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The Application of Therapeutic Communication in Dental Health Services
9 Desember 2024 12:26 WIB
waktu baca 3 menitTulisan dari Fatimah Nazhifah Gibrata tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Dentistry is not just about clinical precision; it is also an art of effective communication. Therapeutic communication is an essential aspect of healthcare that emphasizes the relationship between healthcare providers and patients. It involves using communication techniques that build trust, ensure understanding, and help alleviate patient anxiety. This type of communication is not limited to verbal interactions but also includes non-verbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and gestures. In the context of dental care, where patients often experience fear or discomfort, therapeutic communication is crucial for creating a positive, reassuring environment.
At its core, therapeutic communication aims to support the patient’s emotional well-being while addressing their medical needs. This process typically unfolds in several phases: the pre-interaction phase, where healthcare professionals prepare for the patient encounter; the orientation phase, where trust is established and expectations are set; the working phase, where active treatment and dialogue occur; and the termination phase, where follow-up care and closure are provided. These phases ensure a continuous, empathetic exchange of information, which is essential for the patient's comfort and understanding throughout their care.
For dental professionals, therapeutic communication plays a key role in reducing anxiety, improving patient compliance, and ensuring that the patient feels understood and respected. A dentist’s ability to explain procedures in simple terms, listen actively to concerns, and create a calm atmosphere can make a significant difference in patient outcomes. Non-verbal communication, such as a reassuring touch or maintaining eye contact, further strengthens the bond of trust between the patient and the dental care team.
During my field study at RSGM UNAIR, I had the opportunity to observe how these principles of therapeutic communication are applied in a real-world dental setting. From the initial greeting to the final aftercare instructions, I noticed that the dental professionals at RSGM UNAIR focused on creating a comfortable environment for their patients. They ensured that patients were well-informed about their treatments, addressed their concerns, and maintained a respectful and empathetic tone throughout the interaction. This approach contributed not only to the patients’ comfort but also to the overall success of the dental treatments.
In conclusion, therapeutic communication is vital for effective dental care. By applying both verbal and non-verbal techniques, dental professionals can foster a positive relationship with patients, reduce anxiety, and improve treatment outcomes. My field study at RSGM UNAIR reaffirmed the importance of these communication skills in the healthcare setting, particularly in the dental field.