10 Ramadhan 1446 HSenin, 10 Maret 2025
Konten dari Pengguna

4 Lagu Natal Terbaru dan Liriknya untuk Dinyanyikan Bersama-sama

Berita Terkini
Penulis kumparan
14 Desember 2021 6:13 WIB
waktu baca 5 menit
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Lagu Natal Terbaru dan Liriknya, freepik via
Lagu Natal Terbaru dan Liriknya, freepik via
Sebelas hari lagi Hari Natal 2021 akan segera tiba. Dari tahun ke tahun selalu ada lagu Natal terbaru yang tercipta dan mengisi playlist akhir tahun kita.
Mengutip buku 58 Kreasi Acara Natal Yang Kreatif, Paulus Lie, & Tim Efata, (2021:34), salah satu cara merayakan natal adalah dengan menyanyikan lagu natal bersama orang-orang tersayang, mulai dari keluarga, teman-teman, sampai kekasih tercinta.

4 Lagu Natal Terbaru

Lagu Natal Terbaru dan Liriknya, Foto: pikisuperstar via
Nah, ini dia 4 lagu Natal paling baru yang bisa kamu nyanyikan bersama orang-orang tersayang:
Dengar lonceng gereja berbunyi
Teringat masa-masa bersamamu
Kenangan waktu itu
Saat Natal bersamamu
Hati rindu ingin bertemu
Seharusnya engkau ada di sini
Di malam Natal yang bahagia ini
Nyala lilin ini tanda engkau di sini
Malam ini terasa sunyi
Air mata pun tak bisa bercerita
Tentang rasa rindu di malam yang bahagia
Walau tangan tak sampai
Bibirku mengucapkan selamat Natal untukmu, Mama
Build the fire and gather 'round the tree
Fill the glass and maybe come and sing with me
So kiss me under the mistletoe
Pour out the wine, let's toast and pray for December snow
I know there's been pain this year, but it's time to let it go
Next year, you never know
But for now, Merry Christmas, we'll
Dance in the kitchen while embers glow
We've both known love, but this love we got is the bеst of all
I wish you could see you through my eyes, then you would know
My God, you look bеautiful
Right now, Merry Christmas
The fire is raging on
And we'll all sing along to the song
Just having so much fun
While we're here, can we all spare a thought
For the ones who have gone?
Merry Christmas, everyone
So just keep kissin' me under the mistletoe
Pour out the wine, let's toast and pray for December snow
I know there's been pain this year, but it's time to let it go
Next year, you never know
But for now, Merry Christmas, we'll
Dance in the kitchen while embers glow
We've both known love, but this love we got is the best of all
I wish you could see you through my eyes, then you would know
My God, you look beautiful
Right now, Merry Christmas
I feel it when it comes
Every year helpin' us carry on
Filled up with so much love
All our family and friends are together
Where we all belong
Merry Christmas, everyone
It's Christmas time for you and I
We'll have a good night and a Merry Christmas
It's Christmas time for you and I
We'll have a good night and a Merry Christmas
It's Christmas time for you and I
We'll have a good night and a Merry Christmas
It's Christmas time for you and I
We'll have a good night and a Merry Christmas time
Over the river and through the woods
To grandmother's house we go
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh
Through white and drifted snow
Over the river and through the woods
Oh, how the wind does blow
It sting the toes and bites the nose
As over the ground we go
Tara, tara-rara
Tara-rara, tara-rara
Tara-rara, tara-rara
Tara-ra, ah
Over the river and through the woods
Trot fast my dapple gray
Spring over the ground like hunting hounds
Upon this Christmas day
Over the river and through the woods
And straight through the barn yard gate
It seem to go extremely slow
It's just so hard to wait
Over the river and through the woods
Over the river and through the woods
The river, river
Over the river and through the woods
The river, ooh
Ta, ta, ta-ta, ta-ta, ta-ta, ta
Frosty the Snowman
Was a jolly, happy soul
With a corn cob pipe and a button nose
And two eyes made out of coal
Oh, Frosty the Snowman
Is a fairytale they say (they say)
He was made of snow, but the children know
How he came to life one day
There must have been some magic in
That old silk hat they found
For when they placed it on his head
He began to dance around
Oh, Frosty the Snowman
Was alive as he could be
And the children say he can laugh and play
Just the same as you and me
Ta, ta, ta-ta, ta-ta, ta-ta, ta
Frosty the Snowman
Knew the sun was hot that day
So he said, "Let's run and we'll have some fun
Now before I melt away"
Down to the village
With a broom stick in his hand
Runnin' here and there around the square
Sayin', "Catch me if you can"
He led them down the streets of town
Right to the traffic cop
He only paused a moment when
He heard him holler, "Stop"
Oh, Frosty the snowman had to hurry on his way
But he waved goodbye sayin', "Don't you cry
I'll be back again some day"
Mm, I'll be, I'll be
Back again someday
Dari keempat lagu Natal terbaru di atas, manakah yang akan kamu nyanyikan bersama orang-orang tersayang?(BRP)