16 Tebak-tebakan Romantis Bahasa Inggris yang Menghibur

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19 Mei 2023 8:50 WIB
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Ilustrasi Tebak-tebakan Romantis Bahasa Inggris, sumber foto (Tyler Nixx) by unsplash.com
Ilustrasi Tebak-tebakan Romantis Bahasa Inggris, sumber foto (Tyler Nixx) by unsplash.com
Tebak-tebakan romantis Bahasa Inggris bisa diberikan kepada gebetan atau pasangan yang disukai. Bermain tebak-tebakan dapat menjadi alternatif untuk mencairkan suasana yang kaku.
Apalagi jika menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, tentu tebak-tebakan tersebut akan terlihat semakin berkesan. Biasanya, tebakan yang diberikan kepada orang yang disukai cenderung mengandung kata-kata rayuan atau gombalan. Hal ini tentunya dapat membuat hati pasangan semakin berbunga-bunga.

Tebak-tebakan Romantis Bahasa Inggris

Ilustrasi Tebak-tebakan Romantis Bahasa Inggris, sumber foto (Mohammed nohassi) by unsplash.com
Mengutip buku Tebak-tebakan Gokil oleh Eko Priyanto (2014), permainan tebak-tebakn bisa diberikan di berbagai suasana untuk menghindari rasa bosan. Permainan ini tentunya dapat membuat suasana menjadi lebih ceria karena dihiasi gelak tawa. Adapun tebak-tebakan romantis Bahasa Inggris yakni sebagai berikut:
1. Some people break me, while some keep me. What am I?
Answer: A heart
2. What can you catch but not throw?
Answer: Feelings
3. I am a nine-lettered word that rhymes with perfection; I am yet another name for love. What am I?
Answer: Affection
4. When you attend a wedding ceremony, you will see two of me, but I am not human. Guess, what am I?
Answer: Rings
5. What is that thing, which connects two but touches one?
Answer: A proposal ring
6. What is worth a precious stone but is available at zero?
Answer: Love
7. Why did the cute couple end up in prison?
Answer: They stole each other’s heart
8. You sight a boat occupied with people, but there is no single on it. Do you know why?
Answer: Everyone on the boat is married couple.
9. How do you call the person you love, especially when they are ignoring you?
Answer: Scream ‘I love you’ to another person
10. What fills a room but takes up no space?
Answer: Love in the air
11. I am endless love, and once you enter my world, you are bound for life. What am I?
Answer: Marriage
12. What does the bird couple call one another?
Answer: Tweetheart
13. What did the switchboard’s electrical socket say to the plug?
Answer: We fit perfectly fine together
14. God made us a pair, he separated us at birth on Earth, after years of searching I found you andit is inseparable for the rest of the time. Tell me mate, what am I?
Answer: Soul mates
15. What is an alternative word for joy that starts with H, but for me it starts with U?
Answer: Happiness
16. Look sweetly at her, she smiles back. Wink at her, she winks back. When you try to kiss her, she kisses in response. I say I love you, she says the same to you. Who am I?
Answer: Your reflection in the mirror
Tebak-tebakan romantis Bahasa Inggris yang disebutkan di atas bisa digunakan untuk mencuri hati gebetan atau membuat bahagia pasangan. Dengan begitu, orang yang disukai akan semakin cinta dan sayang. (DLA)