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42 Puisi Sahabat Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris untuk Mempererat Pertemanan
10 Agustus 2022 9:31 WIB
waktu baca 26 menitTulisan dari Berita Hari Ini tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Puisi merupakan karya sastra yang berasal dari ungkapan atau curahan hati penyair. Puisi juga bisa didefinisikan sebagai bentuk ekspresi diri yang menggambarkan imajinasi, keresahan, kritik, pengalaman, pemikiran, kesenangan, ataupun nasihat seseorang.
Melalui puisi, seseorang dapat mencurahkan isi hatinya secara tersirat maupun eksplisit. Itu sebabnya puisi memiliki beragam tema yang masih berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu tema yang sering diangkat adalah persahabatan .
Puisi sahabat termasuk puisi yang fleksibel, karena bisa ditulis oleh anak-anak maupun orang dewasa. Gaya bahasanya pun dapat disesuaikan, bisa mengandung kata-kata puitis maupun bahasa sehari-hari yang mudah dimengerti.
Jika dilihat dari isinya, puisi sahabat bisa dikategorikan sebagai puisi romansa. Mengutip buku Seni Mengenal Puisi oleh Agnes Pitaloka dan Amelia Sundari, romansa adalah puisi cerita yang berisi luapan perasaan cinta kasih. Cinta yang dimaksud tidak melulu soal hubungan asmara, tetapi juga kasih yang terjalin dalam sebuah ikatan persahabatan.
Jadikanlah puisi sebagai sarana untuk mencurahkan kasih sayang kepada sahabat sejujur-jujurnya. Ungkapkan seberapa penting peran sahabat dalam hidup dan seberapa berartinya dia bagi Anda. Puisi sahabat juga cocok dihadiahkan sebagai kado perpisahan dengan sahabat yang hendak pergi jauh dalam waktu yang lama.
Bagi yang sedang butuh referensi, berikut 50 puisi sahabat dikutip dari buku Puisi Buat Sahabatku tulisan Hetty Dwi Agustin, Semua tentang Kita: Kumpulan Puisi oleh Eko Sunarto, Kumpulan Puisi Terima Kasih Sahabat tulisan Anandi Seno Putri dkk., dan situs Inspiration Feed.
42 Puisi Sahabat
1. Senyum Sahabatku
Senyummu bagai pagi yang cerah
Buatku terasa ringan melangkah
Hari-hari semakin indah
Tak ada lagi rasa gundah
Karna ku tlah punya sahabat
Yang menemaniku saat kususah
Mau mendengar ceritaku
Memahami semua kegaf danku
Kau beri senyuman saat ku bersedih
Kau terima aku saat hatiku galau
Kau selalu beri kata sederhana
Tuk sekedar menguatkanku
Sehingga akupun menjadi tegar
Lalu kuceria lagi dalam melangkah
Akupun slalu tersenyum padamu
Tuk tunjukkan, bahwa ku selalu ada buatmu
2. Sahabatku yang Baik
Halus tutur katamu
Selalu terucap buatku
Hari-hari bersamamu
Selalu ada tawa dan senyum
Berbagi cerita sehari-hari
Warnai kebersamaan kita
Saling menolong dalam mengisi hari
Sehingga cerita kita di setiap jumpa
Percayalah sahabatku
Aku akan selalu
Berusaha baik padamu
Seperti kau baik juga padaku
Persahabatan kita selalu terjaga
Sebagaimana kita menjaganya
Berprasangka baiklah selalu padaku
Karena ku pun selalu prasangka baik kepadamu
3. Kuingin Jaga Persahabatan Kita
Betapa berartinya jalinan ini
Persahabatan diantara kita
Percayalah, kukan selalu menjaganya
Agar tetap abadi persahabatan kita
Selalu ada untuk menguatkan
Bila ada diantara kita yang terluka
Oleh kejamnya orang yang mencela
Dan membuat kita sungguh berduka
Persahabatan kita bisa menghadapi semua itu
Tetap kau mau mendengarkan aku
Kau buat aku ceria kembali, bahagianya diriku
Bahwa masih ada sahabat baik disampingku
Yang selalu tetap berkata baik padaku
Yang selalu tersenyum tulus padaku
Yang kujuga selalu tutus senyum buatmu
Buat menjaga persahabatan kita
4. Indahnya Persahabatan
Selalu tersenyum diantara kita
Selalu tutur baik terucap dalam cerita kita
Kita sering berbagi cerita suka dan duka
Kita tetap ceria walau sedang dalam luka
Karena kita saling percaya
Karena kita saling menguatkan
Karena kita tetap selalu bersama
Karena kita selalu saling menerima
Bahkan kita tak saling minta maaf
Karena bila diantara kita bersalah
Tanpa terucap kata maaf pun
Kita selalu sudah saling memaafkan
Karena kita saling memahami
Karena kita selalu berbaik sangka
Karena kita selalu saling percaya
Bahwa kita selalu menjaga persahabatan ini
5. Sahabat dari Desa
Masihkah kau ingat!
Gatalnya bulu pohon jagung
Tajamnya akar rumput ilalang
Bermain sabit di tengah padang
Sembari menikmati daging bakar belalang
Ataukah kau sudah lupa!
Bersama bahagia menangkap capung
Tertawa membawa rumput sekeranjang
Pergi ke surau di awal petang
Di pertengahan malam menangkap kunang- kunang
Kita berlomba memanjat pohon
Demi mencari sarang burung
Bergantian minum bergelas daun
Dahaga hilang hati pun riang
Biarpun kini aku sudah di kota
Dikau setia menabur benih di desa
Kenangan itu tak lapuk dimakan masa
Persahabatan kita kekal abadi selamanya
6. Bersama Hadir Seorang Kawan
Setiap jejalku ini tak perlu kudendang lagi
Tetapi langkah yang kita ayunkan selalu bersyair
Meski tak bersua ...
Karena genggamanmu sudah cukup
Mereka benar, tak usah lagi bersolek
Bahkan waktu telah sarat karenamu
Jadi kacaku adalah dirimu
Bila kita temukan retak, mungkin langkah takkan seria dulu
Tetapi jalin juga genggam ini ...
Tidak, genggam ini boleh saja mengendur
Tapi jalin, jangan biarkan memudar
Setiap jejalku ini tak perlu kudendang lagi
Tetapi langkah yang kita ayunkan selalu bersyair
Meski tak bersua ...
Karena genggamanmu sudah cukup Mereka benar, tak usah lagi bersolek
Bahkan waktu telah sarat karenamu
Jadi kacaku adalah dirimu
Bila kita temukan retak, mungkin langkah takkan seria dulu
Tetapi jalin juga genggam ini ...
Tetaplah bersamaku, meski habis sudah masaku
Siapa bilang kawan tak dibawa mati?
Malah rapat lisanmu mengatup
Kawanmulah datang bersaksi
7. Bulir Cerita
Sulit untuk mengungkapkannya, sebuah kabar di pagi buta
Datang secara tiba - tiba, melewati waktu yang terpana
Menyelinap di balik kaos kumal, sementara mulut menutup sebal
Kita lebih memilih bertatap muka, tanpa ada saling sapa
Yang tersebar dengan sendirinya, lewat angan - angan kecil
Kita telah dewasa, bukan berarti angkuh dengan sendirinya
Meniadakan masa lalu, menjadi sebuah angin lalu
Ini hanya sebuah goresan cerita
Yang terangkai lewat kata, seakan terhubung dengan sendirinya
Di dalam sebuah gumpalan awan cerita
Mungkin juga telah luruh bersama rahmat semesta
Memunculkan satu pertanyaan tersisa
Masihkah kita
8. Dengarkanlah Sahabatku
Tanpa bersua kita hampa
Bila mana tak ada air untuk diminum
Jadilah kita orang terdampar
Di pulau yang indah ini
Hanya ada duka yang menyayat hati
Lupakah dirimu saat kita sama-sama
Mendengarkan deruan ombak kehidupan
Mendengarkan kicauan burung
Menghirup udara segar…
Namun kini…
Kini semua hanya tinggal kenangan
Desa asri entah di mana…
Kedamaian itu kini telah sirna
9. Engkaulah Saudaraku
Ribuan detik kulewati tiada tanpa dirimu
Menempuh liku dan sandiwara pilu
Tempatku meraung dan mengadu
Membagi luka dan suka sendu empedu dunia
Oh kawanku, engkaulah saudaraku
Walau tak serahim, rasa lebih dari sekandung
Selalu mengisi ruang sepi di hati
Terhias indah melukis tawa di bibirku
Oh saudaraku
Bukan aku menyanjungmu
Engkaulah satu dalam seribu
Tiada rasa untuk merayu
Engkaulah bintang nan bersinar di hatiku
Hanya engkau satu penghibur lenaku
Sahabat sendu tawamu
Membingkai cerita hidupku lebih bermakna
Nan piawai mengundang rindu
Di kala sepi menghinggapiku
Sahabat bersamamu kuhabiskan waktu
Kutiti hidup lebih sempurna
Tak kuasa untuk menyudahinya
Terus bersama, walau sedih itu akan bertamu
Sahabat, takkan ada yang mampu mengganti
Dirimu selalu di hati
Terkarang laksana kisah nan sejati
10. Genggamlah Daku Sahabat
Tak peduli luka duka sengsara
Tetap temani daku yang tak sempurna
Tak mudah tapaki kenyataan
Berdiri tegap wujudkan harapan
Tak tenggelam dalam embun kepedihan
Kau slalu mendukungku
Walau tak tahu luasnya samudra
Besarnya ombak badai
Saat daku menangis tertawa
Genggamanmulah penguatku
Sembari semilir angin laut senja
Penenang jiwaku saat berteriak tak kuasa
Rasuki hatiku
Pemotivasi hidupku
Terima kasih sahabat idaman
Tak hanya sejarah yang terlupakan
Tapi kan kuukir selalu dalam kehidupan
11. Sahabat Nan Jauh
Karya: Saraswaty Sinun Dasy
Kita pernah bercerita hingga larut malam
Aku pernah menangis dan kau menghapus air mataku
Kau dan aku pernah tertawa bersama
Kisah kita menjadi pelengkap
Waktu itu
Tapi, kali ini telah berbeda
Kisah kita takkan lagi sama
Tuhan membuatnya berbeda
Kau pergi untuk selamanya
Saat ini ku berteman sepi
Hanya gambarmu
Hanya bekasan chattingan yang pernah kita lalui
Dan hanya pusaramu yang bisa aku kenang
Saat ini kau telah terhempas jauh bersama kenangan
Kita tak bisa bertatap, kita tak bisa bercanda
Aku rindu
Rindu suaramu, rindu gurauanmu
Semoga engkau bahagia di alam sana
12. Sahabatku
Bersama kita lalui hari
Berkumpul saling berbagi
Bercengkrama mengisi bekal
Tuk meraih cita-cita
Kadang hati berselimut duka
Tatkala masalah datang menjemput
Terima kasih sahabat
Karena kau, aku ada di sini
Karena kau, aku dapatkan semangat
Karena kau, aku berhasil
13. Dirimu.. Sahabatku
Aku berjalan
Di hamparan gurun
Berpasir… sendiri
Segala rasa sakit
Sudah kulalui
Segala pedih perih
Sudah kujalani
Dalam pencarian yang panjang
Telah terhenti
Kepahitan hidup
Membuatku bangkit berlari
Dalam rimba kehidupan fana
Jiwa yang gersang
Meranggas dalam kekeringan
Penuh nafsu kebencian
Aku terdampar
Hingga hadirmu datang
Memberiku kesejukan
Bagai oase yang dirindukan
Kini aku tak sendiri lagi
Aku ada teman berbagi
Dirimu.. sahabatku, yang selalu ada untukku
Sampai angin badai kan berlalu
14. Terima Kasih Sahabat
Kau hadir di kala dukaku lahir
Segala masalah tanpa pikir
Menjerat sampai akhir
Terima kasih sahabat
Dirimu memang hebat
Kehadiranmu bagai obat
Di tengah jiwa yang merana
Kau berikan daku cinta
Tiada lagi pedih dan lara
Hilang sudah segala pilu
Yang menghimpit dan membantu
Berganti rasa rindu
Tuk selalu bersamamu
15. Sahabat Sejatiku
Sahabat, betapa aku merindukanmu
Kau selalu ada untukku baik suka dan duka
Sehingga aku terasa nyaman kalau ada di dekatmu
Sahabat, betapa aku ingin memelukmu
Kau selalu membukakan jalan di saat aku gundah
Tanpa rasa memberatkan, kau begitu ringan membantuku
Sahabat betapa aku ingin selalu mengejarmu
Di mana pun kau berada karena ketulusanmu
Kau selalu ada di saat aku kesulitan, dengan mudahnya kau bantu
Sahabatku, aku ingin selalu mendengarmu
Begitu banyak masukan yang kau berikan kepadaku
Hingga hidupku terasa bersinar
Terima kasih sahabatku..
Semoga kita selalu dipersatukan
Walaupun jarak memisahkan kita
16. Syair untuk Persahabatan
Mereka adalah beberapa orang yang menerima keheningan atas percakapan
Hubungan seperti ini menyangkal janji dan bujukan konyol
Anda tidak merasa perlu menebak pikiran atau mengukur kata-kata
Cinta mereka datang secara utuh,
bukan separuh,
bukan sepertiga
Merekalah yang membimbingku saat takdir berputar.
Perkelahian, kecil dan besar, berakhir dengan pengampunan, tidak pernah membakar.
Aku lupa tentang kesan pertama dan perasaan yang mereka bawa.
Aku bersyukur untuk siapa mereka dan aku memaafkan mereka untuk apa yang bukan mereka
17. Senyuman
Jika kau merasa sedih
Ubahlah kerutan wajahmu
Letakkan senyum di wajahmu
Ambil dunia dalam pelukanmu
Mintalah sedikit bantuan dari-Nya
Dan ingatlah kau memiliki cinta sahabatmu
18. Sahabat Sejati
Sahabat terbaik tetap bersama sampai akhir
Mereka seperti garis lurus yang tidak akan bengkok
Mereka saling percaya selamanya,
Tidak peduli jika kau terpisah atau bersama
Mereka bisa menjadi pahlawan dan menyelamatkan harimu
Mereka tidak akan pernah meninggalkan sisimu
Mereka di sini untuk tinggal
Mereka membantumu berdiri ketika kamu jatuh
Teman sejati adalah yang terbaik dari semuanya
19. Sahabat Sesungguhnya
Sahabat itu seperti bintang yang berkelap-kelip dan bersinar
Atau mungkin seperti lautan yang mengalir dengan lembut
Seorang teman seperti emas yang harus kamu hargai
Dan jagalah selama-lamanya
Sahabat itu seperti bidadari yang ada untuk membimbingmu.
Seorang teman adalah seseorang yang dapat kau percayai dari beberapa orang
Seorang teman lebih dari satu dalam sejuta
Mereka adalah satu dari sejuta,
Dan kamu, temanku, sangat spesial
dan itu resmi
20. Perhatian dan Kebahagiaan
Kau datang sebagai seberkas cahaya,
Membuat hidupku ceria dan cerah,
Menghujani kasih sayangmu padaku
Sehingga wajahku penuh dengan kegembiraan
Menghilangkan kesepian totalku
Dan memberiku kembali semua kebahagiaan
Dengan sentuhan kasih sayangmu
Agar aku jauh dari keputusasaan
Aku tidak akan pernah meninggalkanmu di tengah jalan,
Dan kisah-kisah tentang ikatan kita akan dibicarakan orang
21. Oh, Temanku
Wahai temanku,
Kata yang pas apa yang bisa aku katakan?
Kamu, temanku,
Teman bicaraku yang tak terbatas,
Melalui siapa aku melihat diriku yang terbaik;
Kamu, cahaya negara barat ini
Kamu, kekayaan yang luar biasa
Sebuah kemuliaan,
Produk dan harta dari Negara-negara ini
22. Hadiah dari Tuhan
Aku berpikir bahwa Tuhan tidak akan pernah mengirim,
Hadiah yang sangat berharga sebagai teman,
Sahabat yang selalu mengerti
Dan memenuhi setiap kebutuhan sesuai tuntutannya,
Kesetiaan siapa yang akan bertahan dalam ujian,
Saat langit cerah atau mendung,
Siapa yang melihat kesalahan yang pantas disalahkan,
Tapi terus mencintai sama saja,
Untuk membuat kita baik, untuk membuat kita benar,
Hadiah bumi yang diberikan oleh kepuasan manis,
Tapi hanya Tuhan yang bisa memberi teman
23. Teman Seumur Hidup
Kita adalah teman
Aku mendukungmu,
Dan kamu memiliki aku
Aku akan membantumu
Kapan pun!
Melihatmu terluka,
Melihatmu menangis,
Membuatku menangis
Dan ingin mati
Jika kamu setuju
Untuk tidak pernah melawan,
Itu tidak masalah
Siapa yang salah atau benar
Jika patah hati
Perlu perbaikan,
Aku akan segera ke sana
Sampai akhir
Jika pipimu basah
Dari tetesan air mata,
Jangan khawatir,
Lepaskan ketakutanmu
Bergandengan tangan
Cinta dikirim
Kita akan menjadi teman
Sampai akhir!
24. Seorang Teman
Seseorang yang akan mendengarkan dan tidak mengutuk
Seseorang yang dapat kau andalkan
Mereka tidak akan melupakanmu ketika masa-masa sulit ada di sini
Sebaliknya mereka akan berada di sana untuk meminjamkan telinga
Mereka memiliki cara untuk berterima kasih
Jadi kamu bisa bahagia untuk sementara waktu
ketika saat-saat indah dan bahagia di sana setelahnya
Mereka akan ada disana untuk berbagi tawa
Jangan temanmu sama sekali
Karena mereka mengangkatmu saat kamu jatuh
Jangan berharap hanya mengambil dan menahan
Kembalikan persahabatan, itu adalah emas murni
25. Kau Ada di Sana
Saat air mata jatuh dari mataku
Kau berada di sana untuk menyingkirkan mereka
Saat aku tersesat dalam kebingungan,
Kau berada di sana untuk mengatakan bahwa semuanya akan baik-baik saja
Saat aku berdiri di depanmu berantakan,
Kau berada di sana untuk meminjamkan hatimu
Saat aku merasa tidak ada yang bisa mengerti,
Kau berada di sana untuk menggenggam tanganku
Ketika tidak ada orang lain yang tersisa untuk peduli,
Kau ada di sana.
26. To Me, Fair Friend, You Never Can Be Old (Sonnet 104)
Karya: William Shakespeare
To me, fair friend, you never can be old,
For as you were when first your eye I ey’d,
Such seems your beauty still. Three winters cold,
Have from the forests shook three summers’ pride,
Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turn’d,
In process of the seasons have I seen,
Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burn’d,
Since first I saw you fresh, which yet are green.
Ah! yet doth beauty like a dial-hand,
Steal from his figure, and no pace perceiv’d;
So your sweet hue, which methinks still doth stand,
Hath motion, and mine eye may be deceiv’d:
For fear of which, hear this thou age unbred:
Ere you were born was beauty’s summer dead.
27. Will You Ever?
I don’t think you will
Ever fully understand
How you’ve touched my life
And made me who I am.
I don’t think you could ever know
Just how truly special you are,
That even on the darkest nights
You are my brightest star.
You’ve allowed me to experience
Something very hard to find,
Unconditional love that exists
In my body, soul, and mind.
I don’t think you could ever feel
All the love I have to give,
And I’m sure you’ll never realize
You’ve been my will to live.
You are an amazing person,
And without you I don’t know where I’d be.
Having you in my life
Completes and fulfills
28. A Time to Talk
When a friend calls to me from the road
And slows his horse to a meaning walk,
I don’t stand still and look around
On all the hills I haven’t hoed,
And shout from where I am, What is it?
No, not as there is a time to talk.
I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground,
Blade-end up and five feet tall,
And plod: I go up to the stone wall
For a friendly visit.
29. Best Friend
You are my best friend; you belong in my heart.
We go through ups and downs, but still nothing can tear us apart.
I know you as a sister, and I will always care.
Love, respect, and trust are the things we share.
I know you as a person; I especially know you as a friend.
Our friendship is something that will never end.
Right now, this second, this minute, this day,
Our sisterhood is here, is here to stay.
My friendship with you is special and true.
When we are together, we stick like glue.
When I’m in the darkness that needs some light,
When you’re by my side, I know things are all right.
Our friendship is so strong; it breaks down bars.
Our friendship is also bright, like the sun and the stars.
If we were in a competition for friendships, we would get a gold,
Because responsibility and cleverness are the keys we hold.
I met you as a stranger, took you as a friend.
I hope our long friendship will never end.
Our friendship is like a magnet; it pulls us together,
Because no matter where we are, our friendship will last forever!
30. Summer Friends
The Swallow is a summer bird;
He in our chimneys, when the weather
Is fine and warm, may then be heard
Chirping his notes for weeks together.
Come there but one cold wintry day,
Away will fly our guest the Swallow:
And much like him we find the way
Which many a gay young friend will follow.
In dreary days of snow and frost
Closer to Man will cling the Sparrow:
Old friends, although in life we’re crost,
Their hearts to us will never narrow.
Give me the bird–‘give me the friend–
Will sing in frost–will love in sorrow–
Whate’er mischance to-day may send,
Will greet me with his sight to-morrow
31. Friendship After Love
After the fierce midsummer all ablaze
Has burned itself to ashes, and expires
In the intensity of its own fires,
There come the mellow, mild, St. Martin days
Crowned with the calm of peace, but sad with haze.
So after Love has led us, till he tires
Of his own throes, and torments, and desires,
Comes large-eyed Friendship: with a restful gaze.
He beckons us to follow, and across
Cool verdant vales we wander free from care.
Is it a touch of frost lies in the air?
Why are we haunted with a sense of loss?
We do not wish the pain back, or the heat;
And yet, and yet, these days are incomplete.
32. Bonds of Friendship
From the day that I first knew you,
Your heart was pure and kind;
Your smile was sweet and innocent,
Your wit was well refined.
The sparkle in your eyes was keen,
Your friendship fast and real;
Soft words were your virtue,
And humor your appeal.
We grew as friends together,
We laughed and shared our dreams;
Along the way crush or two,
Went unrevealed, it seems.
As years rolled on, our paths were split,
Our roads went separate ways;
We each pursued our interests,
That occupied our days.
We soon forgot our youthful bliss,
Of tender carefree years;
We didn’t talk or keep in touch,
Throughout life’s pain and tears.
Then my darkest hour came,
And tried me to my core;
To save my heart from ruin,
I closed and locked the door.
Then out of every nowhere,
With precise directed cue;
An old familiar smile,
Came slowly into view.
Although much time was gone,
And the die of fate long cast;
It was as if we hadn’t missed,
A second of the past.
You listened with attentive care,
And reassured my mind;
That loving hearts are still alive,
With purpose and design.
Deep inside I’ve locked way,
Emotions yet untold;
As time goes on, and bonds grow strong,
They will all unfold.
So thank you, friend, for taking time,
To demonstrate your love;
It’s yet another blessing that,
I’m undeserving of.
33. What Friendship Means
Friendship means being there just to be there.
Friendship means listening and not asking questions.
Friendship means lending your shoulder for someone to cry on.
Friendship means being comfortable around each other in silence.
Friendship means being able to tell each other anything and understanding without questions.
Friendship means being honest with each other no matter what the cost.
Friendship means staying up all night and talking about nothing.
Friendship means being able to say I love you!
Friendship means forgiving each other no matter what you have done.
Friendship means learning from each other’s mistakes.
Friendship means me and you.
This is the way I look at you, my friend, and I love you!
33. Through Thick and Thin
See the source image
I could skip a heartbeat, and I would survive.
I could be in a car crash and still be alive.
The clouds could fall out of the sky.
The oceans could disappear and all turn dry.
These things in life are all bad, I know,
but there’s far worse things, just thought you should know.
Life would not be the same without someone like you.
You’re there when I need you to help me through.
Through the good times and through the bad,
Be them happy or be them sad.
I don’t have to be with you to know you’re there.
We don’t have to see each other to know that we care.
We could be apart for years upon end
and still remain the best of friends.
Life goes on, and people change,
And through it all, our friendship shall remain the same.
That’s such as life and how things come to be.
Just thought you should know how much you mean to me!
34. Forever Friends
The friendship we have is so rare to find.
We hate to see each other in a bind.
We have made each other laugh so hard we’ve cried.
We feel each other’s pain if we are hurt inside.
We always can find the right words to say
To help us get through any dreadful day.
We have told our darkest secrets with feeling no shame,
We will tell each other the truth, even if we are to blame.
Thinking of you not being here makes me feel so sad.
We will have to look back on our crazy memories to make us glad.
The miles between us can’t keep us apart,
Because we will keep each other close at heart.
35. A Smile
When someone’s having a bad day,
A smile could go a long way,
So make sure to put one on
And keep it until the day is gone.
You don’t know what this deed
Could do for a friend in need.
It might save them from the pain
Of a sadness they cannot contain.
Don’t ask what a smile can do
Because I’m sure it once helped you.
36. You
I still remember the first day we met.
We were too shy to say much at all.
It’s funny to think back to that time,
Because now we’re having a ball!
They say that true friendship is rare,
An adage that I believe to be true.
Genuine friendship is something that I cherish.
I am so lucky to have met you.
Our bond is extremely special.
It is unique in its own way.
We have something irreplaceable.
I love you more and more each day.
We’ve been through so much together.
In so little time we’ve shared ,
I will never forget all the moments
That you’ve shown me how much you cared.
Friends are forever,
Especially the bond that you and I possess.
I love your fun-filled personality.
Somehow you never fail to impress.
The world could use more people like you.
It would certainly be a better place.
I love everything about you.
You are someone I could never replace.
You are always there for me
When my spirits need a little lift.
I cannot thank you enough for that.
You are truly an extraordinary gift.
You are everything to me and more.
I could never express that enough.
Life is such a treacherous journey, and
Without you it would be even more tough.
Our story will continue to grow
With each passing day,
Because I trust that with you by my side,
Everything will always be okay.
You are so dear to me.
You know I will love you until the end.
I will always be there for you, and
You will always (and forever) be my best friend.
37. Tug o’ War
“I will not play at tug o’ war.
I’d rather play at hug o’ war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins”
38. Till I Breathe My Last
When you love and hold me without any fear
Happiness spreads throughout the atmosphere.
You look to me with grace and confidence,
And we talk about all positive things without any rants.
In your company, the good times move very fast.
I promise I’ll look after you till I breathe my last.
39. Us Two
Wherever I am, there’s always Pooh,
There’s always Pooh and Me.
Whatever I do, he wants to do,
“Where are you going today?” says Pooh:
“Well, that’s very odd ‘cos I was too.
Let’s go together,” says Pooh, says he.
“Let’s go together,” says Pooh.
“What’s twice eleven?” I said to Pooh.
(“Twice what?” said Pooh to Me.)
“I think it ought to be twenty-two.”
“Just what I think myself,” said Pooh.
“It wasn’t an easy sum to do,
But that’s what it is,” said Pooh, said he.
“That’s what it is,” said Pooh.
“Let’s look for dragons,” I said to Pooh.
“Yes, let’s,” said Pooh to Me.
We crossed the river and found a few-
“Yes, those are dragons all right,” said Pooh.
“As soon as I saw their beaks I knew.
That’s what they are,” said Pooh, said he.
“That’s what they are,” said Pooh.
“Let’s frighten the dragons,” I said to Pooh.
“That’s right,” said Pooh to Me.
“I’m not afraid,” I said to Pooh,
And I held his paw and I shouted “Shoo!
Silly old dragons!”- and off they flew.
“I wasn’t afraid,” said Pooh, said he,
“I’m never afraid with you.”
So wherever I am, there’s always Pooh,
There’s always Pooh and Me.
“What would I do?” I said to Pooh,
“If it wasn’t for you,” and Pooh said: “True,
It isn’t much fun for One, but Two,
Can stick together, says Pooh, says he. “That’s how it is,” says Pooh.
40. Silhouette
“more and more of my friends
are becoming parents or partners
to plants
I have lived long and short enough
to remember the homegirls who
danced non-stop until three a.m.
the moon a parabola to our party
I’ve grown up enough
to see them sing their favorite slow songs
to herbs and succulents on their windowsills
in homes they sowed from dreams”
41. A Song for New Years’ Eve
See the source image
Stay yet, my friends, a moment stay—
Stay till the good old year,
So long companion of our way,
Shakes hands, and leaves us here.
Oh stay, oh stay,
One little hour, and then away.
The year, whose hopes were high and strong,
Has now no hopes to wake;
Yet one hour more of jest and song
For his familiar sake.
Oh stay, oh stay,
One mirthful hour, and then away.
The kindly year, his liberal hands
Have lavished all his store.
And shall we turn from where he stands,
Because he gives no more?
Oh stay, oh stay,
One grateful hour, and then away.
Days brightly came and calmly went,
While yet he was our guest;
How cheerfully the week was spent!
How sweet the seventh day’s rest!
Oh stay, oh stay,
One golden hour, and then away.
Dear friends were with us, some who sleep
Beneath the coffin-lid:
What pleasant memories we keep
Of all they said and did!
Oh stay, oh stay,
One tender hour, and then away.
Even while we sing, he smiles his last,
And leaves our sphere behind.
The good old year is with the past;
Oh be the new as kind!
Oh stay, oh stay,
One parting strain, and then away.
42. In Memory of Major Robert Gregory
Now that we’re almost settled in our house
I’ll name the friends that cannot sup with us
Beside a fire of turf in the ancient tower,
And having talked to some late hour
Climb up the narrow winding stair to bed:
Discoverers of forgotten truth
Or mere companions of my youth,
All, all are in my thoughts to-night, being dead.
Always we’d have the new friend meet the old,
And we are hurt if either friend seem cold,
And there is salt to lengthen out the smart
In the affections of our heart,
And quarrels are blown up upon that head;
But not a friend that I would bring
This night can set us quarrelling,
For all that come into my mind are dead.
Lionel Johnson comes the first to mind,
That loved his learning better than mankind,
Though courteous to the worst; much falling he
Brooded upon sanctity
Till all his Greek and Latin learning seemed
A long blast upon the horn that brought
A little nearer to his thought
A measureless consummation that he dreamed.
And that enquiring man John Synge comes next,
That dying chose the living world for text
And never could have rested in the tomb
But that, long travelling, he had come
Towards nightfall upon certain set apart
In a most desolate stony place,
Towards nightfall upon a race
Passionate and simple like his heart.
And then I think of old George Pollexfen,
In muscular youth well known to Mayo men
For horsemanship at meets or at racecourses,
That could have shown how purebred horses
And solid men, for all their passion, live
But as the outrageous stars incline
By opposition, square and trine;
Having grown sluggish and contemplative.
They were my close companions many a year,
A portion of my mind and life, as it were,
And now their breathless faces seem to look
Out of some old picture-book;
I am accustomed to their lack of breath,
But not that my dear friend’s dear son,
Our Sidney and our perfect man,
Could share in that discourtesy of death.
For all things the delighted eye now sees
Were loved by him; the old storm-broken trees
That cast their shadows upon road and bridge;
The tower set on the stream’s edge;
The ford where drinking cattle make a stir
Nightly, and startled by that sound
The water-hen must change her ground;
He might have been your heartiest welcomer.
When with the Galway foxhounds he would ride
From Castle Taylor to the Roxborough side
Or Esserkelly plain, few kept his pace;
At Mooneen he had leaped a place
So perilous that half the astonished meet
Had shut their eyes, and where was it
He rode a race without a bit?
And yet his mind outran the horses’ feet.
We dreamed that a great painter had been born
To cold Clare rock and Galway rock and thorn,
To that stern colour and that delicate line
That are our secret discipline
Wherein the gazing heart doubles her might.
Soldier, scholar, horseman, he,
And yet he had the intensity
To have published all to be a world’s delight.
What other could so well have counselled us
In all lovely intricacies of a house
As he that practised or that understood
All work in metal or in wood,
In moulded plaster or in carven stone?
Soldier, scholar, horseman, he,
And all he did done perfectly
As though he had but that one trade alone.
Some burn damp fagots, others may consume
The entire combustible world in one small room
As though dried straw, and if we turn about
The bare chimney is gone black out
Because the work had finished in that flare.
Soldier, scholar, horseman, he,
As ’twere all life’s epitome.
What made us dream that he could comb grey hair?
I had thought, seeing how bitter is that wind
That shakes the shutter, to have brought to mind
All those that manhood tried, or childhood loved,
Or boyish intellect approved,
With some appropriate commentary on each;
Until imagination brought
A fitter welcome; but a thought
Of that late death took all my heart for speech.