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Shintoism: Is Not the Only Religion That Faces the Struggle
11 Agustus 2020 5:26 WIB
Tulisan dari Cla tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Shintoism is the indigenous religious beliefs and practices of Japan. In Shintoism, according to Emeritus Professor of Shintō Studies, Kokugakuin University, Tokyo, the word Shintō means “the way of kami” (generally sacred or divine power, specifically the various gods or deities). The word means came into use to distinguish indigenous Japanese beliefs from Buddhism.
Shintoism has no founder, no fixed dogmas, and no official sacred scriptures in the strict sense, but it has preserved its guiding beliefs throughout the ages for Japanese people. However, Shintoism having struggles to adapt to this modern world. The number of followers has been decreasing over the past years, this happens as the number of Japanese who are adhering to any kind of religion also decreasing. Much younger generation has no interest and adherent toward religions in this modern world.
We know that this religion faced the most significant challenge, the fact they are no longer followed and seen as a religion that somehow has spiritual aspects. In this modern world, when science and technology are growing up with us as fast as that. People often think that logic is beyond everything, science gives facts and evidence, therefore, it is considered true. Many religions, just like Shintoism facing a problem of belief, often time they are no longer seen as spiritual aspects that important for modern society.
Many younger generations may seem ignorant and no longer believe that as humans they need to follow certain religions because they only believe things that they can understand. Yet, we label faiths, Muslims, Catholics, Jews, Scientologists, etc. We often judge them all in one way or another: Muslims are terrorists, Jews are stingy, Catholics are homophobes, etc. This is also the other reason why, the younger generation questioning the relevance of religion, then often faiths become something that you keep for yourself and your home.
Then, those kinds of things that often find on how modern people saw religions lead to another level. Do modern people still need to believe in religion? which is something that they cannot understand. For sure, religion struggling in this modern society. However, we might be questioning why religion is important. In general, all religions are a foundation for morals and beliefs; it helps shape us and determine what we see as right and wrong.
This is like a life guideline for us, religion is beautiful, and they are the reasons why we know right from wrong. Therefore, societies of faith are more likely to succeed than those lacking society, morality, lack of violence or assassination, social stability, etc. Religion benefit people in a lot of ways, many of them are useful to groups of people. Religion should decently be a force for good, for improvement and can support other individuals to solve their issues.
Religion also helps a lot of people deal with difficult situations in their lives. For others, they would not be able to endure the pressure of living without faith. Yet they should do so for faith. It is a good influence on our culture, as it prevents other individuals from falling into despair following any traumatic incidents that have taken place in their lives.
As an example, religion is indeed big support to those who have been trapped in the pit with addiction. Religious organizations have made several communities in which they are seeking to support individuals who are addicted to illegal drugs. And in some situations, individuals may be rehabilitated to the maximum.
These kinds of things help us define how religion is still relevance and yes, we believe science and logical things but it does not mean we should throw away the faiths because when logic cannot answer your question and when you are hopeless, faiths are there to comfort you, to bring peace for you and your soul.