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20 Kata-kata Undangan Digital Bahasa Inggris

Inspirasi Kata
Menyajikan artikel berisi kata-kata, kutipan, dan kalimat yang menginspirasi pembaca.
20 Januari 2023 20:26 WIB
waktu baca 5 menit
Tulisan dari Inspirasi Kata tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Ilustrasi Kata-kata Undangan Digital Bahasa Inggris. Foto: Unsplash/Photos by Lanty.
Ilustrasi Kata-kata Undangan Digital Bahasa Inggris. Foto: Unsplash/Photos by Lanty.
Kata-kata undangan digital bahasa Inggris berikut ini bisa kalian gunakan untuk mengajak teman dan saudara menghadiri pernikahan kalian.
Kini mengirim undangan pernikahan menjadi lebih praktis karena bisa melalui media sosial dan pesan teks seperti Whatsapp. Selain itu, undangan digital juga lebih murah dan lebih cepat sampai.

Kata-Kata Undangan Digital Bahasa Inggris

Ilustrasi Kata-kata Undangan Digital Bahasa Inggris. Foto: Unsplash/Daniel Foster.
Berikut ini Inspirasi Kata akan memberikan kumpulan kata-kata undangan digital bahasa Inggris, yang dikutip dari,, dan

Undangan 1

Join us!
(name) and (name)
Exchanging vows virtually
(day of week), (date, month, year)
via LoveStream on

Undangan 2

Together with their families
Kristin Michelle Sills
Wyatt Alexander Littles
Request the pleasure of your company at their wedding celebration
Friday, the fifth of November
Two thousand twenty one
at four o'clock in the evening
The Olana
1851 Turbeville Road / Hickory Creek, Texas
Adult reception to follow
Black tie

Undangan 3

Mr & Mrs John Smith
and Mr & Mrs Alan Jones
request the pleasure of
[guest name/your company]
at the marriage of their children
Jessica and Edward
followed by a reception
R.S.V.P by 30th June to [parents’ address]

Undangan 4

We're getting married!
Ben & Pilar
Please join us
at 5:30 p.m.
Panorama Hills

Undangan 5

Love is in the air
Chloe Marie Sinclair & Matthew James Denton
Have the honour of announcing
their marriage
on Saturday, the twenty-fifth of August
Two thousand eighteen
at three o'clock in the afternoon
Glochester Catholic Church
Dublin Ireland
C + M

Undangan 6

Together with their families
Agee Gretta Taylor
Alexander Charles Leinberry
Invite you to join them in the celebration of their love
Saturday, the twenty-fourth of July
Two thousand twenty one
At half past four in the afternoon
The Ritz-Carlton Bachelor Gulch
Beaver Creek, Colorado
An evening of dinner and dancing to follow
Black tie optional

Undangan 7

Mr. John Smith & Mrs. Beth Howard
request the pleasure of
[guest name/your company]
at the marriage of their daughter
Mr Edward Jones
followed by a reception
R.S.V.P by 30th June to [parent’s address]

Undangan 8

Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Alvarado, Jr.
Request the pleasure of your presence
to celebrate the marriage of
Andrea & Landon
Saturday, the ninth of October, two thousand twenty-one
at five o'clock in the evening
One&Only Palmilla
San Jose del Cabo, Mexico
Reception to follow

Undangan 9

Mrs. Beth Smith
request the pleasure of
[guest name/your company]
at the marriage of her daughter
Jessica Smith
Mr. Edward Jones
followed by a reception
R.S.V.P by 30th June to [parent’s address]

Undangan 10

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Eisner
Request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter
Marielle Scott
Ryan Bergara
son of Dr. and Mrs. Steven Bergara
Saturday, 30th of July, 2022
Four thirty in the afternoon
The Ritz-Carlton Bacara Hotel
Santa Barbara, California
Reception to follow
Cocktail attire

Undangan 11

Please join us as we celebrate our wedding
Chase Mattson
Kelianne Stankus
June 9th, 2022 at 5:00 PM
Serendipity Garden
12865 Oak Glen Road, Oak Glen, CA 92399

Undangan 12

Doctor and Mrs. Ronald Kaleya
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Rothenberg
invite you to share in their joy
at the marriage of their children
Marin Sami and Joseph Benjamin
Saturday, the twenty-ninth of September
Two thousand twelve
at six o'clock in the evening
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
1000 Washington Avenue
Brooklyn, New York
Dinner and dancing to follow
Black tie invited

Undangan 13

Jessica Carter & Edward Jones
invite you to celebrate their union
followed by a reception
R.S.V.P by 30th June to [couple‘s address]

Undangan 14

Please join
Felicia Beth Yoder and Kellis Curry Cunningham
as they tie the knot
October 4th 2014
four o'clock in the afternoon
Gulf Beach Resort Motel
Sarasota, FL

Undangan 15

Paul and Fran Lewis
Request the pleasure of your company
at the wedding of their daughter
Chloe Lewis
James Rosen
at four in the afternoon
Skier Bridge | The Ritz Carlton | Bachelor Gulch
Beaver Creek, Colorado
Merriment and festivities to follow
black tie

Undangan 16

Mr. & Mrs. John Smith
request the pleasure of
[guest name/your company]
at a reception to celebrate the marriage of their daughter
Mr Edward Jones
[time e.g. 7pm]
followed by a reception
R.S.V.P by 30th June to [parents‘ address]

Undangan 17

With great pleasure
Stacey Bullington
Peter Cunningham
invite you to join them
at the celebration of their marriage
Saturday, July 9, 2016
at two thirty in the afternoon
Santa Barbara Courthouse - Mural Room
Santa Barbara, California
Dinner and dancing to follow at Casa de la Guerra

Undangan 18

Jerry & Georgian Sadowski
and Gary & Georgia Byrne
invite you to celebrate with their children,
Julia & David
on their wedding day
Friday | 07 Sep 12 | 3:30 p.m.
Cortelyou Commons, DePaul University: Ceremony
Peggy Norbert Nature Museum: Reception 6 p.m.

Undangan 19

Grace and Russell Fitzpatrick
are gettin' hitched!
August 4th 2016
Join us at 5 o'clock
The West Palm
825 Oceanside Ave
St. Petersburg
Merriment to follow

Undangan 20

Mrs. Mindy Laub
Mr. Richard Netkin
Mr. and Mrs. Yuval Brash
Request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of their children
Samantha Maxx
Andrew Isaac
Saturday, the twenty-first of May
Two thousand twenty-two
At half after six o'clock
Old Westbury Golf and Country Club
Old Westbury, New York
Black tie
Nah, itulah kumpulan kata-kata undangan digital bahasa Inggris yang bisa digunakan untuk mengundang teman atau saudara yang jauh agar datang ke acara pernikahan kalian. Semoga membantu!