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Indonesia's Strategic Leadership in the Middle of Russia - Ukraine War
10 April 2022 4:51 WIB
waktu baca 2 menitTulisan dari BRORIVAI CENTER tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Indonesia as the President of the G20 this year is expected to be able to position itself as a leader capable of initiating a dialogue between Russia and Ukraine.
As a country that upholds the principle of being free and active in foreign relations, Indonesia has also emphasized its consistency with this principle in the Ukraine crisis.
The principle of free and active in question does not mean active neutrality, but also by contributing, both in the form of thoughts and assistance to conflict resolution.
The understanding of the free and active political policy that is upheld by Indonesia does not mean that it is identical with a neutral attitude, but is free to act in accordance with the national interest.
In addition, Indonesia's attitude is also not just following other countries, but also an effort to voice the importance of respecting international legal norms.
Therefore, Indonesia should continue to encourage the cessation of the use of force so that all parties can resolve disputes.
With Indonesia's capacity as the G20 Presidency, we hope that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will end peacefully before the implementation of the G20 in Bali in November 2022.
Abdul Rivai Ras