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3 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Media Sosial
7 November 2024 22:19 WIB
waktu baca 8 menitTulisan dari Kabar Harian tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Bingung membuat contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang media sosial? Pada dasarnya, terdapat banyak contoh percakapan singkat yang bisa menjadi inspirasi.
Biasanya, dialog ini terdiri dari dua, empat, atau lebih orang. Dalam pembelajaran di sekolah, contoh percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris termasuk salah satu meia pembelajaran yang dapat dengan mudah diikuti siswa.
Pasalnya, melalui dialog, siswa dapat belajar percakapan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan lancar. Dialog ini dapat dibacakan di depan kelas bersama rekan satu kelompok.
Dialog Bahasa Inggris
Mengutip dari Journal of Education Action Research, volume 5 nomor 1, Upaya Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Pada Materi Pengandaian Diikuti Perintah/Saran Menggunakan Strategi Pembelajaran Three Step Interview, (2021:2), dalam praktek berbicara bahasa Inggris masih terdapat banyak orang yang kesulitan berkomunikasi dan mengalami ketakutan saat berbicara.
Hal ini disebabkan karena masih banyak yang beranggapan bahwa Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang sulit untuk dipahami dan diucapkan. Padahal, semakin sering berlatih, maka akan semakin lancar dalam bercakap atau berdialog dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Mengenal Media Sosial
Mengutip dari KBBI, media sosial adalah laman atau aplikasi yang memungkinkan pengguna dapat membuat dan berbagi isi atau terlibat dalam jaringan sosial.
Secara umum, media sosial adalah platform atau situs web yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk berinteraksi, berbagi informasi, dan menciptakan konten melalui internet dan perangkat seluler.
Mengutip dari buku Media Sosial dalam Digital Marketing karya Jumartin Gerung, pengertian media sosial adalah media online (daring) yang dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana pergaulan sosial secara online di internet.
Sementara mengutip dari buku Penggunaan Media Sosial dan Teknologi yang Efektif di Desa karya Edison Hatoguang Manurung, media sosial adalah media online teknologi berbasis komputer yang memfasilitasi dan mempermudah penggunanya dalam berekspresi, berinteraksi, dan mendapatkan informasi secara online.
Hingga saat ini, media sosial menjadi semakin populer di seluruh dunia, dan telah menjadi bagian penting dari kehidupan sosial, ekonomi, dan politik.
Tidak hanya jejaring sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, dan Instagram, media sosial juga mencakup platform komunikasi seperti WhatsApp, Telegram, dan Line, serta platform berbagi video seperti YouTube dan TikTok.
Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Media Sosial
Tak perlu bingung, berikut adalah beberapa contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang media sosial yang dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi.
Contoh 1
Emy: Good morning guys, have you all seen the cute cat videos I send last week?
Kyle: Yeah, I have seen the video last week.
Sam: Did you find the video in Facebook?
Emy: Yes, I found the video in Facebook, anyway I have a question.
Kyle: What is the question Emy?
Billy: Well, what it is?
Emy: What is the most popular social media in 2024?
Sam: Of course, its Instagram.
Billy: Is not the answer supposed to be TikTok?
Kyle: Well, my answer is YouTube.
Emy: Ok, our answer are different but thats ok. We shouldn't argue with each other answer you know.
Kyle: Yeah, she is right.
Contoh 2
Emy: Hi! What are you doing here?
Kyle: Hello Emy! I'm waiting for my mom to pick me up.
Emy: Have you told your mother that we leave school at 10.00 AM today?
Kyle: Not yet. I forgot to tell my mom that we leave school earlier today.
Emy: You should call your mom to pick you up now.
Kyle: I want to do that but I forgot to bring my phone.
Emy: Okay, I’ll lend my phone for you if you’d like.
Kyle: Thank you, Emy. My mom’s phone number is 081227296654.
Operator: The number you have dialed is currently busy, please try again later.
Emy: Oh my God! Shall we text your mother by using social media?
Kyle: Great idea! My mother can be reached by WhatsApp, LINE, and Facebook. But I don't know her User Name Facebook and LINE username.
Emy: Okay. Let's try to text your mother by using WhatsApp.
Kyle: Thank you so much, Emy. My mother said that she’ll go and arrive in our school for about 15 minutes.
Emy: Would you like me to accompany you here?
Kyle: That's very kind of you. By the way, what do you think about social media?
Emy: In my opinion, social media is sucha massive part of all our lives now because social media can help us to make and keep friends. Social media can act as a kind of group therapy session. Do you know what I mean?
Kyle: According to me, group therapy session is the place that we're sharing our lives, the ups and downs, the twist and turns with people we think will care. They will listen to what we have to say, and helpus deal with any problems we may be facing. If this isn't the case then you may want to find new friends. The point is that by all of us sharing our experiences, both good and bad, on social media sites, we're able to empathize with each other, right?
Emy: Yes, right. I think so. Social media sites is also offer a chance to communicate in a speedy and efficient manner.It allow us to live a life unhindered by small talk. Social media sites have made the world a smaller place. And then some. It isn't just your inner circle of close friends and even closer family members that social networking sites allow you to communicate easily and effectively, either. They open the world up to you, making it a smaller place than it has ever been before.
Kyle: Okay, okay.
Emy: Then, how about its negative effect? Do you think it has no negative effect?
Kyle: No, social media has negative effects. I considerthat one of the negative effect of social media or network is it leads to addiction. Spending countless hours on the social sites can divert the focus and attention from a particular task. It lowers the motivational level of the people, especially of the teenagers and students. They mainly rely on technology and the internet in stead of learning the practical knowledge and expertise of the everyday life.
Emy: Hm, I agree with your opinion. Another down side of the social media is that the user shares too much information which may pose threats to them. Even with the tight security settings your personal information may leak on the social sites. Downloading your videos or pictures and copying your status is an easy task and can be done within few clicks.
Kyle: Yes right. By the way, my motheris waiting for me over there.
Emy: Oh okay. Let's continue ourconversation next time!
Kyle: Okay. Thank you so much, Emy. See you tomorrow!
Emy: See you. Be careful.
Contoh 3
Billy: Hi, Sam. How are you doing?
Sam: Hi, Billy. I'm not good enough.
Billy: Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that. What's going on, man?
Sam: I have a problem with my Facebook. It has been hacked by someone.
Billy: That's too bad. Wht don't you make a new account?
Sam: That is not talked about the new Facebook account, man. It is more than that. I'm afraid if my Facenook will be abused by the unresponsible man.
Billy: Yeah, many people abuse social media for their bad purpose.
Sam: What am I supposed to do?
Billy: I would like to ask you something. Can you log in to your Gmail?
Sam: Yes, because I use phone number verification for Gmail.
Billy: That's good. Maybe my brother can help you to get back your Facebook account.
Sam: Really?
Billy: Yeah, I'll send him a message from Facebook messager.
Sam: Thanks, man.
Billy: That's no a big deal, man. Next, you have to be careful. You're supposed to protect your Facebook account with the security.
Sam: Yeah. That was my fault. Can I use your Facebook to post my status?
Billy: What will you write?
Sam: I'll write if my Facebook account has been hacked. If there is a negative post about something on my wall. I want to notice for my friends if that's not me who wrote that post.
Billy: Oh. That's good. It will warn the people that they have to be more careful with their Facebook account. Don't forget to tag your name on the post.
Sam: I got it.
Billy: Let's go to the canteen to get free wifi access, because I don't have Internet Quota anymore.
Sam: Let's go.
Demikian, itulah beberapa contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang media sosial yang dapat menjadi inspirasi agar lebih lancar dalam mengaplikasikan kosa kata Bahasa Inggris dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. (SUCI)