Jakarta : Behind the Lights

Aliyyah Andrias
an angel fell. she cried.
Konten dari Pengguna
8 Juli 2019 20:04 WIB
Tulisan dari Aliyyah Andrias tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Jakarta (Photo by ekokalula on Unsplash)
Jakarta (Photo by ekokalula on Unsplash)
Jakarta, a city with over 10 million people living in it, a city of both smiles and tears. The same city where big dreams go to waste, forgotten and disappeared into thin air.
The city where two types of population lived in, the poor and the rich. They want to stay ‘alive’ in the city. The rich has all they needed, elite schools, high-end clothes, unimaginable wealth, promising jobs, basically anything they want. On the other hand, the poor fought with the reality, battling each day with dreams of becoming wealthy.
They say “a million dreams is all you need”, but the reality is against that. They would do anything necessary to get money, forgetting what truly makes them happy.
Sometimes, ambition and selfishness took the best of them. In which they thought was ‘the best’ for them, but ended up being restrained from achieving it.