Pengertian Narrative Text beserta Struktur, Unsur, dan Contohnya

Berita Terkini
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Konten dari Pengguna
17 Maret 2021 13:59 WIB
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Pengertian Narrative Text dan Contohnya, Foto:
Pengertian Narrative Text dan Contohnya, Foto:
Kamu sering membaca cerita-cerita dengan pesan moral yang menarik? Cerita-cerita itu disusun menggunakan format dari narrative text. Dilansir dari buku "TOP ONE Ulangan Harian SMA/MA IPA Kelas X: Pilihan Cerdas Menjadi Bintang Kelas", Tim Super Tentor (2018:153), pengertian narrative text sendiri adalah teks cerita imajinatif dengan penjabaran dari rangkaian ceritanya dari waktu ke waktu, yaitu: awal, tengah, sampai akhir. Sesuai pengertian narrative text, cerita yang disusun harus kronologis, tidak boleh melompat ke sana-sini.

Struktur Narrative Text

1. Orientation: perkenalan para tokoh dan latar waktu serta tempat
2. Complication: terjadinya suatu konflik
3. Resolution: penyelesaian masalah itu
4. Re-orientation (opsional): pesan moral dari cerita itu

Unsur Narrative Text

After waiting 30 minutes for his father in front of the school, Brian finally walked home by himself.
When he reached home, he knocked on the door as he did not bring the keys however, no one answered the door. Brian knocked again, but still, no one answered the door. Just as he was about to go to the nearby coffee shop where his father worked to get the keys, he heard the friendly voice of his neighbor, John.
Brian told him that no one was home and John's father suggested that Brian stayed in their house till his father came back. Brian and John played happily till evening when Brian's father came back. Brian thanked John and his family before he went back into his house. Brian's father explained to Brian that he had a backache and had to see a doctor.
From this experience, Brian learned an important lesson, "Neighbours are people who help each other."
Demikianlah pengertian narrative text beserta struktur, unsur, dan contohnya. (BR)