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Travel Tips : Bring Your Own Tumbler
20 September 2018 12:09 WIB
Diperbarui 14 Maret 2019 21:06 WIB
Tulisan dari Fahmi Adimara tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan

Adventure on the mountain or in the waterfall is one of the most enjoyable tourist destinations. In order for your adventure to be more meaningful, there are several photo tips while on the mountain or in the waterfall so that the results can be maximized and you share on social media. Photos on the mountain or in the waterfall are very interesting. But there are some things you need to pay attention to, one of which is light, because when you are on a mountain or in a waterfall, the light can damage the image that you are aiming for because the light is too bright.
1. Use the right shirt color
OOTD has an important role when you want to get good results when photographed on a mountain or in a waterfall. That is why you cannot arbitrarily choose the color of your clothes or choose your clothes incorrectly. Because the mountain has a color that is dominated by blue and turquoise and waterfalls and wilderness dominated by white and green, you should avoid bright colors such as white and gray that will look like the background. One of the colors that you can use for example is yellow, or other colors that are more contrast compared to the blue of the sea. In order to have a lot of choices, there is nothing wrong to bring a few pieces of clothes to be an experiment where the colors that are most suitable for you while on the mountain or in the waterfall.
2. Make sure to arrive at the right time
Light on a mountain or in a waterfall sometimes does not support shooting. One of the times you have to avoid is to take photos during the day. The best time is of course in the morning and before the afternoon. That is why the scenery you should not miss is while waiting for the moment of the sun to appear.
3. Low Season Is A Must!
Almost everyone likes mountains or waterfalls. No wonder the beach is one of the most popular tourist spots among Millenials and adults. That is the importance of finding the right time. Never come to the mountain or at a waterfall on a weekend or on a school holiday. Come on during work days or outside school holidays. Don't expect to get "clean" photos from tourists during the Eid holiday.
Well, that's a little photo tip when on the mountain or in the waterfall so that the results are maximal especially if you want to be shared through social media. Also, make sure to bring the right camera.
This post was uploaded for Google Local Guides : https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/General-Discussion/Fahmi-Adimara-Photo-Tips-2-Create-Photos-More-Interesting/m-p/1055875#M180135
More Fahmi Adimara Photos : https://www.instagram.com/fahmiadimara/