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8 Contoh Soal Tes TOEFL Writing dan Kunci Jawaban

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12 Januari 2024 17:30 WIB
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Ilustrasi Contoh Soal Tes Toefl Writing Sumber Unsplash/Kelly Sikkema
Ilustrasi Contoh Soal Tes Toefl Writing Sumber Unsplash/Kelly Sikkema
Tes TOEFL akan menguji kompetensi di bidang Listening, Reading, dan Writing. Contoh soal tes TOEFL Writing digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan dalam penulisan bahasa Inggris.
Tes TOEFL Writing juga dikenal dengan Test of Written English (TWE). Tujuan TWE, yaitu menilai kemampuan dalam mengungkapkan ide secara tertulis.

8 Contoh Soal Tes Toefl Writing dan Jawabannya yang Benar

Ilustrasi Contoh Soal Tes Toefl Writing Sumber Unsplash/Ben Mullins
Structure and Written Expression menguji kemampuan dalam memahami tata bahasa Inggris tertulis formal. Dikutip dari buku Top Modul: TOEFL Test, Tim Smart Genesis (2017:10), berikut 8 contoh soal tes TOEFL Writing dan kunci jawaban.
1. A camel ... 30 gallons of water in ten minutes.
A. can drink
B. it can drink
C. a large drink of
D. with a drink of
Kunci Jawaban: A
2. The North Platte River ... from Wyoming into Nebraska.
A. it flowed
B. flows
C. flowing
D. with flowing water
Kunci Jawaban: B
3. Still a novelty in the late nineteenth century, ... limited to the rich.
A. was
B. was photography
C. it was photography
D. photography was
Kunci Jawaban: D
4. Presidential ... are held every four years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November
A. electing
B. elections
C. is elected
D. elected and
Kunci Jawaban: B
5. When reading a book, you must keep your point of view separate from the point of view in ... you are studying.
A. that
B. the material and
C. the materials that
D. the materials that are
Kunci Jawaban: C
6. Engineers ... for work on the new space program.
A. necessary
B. are needed
C. hopefully
D next month
Kunci Jawaban: B
7. With his friend ... found the movie theater.
A. has
B. he
C. later
D. when
Kunci Jawaban: B
8. ... show the relations among neurons, they do not preclude the possibility that other aspects are important.
A. Neural theories
B. A neural theory
C. Although neural theories
D. However neural theories
Kunci Jawaban: C
Demikian 8 contoh soal tes TOEFL Writing untuk persiapan peserta. Tip dalam mengerjakannya adalah kenali, dan pahamilah perintah soal. (DK)