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Kumpulan Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP beserta Jawabannya

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23 Januari 2023 16:53 WIB
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Ilustrasi contoh soal bahasa Inggris SMP. Foto: Pexels
Ilustrasi contoh soal bahasa Inggris SMP. Foto: Pexels
Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa universal yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung masyarakat di berbagai belahan dunia. Karena memiliki peran yang sangat penting, bahasa Inggris menjadi mata pelajaran wajib di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP).
Dirangkum dari buku Kuasai Materi Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII, VIII, IX (Seri Indonesia) karangan Tim Grasindo, bentuk materi bahasa Inggris untuk SMP secara garis besar terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu expression, grammar, dan reading.
Dalam expression, materi yang dibahas adalah bentuk-bentuk ungkapan seperti permintaan maaf, selamat, salam, penyesalan, dan sebagainya. Sementara untuk grammar, para siswa harus menguasai sendiri pembentuk tatanan kalimat, terutama dari segi amount (jumlah) dan time (waktu).
Untuk reading, siswa tidak perlu banyak menghafal. Materi semacam ini hanya perlu dibaca dengan saksama, dipahami maksudnya, serta diperhatikan detail-detail pentingnya.
Ketiga bentuk materi di atas selalu akan muncul saat ujian untuk mengukur kemampuan bahasa Inggris seseorang. Untuk memahami lebih dalam, simak kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris untuk tingkat SMP/sederajat dalam ulasan berikut ini.

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP/Sederajat

Ilustrasi contoh soal bahasa Inggris SMP/Sederajat. Foto: Pexels
Dihimpun dari buku Siap UN Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs karya Atiko dan Ahmad Taupik, berikut adalah kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris untuk tingkat SMP/sederajat.

1. Announcement Text

The Washington Park Zoo Monkey Island is closed indefinitely due to deterioritation of exhibition. After 80 years of operation, the exhibition is considered no longer safe to exhibit monkeys or to be serviced by zoo employees.
Monkey Island will be closed until further notice and will eventually be restored after major renovation take place. The zoo has plans to design a new modern monkey island exhibit and will unveil those once they have been set.
Monkey Island Manager
The announcement tells us about…
a. The exhibition of the monkey
b. The renovation of Monkey Island
c. The new modern design of the zoo
d. The closure of monkey island
Jawaban: D

2. Greeting Card

Dear Andy,
When your name is called as the best student please step forward for high five! You are the best. Congratulations!
Uncle John
From the text we know that Andy ….
a. Get a medal for the best student
b. Is the best student at school
c. Graduates from high school
d. Got five for hist test
Jawaban: B

3. Short Message

To read the following text to answer 1-2
To: Mr. Winfield
From: Andrew
Phone Number: +6242897640
The monthly meeting is postponed due to the technical reason. Further information will be conveyed soon. Call him, when you are back.
Who delivered the message to Mr. Winfiled?
a. Andrew
b. Mr. Wienfiled
c. Andrew’s secretary
d. The secretary of Mr. Winfiled
Jawaban: D

4. Short Message

From the text we know that Mr. Winfield will call Andrew back to ...... of the meeting.
a. Ask the place
b. Fix the date
c. Ask information about
d. Clarify the postponent
Jawaban: D

5. Descriptive Text

Questions 5-6 based on the text below.
(1) Lemon basil is a hybrid between basil (Ocimum basilicum) and American basil (Ocimum americanum). The herb is grown primarily in northeastern Africa and southern Asiaand is used in cooking. It is popular in Arabic, Indonesia, Philippines, Lao, Malay, Persian, and Thai cuisine.
(5) Lemon basil stems can grow to 20–40 cm (8–20 in) tall. It has white flowers in late summer to early fall. The leaves are similar to basil leaves, but tend to be narrower ... slightly serrated edges. Seeds form on the plant after flowering and dry on the plant. It has fragrant lemon scent.
What is the appropriate title for the text?
a. Lemon Basil
b. Hybrid of Basils
c. Herb of Asian Cuisine
d. Scent of Lemon Basil
Jawaban: A

6. Descriptive Text

“The leaves are similar to basil leaves, but tend to be narrower ... slightly serrated edges.”
What is the correct word to fill the blank?
a. With
b. To
c. By
d. Of
Jawaban: A

7. Sentence Order

1. Its story is about a prison break and revenge.
2. I want to borrow it soon after Charlie finish reading it.
3. Charlie got a new book.
4. He wants Charlie to read more and play less.
5. It is called The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.
6. His father bought it in XYZ bookstore.
Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences above?
a. 3-5-1-6-4-2
b. 3-5-2-6-4-1
c. 3-6-2-4-1-3
d. 3-6-5-1-4-2
Jawaban : A

8. Expression

Geraldine: What do you think if we invite Eva?
Rose: I couldn't agree with you more, because She is our best friend.
The underlined sentence expresses ...
a. Disagreement
b. Agreement
c. Certainty
d. Ability
Jawaban: C

9. Sentence Order

Arrange these words to make a good sentence.
Actor (1) – to act (2) – knows (3) – good (4) – how (5) – well (6) – a (7)
a. 7 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 6
b. 5 – 2 – 6 – 3 – 7 – 4 – 1
c. 7 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 6
d. 5 – 6 – 2 – 3 – 7 – 4 – 1
Jawaban: A

10. Grammar

Van : Excuse me, can you tell me … is the nearest post office?
Jessica : Yes, you go straight for about 200 m and you will find it.
Van : Thank you
a. Which
b. Where
c. When
d. Who
Jawaban: B