan sebab-akibat sangat penting untuk menguasai bahasa Inggris dan menyusun kalimat yang jelas. Konsep ini memungkinkan kita menghubungkan peristiwa dan alasan dengan lebih tepat. Serangkaian contoh soal Cause and Effect untuk memperdalam pemahaman dapat dipelajari.
Dikutip dari files1.simpkb.id, cause and effect berarti sebab dan akibat hubungan dari cause and effect ini saling berkesinambungan.

Contoh Soal Cause and Effect Pilihan Ganda

Ilustrasi Contoh Soal Cause and Effect Pilihan Ganda. Foto: unsplash/Santi Vedrí.
Berikut ini adalah contoh soal cause and effect pilihan ganda yang dapat digunakan sebagai materi latihan siswa untuk memperdalam pemahaman mereka tentang konsep hubungan sebab-akibat.
1. The match was canceled ... the heavy rain.
a. due to
b. because
c. as
d. since
2. She got a scholarship ... her excellent grades.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. as
3. He stayed home ... he was feeling sick.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. since
4. The company increased production ... high demand.
a. because
b. since
c. due to
d. as
5. They had to evacuate ... the wildfire.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. since
6. She apologized ... her mistake.
a. due to
b. because
c. because of
d. as
7. The store is closed ... it’s a holiday.
a. due to
b. because
c. since
d. as
8. We arrived late ... traffic jam.
a. due to
b. because
c. since
d. as
9. He succeeded ... his hard work.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. since
10. The flight was delayed ... technical issues.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. as
11. She didn't attend the meeting ... she was on vacation.
a. because
b. since
c. due to
d. as
12. He lost his job ... his company downsized.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. since
13. The picnic was postponed ... the rain.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. since
14. They moved to a new city ... a job offer.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. since
15. She couldn’t finish her assignment ... she was too tired.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. since
16. The plants died ... lack of water.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. as
17. The project was successful ... the team's effort.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. since
18. They were late ... the traffic jam.
a. due to
b. because
c. since
d. as
19. The children are excited ... the upcoming holiday.
a. because
b. due to
c. since
d. as
20. We stayed indoors ... the storm.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. as
21. He couldn't sleep ... the noise.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. as
22. The flight was canceled ... bad weather.
a. because
b. since
c. due to
d. as
23. She got a promotion ... her hard work.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. since
24. They moved to the city ... better job opportunities.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. since
25. The concert was rescheduled ... the artist's illness.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. as
26. She was late ... her alarm didn't go off.
a. because
b. since
c. due to
d. as
27. He didn't pass the exam ... he didn't study.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. since
28. The picnic was canceled ... the rain.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. since
29. The roads were slippery ... the ice.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. since
30. They were happy ... the good news.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. since
31. She stayed home ... she was sick.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. as
32. He couldn't concentrate ... the noise.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. since
33. The flight was delayed ... technical issues.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. since
34. The event was postponed ... the weather.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. as
35. She was promoted ... her excellent performance.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. since
36. He stayed in bed ... he was feeling ill.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. since
37. They couldn't go outside ... the heavy rain.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. since
38. She missed the meeting ... her car broke down.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. since
39. The performance was canceled ... technical difficulties.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. as
40. They were late ... the traffic jam.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. since
41. You won't attract many viewers or subscribers ... your content is original.
a. Unless
b. Because of
c. Because
d. For that reason
e. and
42. Mrs. Bunga isn't coming today, so the students have to write the essay.
a. So
b. Consequently
c. In order to
d. Because
e. That is why
43. She will remain at home ... she has no activities outside.
a. Since
b. Act
c. Short
d. For
e. To
44. He’s hard to understand ... his accent.
a. because of
b. because
c. since
d. as
e. that is why
45. They relocated to Liverpool ... her job.
a. because
b. because of
c. since
d. as
e. that is why
46. There have been numerous issues in Britain ... mad cow disease.
a. because of
b. because
c. since
d. as
e. that is why
47. They moved to London ... he secured a job there.
a. because of
b. because
c. due to
d. thanks to
e. therefore
48. He wrecked his car ... he was speeding.
a. due to
b. thanks to
c. therefore
d. because
e. because of
49. I adore Switzerland ... the climate.
a. Because
b. As
c. Because of
d. Since
50. He arrived at work extremely late ... he missed his train.
a. Due to
b. Because
c. As
d. Since
e. Hence
51. The rise in tropical storms in recent years has been ... global warming.
a. Put up with
b. Put down to
c. Set down to
d. Both
e. And
52. The restaurant shut down ... the recession.
a. because
b. because of
c. since
d. as
e. that is why
53. He found working in Japan very challenging ... the language barrier.
a. because
b. because of
c. since
d. as
e. that is why
54. I can't consume seafood ... my allergy.
a. Because
b. Because of
c. As
d. Due to
e. Since
55. We might arrive at school late ... we missed the first bus.
a. Where as
b. Now and then
c. Due to the fact that
d. So that
e. Therefore
56. Rico completed his work earlier due ... the bad weather.
a. To
b. In
c. For
d. By
e. And
57. We anticipated the money ... he had assured us of it.
a. for this
b. while
c. as
d. because of
e. due to
58. The man lay awake in bed ... he was exhausted.
a. but
b. because
c. although
d. therefore
e. because
59. The streets were flooded ... the rain.
a. because
b. due to
c. caused
d. as
e. since
60. They can't attend tonight's meeting, John ... not being members.
a. on account of
b. when
c. in case of
d. therefore
e. that is why
Dengan mengerjakan contoh soal cause and effect siswa akan mendapatkan wawasan berharga tentang bagaimana berbagai sebab menghasilkan akibat tertentu, sehingga meningkatkan keterampilan dan pemahaman.(atk)