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Movie Review "Danur 2: Maddah"
31 Maret 2018 23:56 WIB
Diperbarui 14 Maret 2019 21:10 WIB
Tulisan dari anisa wahyu tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Danur 2: Maddah is an Indonesian horror movie that is released on March 28th, 2018. This movie is directed by Awi Suryadi and it is the sequel from the first movie entitled Danur: I Can See Ghosts(2017). The movie is created based on a true story and best selling novels by Risa Saraswati which have the same tittle Danur and Maddah. At first, I’m not sure to watch this movie because in my opinion the first verse of this movie is a little bit disappointing. The horror feeling from the first movie is not really hit that much, but I was wrong, the second movie is way much better than the first one.
Danur 2: Maddah tells about a girl named Risa (Prilly Latuconsina). She has an ability to see something that other people can’t see. The story begins when Risa and her little sister Riri (Sandrinna Michelle) stay at their uncle’s house while their mom is out of the town. At first, there is nothing wrong at that house, but suddenly Uncle Ahmad (Bucek) starts acting strange. He becomes more quite than usual and then come a woman ghost who starts disturbing Risa, Riri, Aunt Tina (Sophia Latjuba) and Angki (Shawn Adrian). Risa has no idea who is that woman ghost until she finally finds out who actually she is.
The setting of this movie takes place in Bandung at a beautiful big house. Even though the place is beautiful but it does not change the horror atmosphere of this movie. The house still looks spooky and gloomy. It really supports the horror and mysterious genre of the movie. The cinematography and editing of this movie is really cool and smooth, but there are some scenes that the camera does not focus and a little bit blurry. I’m not sure it is pure an error from the camera or the LCD of the cinema.
Talking about the sound and music, it is really good and fits in each scene. From the first scene, it successfully makes me startled. There is also humming that played by the ghost with the piano that will make you frightened. The acting is also played well by the actors. Especially for the Uncle Ahmad that played by Bucek. He roles it really well when he has to act like a dazed people and he does not even blink his eyes. The plot successfully makes me curious, shocked and also a little bit confused because of the flashback scene and the make up of the characters that looks similar.
What I learn from this movie is that something that is unseen does not mean that it is not exist also we must have a strong faith so that we do not easily get disturb by an evil creature. I give 8,5 from 10 of this movie because I think it is a good movie and worth to watch, especially for a horror movie lovers.