7 Ramadhan 1446 HJumat, 07 Maret 2025
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Differentiated Learning with TaRL to Increase Students' Motivation to Learn Math

Fatkhul Khoiru Rosyid
Mahasiswa PPG Prajabatan Bagi Calon Guru Gelombang 2 Tahun 2024
30 Desember 2024 12:39 WIB
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Tulisan dari Fatkhul Khoiru Rosyid tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Source: Personal Documentation
Source: Personal Documentation
Due to its abstract and complex nature, students often perceive learning mathematics as a big challenge. This usually leads to low student motivation to understand the subject. To overcome this problem, a differentiated learning approach using the Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) method is one solution that can be implemented in the classroom. This approach not only helps to improve students' understanding but also contributes significantly to increasing their learning motivation.
Teachers as educators, mentors, and guides for students must be able to understand the needs of their students so that learning objectives can be achieved properly and evenly. Therefore, teachers need to use appropriate learning to meet the learning needs of each student in the classroom. By using learning methods (TaRL) teachers can meet the needs of students in learning mathematics to increase learning motivation by paying attention to the level of students' abilities.
Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) is a method designed to evaluate students' basic skills, such as reading and arithmetic, and then group them by level of understanding, not by age or grade. Learning with the teaching at the right level (TaRL) approach orientates students to carry out learning according to their ability level, which consists of very advanced, advanced, and needs guidance through LKPDs that have been prepared by the teacher. This aims to provide space for students to learn in a supportive and pressure-free environment and also for students to feel more confident in facing challenges. Success in completing tasks that match their level of understanding encourages a sense of achievement and motivates them to continue learning. In the group, students are more free to ask questions and discuss without fear of being wrong or humiliated. This creates a more positive learning atmosphere, which in turn increases students' interest in mathematics.
Implementation (TaRL) in differentiated mathematics learning involves several steps. First, the teacher conducts an initial assessment (cognitive diagnostic assessment) which contains the previous material to determine the student's level of understanding of mathematics. The second step is to group students based on their level of understanding. In these groups, the teacher designs the LKPD and provides treatment during learning according to the needs of each group. For example, groups of students with advanced understanding can be given more complex LKPDs and teachers also assist but on a small scale. In contrast, the group of students with less understanding (need guidance) can be given a simple LKPD and the teacher provides extra assistance to the group.
The differentiated learning approach (TaRL) is a strategic step in addressing the challenges of learning mathematics among students. Customizing teaching methods based on students' level of understanding, this approach can increase their learning motivation and confidence. Successful implementation requires the cooperation of all parties, from teachers to schools to parents, as well as adequate educational policy support. With a strong commitment, this approach can become an effective and sustainable learning model to support the success of education in the future.