20 Contoh Riddle Bahasa Inggris Lucu dan Seru yang Bisa Dimainkan

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25 Agustus 2022 19:39 WIB
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Ilustrasi riddle. Foto: pixabay
Ilustrasi riddle. Foto: pixabay
Riddle adalah jenis permainan teka-teki yang memanfaatkan keunikan serta kelenturan kosakata. Biasanya, permainan ini memanipulasi sejumlah frasa atau kalimat yang ambigu agar dapat menghasilkan teka-teki yang lucu.
Mengutip buku 30 Permainan Kreatif-Interaktif untuk Keluarga, Jemaat, dan Perusahaan karya Adi Soenarno (2013) riddle sangat bagus untuk melatih pemahaman dan logika seseorang. Riddle juga bisa digunakan sebagai hiburan untuk mencairkan suasana yang tegang.
Permainan ini sangat cocok dimainkan oleh semua kalangan, baik anak-anak, remaja, atau orang dewasa. Saat memainkan riddle, peserta akan melatih fokusnya agar bisa memecahkan teka-teki yang diberikan, meski terkadang jawabannya sedikit nyeleneh.
Hal inilah yang menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi teka-teki riddle. Sebagai referensi, berikut contoh riddle selengkapnya yang bisa Anda mainkan.

Contoh Riddle Bahasa Inggris yang Bisa Dimainkan

Teka-teki riddle biasanya disajikan dalam bahasa Inggris. Dirangkum dari situs Brainzilla dan sumber lain, berikut contoh riddle selengkapnya yang bisa dimainkan:
Ilustrasi riddle. Foto: pixabay
1. Can you guess what I am? Tall I am young. Short I am old. While with life I glow, wind is my foe. What am I?
Jawaban: A candle.
2. That comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
Jawaban: The letter “m”
3. If you have it, you want to share it. If you shae it, you don’t have it.
Jawaban: A secret
4. What can go up dan come down without moving?
Jawaban: A temperature
5. What do you fill with your empty hands?
Jawaban: Gloves
6. What flies without wings?
Jawaban: Time
7. What’s full of holes but still holds water?
Jawaban: A sponge
8. Give it food and it will live, give it water and it will die. What is it?
Jawaban: Fire
9. I run, yet I have no legs. What am I?
Jawaban: A nose.
10. What gets wetter, the more it dries?
Jawaban: A towel
Ilustrasi riddle. Foto: pixabay
11. I love to move around, but usually not on the ground. I’m quite strung out when way up high. I like to sail, but I need to stay dry. I need air, but not to breathe. A helpful hand is all I need. What am i?
Jawaban: Kite
12. Walk on the living, they don’t even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble.
Jawaban: Leafs
13. My tines are long. My tines are short. My tines end ere. What am I?
Jawaban: Lightning
14. The rich men want it. The wise men know it. The poor all need it. The kind men show it.
Jawaban: Love
15. What travels all around the world and stays in a corner?
Jawaban: Corner
16. Mom and Dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family?
Jawaban: Seven. The four daughters have only one brother, making five children, plus mom and dad.
17. What has four wheels and flies?
Jawaban: A garbage truck
18. I go in hard. I come out soft. You blow me hard. What am I?
Jawaban: GUM
19. What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?
Jawaban: Charcoal
20. What gets whiter the dirtier it gets?
Jawaban: Blackboard