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20 Soal Grammar TOEFL beserta Jawabannya untuk Latihan

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17 Februari 2025 13:30 WIB
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Ilustrasi mengerjakan soal grammar TOEFL. Foto: Unsplash/Billy Albert
Ilustrasi mengerjakan soal grammar TOEFL. Foto: Unsplash/Billy Albert
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) adalah salah satu jenis tes bahasa Inggris yang biasa digunakan dalam keperluan akademik dan profesional. Di antara banyaknya materi yang diujikan, grammar TOEFL menjadi salah satu materi yang sulit diselesaikan.
Soal grammar biasanya memuat materi tentang penulisan struktur kalimat yang benar dalam bahasa Inggris. Di bagian ini, peserta harus mampu mengidentifikasi kesalahan, melengkapi bagian yang hilang, serta memilih bentuk kata yang sesuai dengan konteks yang diberikan.
Jika berencana mengikuti tesnya, Anda bisa latihan mengerjakan soal grammar TOEFL terlebih dahulu untuk meningkatkan pemahaman. Yuk, simak contoh soalnya lewat artikel berikut.

Contoh Soal Grammar TOEFL

Ilustrasi mengerjakan soal grammar TOEFL. Foto: Unsplash/Wes Hicks
Tidak hanya membahas struktur kalimat, materi grammar TOEFL juga biasanya memuat materi tentang tenses, penggunaan kata, serta berbagai aturan tata bahasa dalam bahasa Inggris.
Sebagai gambaran, berikut beberapa contoh soal grammar TOEFL yang dihimpun dari buku All in One TOEFL Grammar oleh Yusuf Priyasudiarja dan Panduan Singkat Kuasai TOEFL oleh Esti Riyani, dkk (2020).
1. Supersonic flight is flight faster than the speed of sound, which ___ Mach 1.
A. calling
B. is called
C. has been calling
D. called
Jawaban: B
2. Of all the countries of the world, ____
A. the U.S. allocation of the most for advertising.
B. the most funds for advertising allocated in the U.S.
C. the U.S. allocates the most funds for advertising.
D. allocating the most funds for advertising in the U.S.
Jawaban: C
3. The principal basis of the scientific method careful observation and ____
A. doing experiment.
B. experimental designing.
C. experiments are done.
D. experimentation.
Jawaban: D
4. The Alaskan Highway ____ between Alaska and the continental U.S., runs more than 1,400 miles along the west coast of the North America.
A. is the main artery
B. that the main artery
C. the main artery
D. it is the main artery
Jawaban: C
5. The blue whale ___ the largest creature on earth.
A. generally classified as is
B. as is generally classified
C. is generally classified as
D. is classified generally as
Jawaban: C
6. He is excited about her new role as the leader of the group and looking forward to ________ more responsibilities.
A. Take on
B. Take after
C. Taking on
D. Get on
Jawaban: A
7. Rika planning to go to the party tonight but it is not raining. It’s raining very hard now. Rika wish ____
A. It had stopped
B. It stops
C. It would stop
D. It will stop
Jawaban: C
8. The city of Venice ________ on water.
A. Was built
B. Has built
C. That built
D. Built
Jawaban: B
9. "Let's go hiking." I wish I ____ We have a test next Tuesday.
A. will be able to
B. am able to
C. be able to
D. could
Jawaban: D
10. Is Ranti still sick?
Yes, I wish she ____ here now to help me type the report.
A. had been
B. is
C. would be
D. were
Jawaban: D
In question 11-20, identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct!
11. Teachers who give a lot of homeworks are generally better regarded by their students then those who don't.
Jawaban: of homeworks are; kata benda homework adalah nomina yang tidak bisa dihitung, jadi bentuk yang benar adalah of homework are (homework berbentuk singular).
12. The most important playwright of the postwar period was Tennessee Williams whom wrote The Glass Menagerie.
Jawaban: whom, seharusnya menggunakan who.
13. The dsicovery of gold in the Klondike attracted thousands interested in doing a fortune.
Jawaban: doing, seharusnya making do.
14. Most major companies maintain large advertising budgets so that can compete successfully agains other companies.
Jawaban: so that, seharusnya so that they karena dibutuhkan subject pronoun sesudah penanda klausa dan sebelum frase nomina.
15. The first electronic computer components were inventing in the early 1950s.
Jawaban: were inventing, seharusnya was invented karena bentuk kalimat ini adalah pasif, jadi menggunakan formula tobe + V3.
16. Heavy withdrawals on bank resources known as run, caused the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Jawaban: as run, seharusnya as a run.
17. An infant child notices and pays attention to more stimuli then was previously thought.
Jawaban: notices and pays attention, dua kata tersebut memiliki makna sama, sehingga bisa ditulis salah satunya saja.
18. Walter Gropius was the founding of the famous school of design called the Bauhaus.
Jawaban: founding, seharusnya founder.
19. Western Nations have considered always communist countries to be enemies of democracy.
Jawaban: considered always, seharusnya is always considered.
20. Many charitable organizations are devoted for eliminating proverty and in illiteracy in the United States.
Jawaban: for eliminating, seharusnya to eliminating.