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2 Contoh News Item Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

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13 April 2023 11:00 WIB
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Ilustrasi contoh news item text (Pexels).
Ilustrasi contoh news item text (Pexels).
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Contoh news item text dalam bahasa Inggris bisa ditemukan pada berbagai media, mulai dari koran, televisi, radio, termasuk internet. Tapi sebelum membahasnya lebih lanjut, wajib tahu apa itu news item text terlebih dahulu.
Mengutip buku Reading yang ditulis Andri Kurniawan dkk, news item text adalah teks berisi informasi faktual dan aktual tentang suatu peristiwa yang sedang terjadi secara akurat dan disampaikan secara lengkap kepada audiens (pemirsa, pembaca, atau pendengar).
Bagaimana ciri-ciri dan strukturnya, serta seperti apa contohnya? Simak informasi lengkapnya berikut ini.

Ciri-Ciri dan Struktur News Item Text

Ilustrasi contoh news item text (Pexels).
Next item text memiliki ciri-ciri tertentu yang membuatnya berbeda dengan jenis teks lainnya. Menurut sumber yang sama, ciri pertama yaitu disusun menggunakan teknik 5W 1H.
Ciri kedua, informasi yang disampaikan berkaitan dengan judul teks. Bahan-bahan yang dikumpulkan digunakan untuk menceritakan kembali dan fokus pada peristiwa atau kejadian terkait.
Ciri selanjutnya, menggunakan kata keterangan dan kalimat dengan jenis passive sentences. Terakhir, kata kerja yang digunakan adalah action dan saying verbs.
Struktur penyusunan news item text ada tiga, yaitu main dan background event serta source. Menurut Isma Rachmadani Siregar dalam buku English for Vocation School, main event artinya inti dari kejadian yang disampaikan.
Background event adalah bagian yang menceritakan kejadian secara rinci, misalnya orang yang terlibat, lokasi dan kronologis peristiwa. Sedangkan source adalah sumber informasi kejadian.
Tentunya yang dimaksud dalam konteks ini adalah sumber terpercaya dan harus berkaitan dengan peristiwa, misalnya saksi, ahli, atau pihak lain yang terkait dengan kejadian tersebut. Tujuannya untuk menjaga keaslian informasi yang disampaikan kepada audiens.

Contoh News Item Text

Ilustrasi contoh news item text (Pexels).
Agar lebih memahami penjelasan yang telah disampaikan, berikut beberapa contoh news item text dalam bahasa Inggris yang dikutip dari buku English for Vocation School:

Contoh 1 - Topik Pendidikan

Title: Virtual Worlds are Useful for Children
Main Event:
A research report says that virtual worlds can be important places where children practice what they will do in real life. They are also a powerful and attractive alternative to more passive adventures like watching TV.
The research was done with children using the BBC's Adventure Rock virtual world, aimed at those aged 6-12. It surveyed and interviewed children who were the first to test the game.
Background Event:
The online world is a themed island built for the BBC's children channel by Belgian game maker Larian.
Children explore the world alone but they use message boards to share what they find and what they do in the different creative studios they find around the virtual space.
At times children were explorers and at others, they were social climbers eager to connect with other players. Some were power users looking for more information about how the virtual space really worked.
The children could try all kinds of things without having to be afraid of the consequences that would follow if they tried them in the real world.
They learned many useful social skills and played around with their identity in ways that would be much more difficult in real life.
According to the study what children liked about virtual worlds was the chance to create content such as music, cartoons, and videos. The publishers of the report say that virtual worlds can be a powerful, engaging and real interactive alternative to more passive media.
They urged creators of virtual spaces for children to get young people involved very early on because they really do have good ideas to add and they are very good critical friends.

Contoh 2 - Topik Internet dan Media Sosial

Title: Facebook Introduces Messenger Kids
Main Event:
Facebook has announced that it will release a new version of its popular app Messenger for children aged between 6 and 12. They do not need their own Facebook account to access the app, called Messenger Kids.
Background Event:
With Messenger Kids, parents will be able to control what their children see and who they are allowed to communicate with. There are no ads in the children's version and Facebook has promised not to use a child's information for other purposes.
In addition, children's names will not be integrated into Facebook's search tool. At the moment, the app will only be available in the United States.
Facebook aims at getting children to become used to its product even if they are under the age required to get a normal account.
As the company is losing younger customers to rivals Instagram and Snapchat, the company is trying to get young users to connect to their product before competitors do.
Messenger Kids will offer text and video chat as well as stickers and drawing tools. Special detection filters prevent children from sharing sexual content or violence online.
According to Facebook, over 90% of all 8 to 12-year-olds have smartphones or tablets. Many use their parents' Facebook account.
The new app is intended to give children a feeling of having their own account, while parents are still in control. Messenger Kids will not automatically be converted into a normal Facebook account when children reach 13.