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PBI UMY with Eight Partners, Conducted the Fast-track Employability Program
3 Oktober 2022 16:24 WIB
Tulisan dari PBI UMY tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
After repeating the success of PKKM in 2021, now the English Language Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (PBI UMY) provides opportunities for students to develop beyond the classroom walls at PKKM 2022. Previously, PBI UMY had successfully held a consolidation with its partners on July (29/07) online. The event was welcomed by all PBI UMY academics and partners.
Now, it's time for 45 selected students from the class of 2020 and 2019 to do what is their obligation. They are now involved in several sectors to do internships in the business and industrial field (DUDI) and Business Incubation (INBIS). The plotting process was usefully held from August 20 to August 27, 2022, directly. In total, there are eight PBI UMY partners which are divided into six DUDI internship partners and two INBIS partners. In the DUDI internship, PBI UMY partners include Kampung Inggris Borobudur, LTC UMY, STTKD Language Center, English Café, CV. Davendra Edukasi Jaya (Discovery English), and PT. Gemilang Media Wisatama (Travelxism) and PT. Wesclic Indonesia Neotech. Meanwhile, for INBIS, PBI UMY cooperates with Berinahasa and PT. Wesclic Indonesia Neotech.
As of today, students have been doing internships for more than a month. PBI UMY as a study program that facilitates this program, provides full assistance to all apprentices such as providing monitoring with students, financial support, and moral support.
By doing this program, students are given several benefits. The benefits obtained are the conversion of 20 credits, monthly allowance, working experience, and knowledge. Meanwhile, in the INBIS program, students will be given full assistantship and partial financial assistance to create their own start-up that focuses on Education, technology, and entrepreneurs (Edutechpreneur).
One of the DUDI interns from the class of 2020, Alwan Akbar, said that this program gave him a new experience in studying. Furthermore, he feels that this program is very beneficial for him to get to know the world of work more closely. In addition, he also advised all PBI UMY students not to miss similar opportunities in the future. "The program is cool, it's not a loss for me to come here like this!" Ended Alwan.