5 Ramadhan 1446 HRabu, 05 Maret 2025
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12 Contoh Soal Reading TOEFL dan Panduan Mengerjakannya

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1 Maret 2025 14:08 WIB
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Ilustrasi contoh soal reading TOEFL. Dang Hoang Nhu
Ilustrasi contoh soal reading TOEFL. Dang Hoang Nhu
Tes TOEFL adalah ujian kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang umum digunakan untuk keperluan akademik dan profesional. Salah satu bagian yang menantang adalah Reading Section dalam contoh soal reading TOEFL.
Dikutip dari, The Master of TOEFL, dalam tes TOEFL atau Test of English as a Foreign Language peserta harus memahami teks dalam bahasa Inggris dan menjawab pertanyaan terkait.

Contoh Soal Reading TOEFL

Ilustrasi contoh soal reading TOEFL. Dang Hoang Nhu
Untuk membantu mempersiapkan diri saat tes, berikut ini pembahasan beberapa contoh soal Reading TOEFL beserta pembahasannya.

1. Teks Bacaan Pertama

The Amazon Rainforest, also known as the “lungs of the Earth,” produces about 20% of the world’s oxygen and is home to an estimated 390 billion individual trees belonging to 16,000 different species.
The forest spans across nine countries, with the largest portion in Brazil. However, deforestation is a major issue, as large portions of the forest are cleared for agriculture, logging, and urban expansion.
Scientists warn that continued deforestation could lead to a significant loss of biodiversity and affect global climate patterns.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A) The Amazon Rainforest is the largest forest in the world.
B) The Amazon Rainforest provides oxygen and biodiversity but faces deforestation threats.
C) Brazil is the only country that contains the Amazon Rainforest.
D) Scientists have found ways to completely stop deforestation.
2. The word “spans” in the passage is closest in meaning to:
A) Grows
B) Covers
C) Shrinks
D) Develops
3. According to the passage, what is one of the effects of deforestation in the Amazon?
A) An increase in global oxygen production.
B) A decrease in the number of trees worldwide.
C) The total disappearance of biodiversity.
D) Improved agricultural production without consequences.
4. Why do scientists warn about deforestation in the Amazon?
A) It will cause economic problems for Brazil.
B) It can lead to climate changes and loss of biodiversity.
C) It will make the forest uninhabitable for humans.
D) It will decrease the demand for agricultural products.
Kunci Jawaban dan Penjelasan
1. B) The Amazon Rainforest provides oxygen and biodiversity but faces deforestation threats. (Penjelasan: Teks menekankan peran Amazon dalam ekosistem global dan bahaya akibat deforestasi.)
2. B) Covers (Penjelasan: Kata “spans” berarti “meluas” atau “mencakup”, sehingga sinonim terdekat adalah “covers.”)
3. B) A decrease in the number of trees worldwide. (Penjelasan: Deforestasi mengurangi jumlah pohon di dunia, yang disebutkan dalam teks.)
4. B) It can lead to climate changes and loss of biodiversity. (Penjelasan: Ilmuwan memperingatkan bahwa deforestasi dapat menyebabkan perubahan iklim dan hilangnya keanekaragaman hayati.)

2. Teks Bacaan Kedua

(Baca teks di bawah ini dan jawab pertanyaan yang mengikutinya.)
The Great Barrier Reef, located off the coast of Australia, is the world’s largest coral reef system, stretching over 2,300 kilometers. It is composed of thousands of individual reefs and islands, providing habitat for a diverse range of marine life.
However, the reef faces serious threats, primarily from climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Coral bleaching, caused by rising ocean temperatures, has led to significant damage.
Scientists and conservationists are working to develop strategies to protect and restore the reef, emphasizing the importance of reducing carbon emissions and improving water quality.
1. What is the main topic of the passage?
A) The Great Barrier Reef is the longest coastline in the world.
B) The Great Barrier Reef is home to many dangerous marine animals.
C) The Great Barrier Reef is at risk due to environmental threats.
D) The Great Barrier Reef has no solutions for its problems.
2. The word “habitat” in the passage is closest in meaning to:
A) Shelter
B) Desert
C) Food
D) Danger
3. According to the passage, what is one major cause of coral bleaching?
A) Overfishing
B) Rising ocean temperatures
C) Tourism activities
D) Lack of sunlight
4. Why are scientists working on conservation efforts for the Great Barrier Reef?
A) To encourage tourism and economic growth
B) To protect marine biodiversity and reduce environmental damage
C) To build artificial reefs for fish farming
D) To prevent people from visiting the reef
Kunci Jawaban dan Penjelasan
1. C) The Great Barrier Reef is at risk due to environmental threats. (Penjelasan: Teks menjelaskan ancaman terhadap terumbu karang, termasuk perubahan iklim dan polusi.)
2. A) Shelter (Penjelasan: “Habitat” berarti tempat tinggal makhluk hidup, yang paling dekat dengan arti “shelter.”)
3. B) Rising ocean temperatures (Penjelasan: Teks menyebutkan bahwa pemanasan laut menyebabkan pemutihan karang.)
4. B) To protect marine biodiversity and reduce environmental damage (Penjelasan: Ilmuwan berusaha melindungi terumbu karang agar ekosistem laut tetap terjaga.)

3. Teks Bacaan Ketiga

(Baca teks di bawah ini dan jawab pertanyaan yang mengikutinya.)
The Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century, marked a turning point in history. It led to a shift from agrarian economies to industrialized societies, with advancements in machinery, transportation, and manufacturing.
Factories emerged, producing goods on a large scale, which increased efficiency but also created challenges such as poor working conditions and pollution.
Despite these issues, the Industrial Revolution contributed to economic growth and technological progress, paving the way for modern industry.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A) The Industrial Revolution caused only negative consequences.
B) The Industrial Revolution changed economies and societies.
C) The Industrial Revolution led to the downfall of agriculture.
D) The Industrial Revolution only improved working conditions.
2. The word “emerged” in the passage is closest in meaning to:
A) Disappeared
B) Appeared
C) Destroyed
D) Declined
3. According to the passage, what was one effect of the Industrial Revolution?
A) A decrease in technological advancements
B) The development of factories and large-scale production
C) The elimination of economic growth
D) The return to agrarian economies
4. What does the passage imply about the Industrial Revolution?
A) It had both positive and negative effects.
B) It completely eliminated pollution problems.
C) It was not an important historical event.
D) It only affected Europe.
Kunci Jawaban dan Penjelasan
1. B) The Industrial Revolution changed economies and societies. (Penjelasan: Teks menjelaskan bagaimana revolusi ini mengubah ekonomi dan masyarakat secara luas.)
2. B) Appeared (Penjelasan: “Emerged” berarti muncul atau berkembang, yang sinonimnya adalah “appeared.”)
3. B) The development of factories and large-scale production. (Penjelasan: Teks menyebutkan bahwa pabrik mulai bermunculan dan barang diproduksi dalam jumlah besar.)
4. A) It had both positive and negative effects. (Penjelasan: Teks menyoroti manfaat ekonomi tetapi juga menyebutkan masalah seperti polusi dan kondisi kerja buruk.)

Panduan Mengerjakan Soal Reading TOEFL

Ilustrasi contoh soal reading TOEFL. Spratt
Setelah mengerti contoh-contoh soal di atas, berikut ini ada panduan mengerjakan soal TOEFL yang bisa diikuti:
1. Baca pertanyaan terlebih dahulu. Ini membantu untuk mengetahui informasi apa yang harus dicari dalam teks.
2. Gunakan teknik skimming dan scanning. Skimming untuk memahami gagasan utama dan scanning untuk menemukan detail spesifik.
3. Perhatikan sinonim dan parafrasa. Banyak pertanyaan dalam TOEFL tidak menggunakan kata yang persis sama dengan yang ada di teks.
4. Perhatikan konteks. Jika ada kata sulit, coba pahami artinya berdasarkan konteks dalam kalimat.
5. Eliminasi jawaban yang salah. Jika ragu, buang pilihan yang paling tidak masuk akal.
Mempersiapkan diri untuk bagian Reading dalam TOEFL memerlukan latihan yang konsisten dan strategi yang tepat.
Dengan memahami jenis pertanyaan yang sering muncul serta mengasah kemampuan membaca dan memahami teks, siapapun dapat meningkatkan skor TOEFL secara signifikan.
Demikian contoh soal reading TOEFL yang telah dibahas dalam artikel ini. Dengan memahaminya, dapat membantu untuk lebih percaya diri dalam menghadapi tes TOEFL. (Win)