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6 Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 beserta Jawabannya
19 Agustus 2024 17:00 WIB
waktu baca 3 menitTulisan dari Berita Terkini tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Umumnya, latihan soal tersebut akan dikerjakan oleh para siswa sebagai langkah persiapan ujian. Baru setelahnya mereka akan mencocokkan hasilnya dengan kunci jawaban yang tersedia.
Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 beserta Jawabannya
Mengutip dari buku Metode dan Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, Ni Made Ratminingsih (2021:1), bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing telah masuk dalam kurikulum pendidikan di Indonesia sejak Indonesia mencapai kemerdekaan.
Meski kurikulum pendidikan sudah berganti, tetapi bahasa Inggris masih menjadi salah satu mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah. Bagi siswa yang sedang mencari kumpulan latihan soal bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 beserta jawabannya, berikut beberapa di antaranya.
It’s announced to all students of SMP Taman Hidayah Cilacap that on Friday we are going to have our school yard cleaning. For that need, don’t forget to bring sickle.
The Head Master of
SMP Taman Hidayah Cilacap
1. From that announcement above we know that …
a. All students are not allowed to bring sickle.
b. All students are required to bring sickle.
c. The students forget to bring sickle.
d. Only boy students are required to bring sickle
Jawaban: B
2. Announcement is written for …
a. explaining how to do something.
b. convoying the message to the reader.
c. getting the reader do something.
d. entertaining the reader.
Jawaban: B
Text no 3 - 5
Newspaper is one of the mass media needed very much by many people. They read it every day and every time. Some of the people have it delivered to their home.Some buy it at newsstand and others just borrow it from their friends or neighbors.
The front page has the most important news, international, national as well as local ones. The title of the news is known as the headline, which is usually printed in large letter. If the story of the news is very important, the headline may go across two or more columns.
The main function of the newspaper is to offer the news and it’s comment on current events to the readers as soon as possible. People often get newspaper the day before the date written on them or one day before theysupposed to appear.
3. The first paragraph is the … of the text
a. Description
b. Resolution
c. General statement.
d. The orientation
Jawaban: C
4. The description of the parts is shown in paragraph …
a. 2 and 3
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1
Jawaban: A
5. The synonym of the word “news” in the text above is …
a. Broadcast
b. Issues
c. Report
d. Page
Jawaban: C
6. Mrs. Carlina … an information to people in the television
a. Bring
b. Brings
c. Give
d. Gives
Jawaban: D
Demikian latihan soal bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 beserta jawabannya yang bisa siswa pelajari. (Anne)
Live Update
Gedung Glodok Plaza yang terletak di Jalan Mangga Besar II Glodok Plaza, Kecamatan Tamansari, Jakarta Barat, terbakar, pada Rabu (15/1) malam. Kebakaran dilaporkan terjadi pada pukul 21.30 WIB. Api diduga bersumber dari lantai 7.
Updated 16 Januari 2025, 0:59 WIB
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