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PPI Dunia and Mockingbird Consultant Offer Free Advice on LPDP Scholarships
16 Januari 2024 16:29 WIB
waktu baca 3 menitTulisan dari PPI Dunia tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan

JAKARTA, - From January 13 to January 21, Mockingbird Consultant and the Association of Indonesian Students Worldwide (PPI Dunia) collaborated to host a series of webinars offering free advice for the LPDP scholarship 2024 through Zoom meetings. The topic of the second day's workshop was "Developing a competitive CV, demonstrating leadership (CV, LOA, IELTS RELATES)."
The keynote speaker at the event was Hamzah A. Lubis, coordinator of PPI Dunia, who gave a motivational speech. Throughout his speech, Hamzah stressed the value of directly gaining knowledge from the experiences of accomplished LPDP scholarship recipients and urged attendees to take away insightful nuggets from their collective wisdom.
He said, "I think our perspective will be shaped when we directly absorb lessons from the experiences of those who have been awarded the LPDP scholarship. Rather than attempting to apply for LPDP without consulting or advice from the webinar's previous scholarship recipients." As the head of the BPMI PPI Dunia Editorial Unit and co-founder of Mockingbird Consultan, Ria Maha Putri also gave the next speech. "Scholarships are a golden bridge for the dream of educational attainment," the speaker stated in his speech.
"Mr Hamzah often says that we have a mission as the front guard to help make Indonesia golden through scholarships," he stated.
"There are many dreams that we have to make come true with our hopes and contributions to become real, not just dreams but, dream, believe and make it happen, so it's time for you to act," he said.
This program stresses the value of group learning and empowering Indonesian youth as they get ready for their academic and professional goals, in addition to offering crucial advice to prospective LPDP scholarship applicants. Through its partnership with PPI Dunia, Mockingbird Consultant exhibits its unwavering dedication to fostering and assisting the subsequent cohort of Indonesian luminaries by furnishing indispensable resources and opportunities for mentorship.
The collaboration between educational institutions Mockingbird Consultant and student organizations PPI Dunia can generate opportunities for both professional and personal development, as demonstrated by the partnership between Mockingbird Consultant and PPI Dunia. These kinds of initiatives are essential in preparing Indonesian students and young professionals to compete on a global level by providing them with the resources and direction they need to be successful in their academic and professional life.
In conclusion, the joint effort between Mockingbird Consultant and PPI Dunia to offer free LPDP scholarship guidance reflects a pivotal step towards collectively empowering and preparing Indonesian youths for their future ambitions. This partnership serves as a lighthouse of guidance and support for those who aspire to become leaders and pursue higher education.