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5 Contoh Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa dengan Berbagai Bahasa
18 Februari 2024 19:39 WIB
waktu baca 11 menitTulisan dari Kabar Harian tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Beasiswa dapat diberikan oleh lembaga pemerintah, perusahaan atau yayasan. Terdapat berbagai jenis beasiswa seperti beasiswa dalam negeri, beasiswa luar negeri, beasiswa penghargaan, beasiswa bantuan, beasiswa atletik, serta beasiswa penuh.
Mengenal Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa
Surat rekomendasi atau recommendation letter adalah uraian mengenai pelamar beasiswa baik secara akademik maupun non akademik. Uraian ini ditulis oleh orang yang pernah menjadi supervisor pekerjaan atau proses belajar yang telah dilalui pelamar.
Recommendation letter dapat ditulis oleh guru, dosen atau atasan jika pelamar sudah bekerja. Surat ini digunakan sebagai gambaran kompetensi akademik dan non akademik pelamar beasiswa yang dapat dikirim untuk beasiswa dalam negeri dan luar negeri.
Contoh Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa
Surat rekomendasi beasiswa adalah salah satu dokumen penting yang digunakan untuk melamar beasiswa. Surat rekomendasi dapat dikeluarkan oleh perorangan maupun lembaga. Inilah contoh surat rekomendasi dalam negeri dan luar negeri dengan berbagai bahasa:
1. Surat Rekomendasi yang Dibuat oleh Dosen dalam Bahasa Inggris
Terdapat surat rekomendasi yang dibuat oleh dosen sebagai pembimbing akademik. Berikut adalah recommendation letter dalam Bahasa Inggris berdasarkan buku Buku Pintar Beasiswa oleh Erny Murniasih yang diterbitkan tahun 2009.
[University Letter Head]
[Sender's Name, address, phone number, fax, e-mail address]
[Today's Date]
[Recipient's Name, address]
Dear [Recipient's Name] or To Whom it May Concern,
It gives me great satisfaction to recommend John H. Smythe for the Salem-McKenzie Fellowship in Specialized Journalism. I was John's professor in three undergraduate Communications courses and worked closely with him at both our collage radio station and campus video center.
Like a number of my former students, John has kept in touch. Through his letter I stayed abreast of his television news career in Sacramento and witnessed his development as a provessional journalist.
It came as a wonderful surprise last year when John announced his intention to return to school for his master's degree. Knowing John I am sure he has exhibited the same enthusiasm for his graduate studies as he did with us.
John is highly charismatic and has a terrific on air presence. More importantly, he thinks critically, reasons well and has all instincts of good reporter.
His grace under pressure becane abundabtly apparent to me during John's junior year. John hosted our weekly TV interview show, "Live on the Mall", which is fed via closed circuit across the university.
As John was discussing campus politics with the president of the student government, a fire broke out in one of the dormitories.
Jhon immediately headed toward the blaze and began covering the story. Back at the video center the technician called all the local television stations, three of which wanted John's feed and went live it for more than half an hour.
The fire ws quite unsettling and involved considerable damage as well as loss of life. John's calm professionalism shown through so much that his feed was also picked up briefly by two national cable news channels.
Jons a;so has a good feel for balanced and objective reporting. Case in point, while John was with us a supremacist group sprang up on campus. Although not sanctioned by the university, the group was allowed to conduct a rally. This drew protests from the vast majority of the student body. Nevertheless, John felt it important for freedom speech to interview the group's leaders on his show.
The interview, conducted on the mall, drew a large demonstration with animus directed not only at the group's leaders but also at John. A number of John's friends held this agains him, but he unequivocally belived hat he did was right. I would go so far as to say it was not only right but a reflection of mature journalistic judgment.
It was a real honor to witness John's development here at the university and it has been a joy to watch his growth since then. I cannot imagine a better recipient of this fellowship. I enthusiastically recommebd him to you.
David P. Kroger
Professor of Communications
Davis University
2. Surat Rekomendasi yang Ditulis oleh Guru dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Kepada Yth.
Penyelenggara Beasiswa Crown Lake
Saya menulis surat ini untuk merekomendasikan Anna Jones untuk beasiswa Crown Lake.
Saya adalah guru bahasa Inggrisnya selama kelas 11 dan dapat menjamin dorongan dan komitmennya.
Selama berada di kelas saya, Anna menunjukkan rasa keingintahuan yang saya yakin akan membantunya mencapai keunggulan akademis di tingkat perguruan tinggi.
Sebagai seorang pendidik, merupakan suatu kehormatan untuk mengajar siswa dengan motivasi tinggi dan membantu mereka dalam menemukan potensi penuh. Saya bangga menjadi salah satu guru Anna dan percaya bahwa dia akan menjadi perwakilan teladan di Crown Lake University.
Penerimaan Anna terhadap masukan telah memungkinkannya untuk terus melampaui ekspektasi, yang tercermin dalam nilai rata-ratanya.
Selain menyaksikan pencapaian akademis Anna, saya juga terkesan dengan tujuan pendidikan jangka panjangnya dan saya yakin beasiswa ini akan sangat meringankan beban finansial yang mungkin dia hadapi dalam mengejar tujuan tersebut.
Oleh karena itu, saya dengan sepenuh hati mendorong Anda untuk mempertimbangkan Anna Jones untuk beasiswa ini, karena saya telah bertemu dengan beberapa siswa yang dapat menjadi kandidat yang lebih layak.
Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang Nona Jones atau memerlukan informasi tambahan.
Tim Edwards
[Nomor telepon]
3. Surat Rekomendasi yang Ditulis oleh Guru dalam Bahasa Inggris
Terdapat surat rekomendasi yang dapat ditulis oleh guru sebagai pembimbing akademik. Berikut adalah recommendation letter dalam Bahasa Inggris berdasarkan situs web indeed.
Joan Jay
San Francisco, California
(555) 900-4444
December 15, 2021
Beckford Leaders Scholarship Committee
Banesville University
Banesville, Colorado
Dear Scholarship Committee,
It's with great pleasure I write to you to offer my recommendation of Dawn Harris for the Beckford Leaders Scholarship. I have worked with Dawn as an academic adviser for six months, and was previously her biology teacher.
She is a remarkable young person with a drive for learning and an innate ability to translate thought into action. It's my belief that she is an exemplary candidate for this opportunity.
Traditionally, Banesville University awards the Beckford Scholarship to students who demonstrate a strong commitment to leadership in their communities, alongside exceptional academic commitment. Dawn has demonstrated both qualities.
On campus, Dawn has led the school debate team to victory as team captain for three years in a row. While many students may have celebrated, Dawn instead focused on the lack of diversity that she noticed at the competition her first year, and became a founding member of Students for Change, a forum that worked to advance diversity efforts in specialized sports and activities across the Banesville School district.
Dawn is also a hardworking student who has maintained a consistent A grade average. As her teacher, I noticed a particular ability to rally her fellow students before tests or large projects, encouraging them to help and support each other.
As her current adviser, I have had the opportunity to see this same tendency toward teamwork, camaraderie and encouragement beyond my own class. It's because of these qualities that she has achieved so much in the few short years since joining the Banesville community.
Therefore, I'm honored to offer my support and recommendation for Dawn Harris as a qualified candidate for the Beckford Leaders Scholarship.
She is a highly motivated and effective leader and student whom I believe is highly deserving of this honor and may use the privilege of this scholarship to continue a scholarly career marked by dedication and excellence. If you have any further questions, please contact me by phone or by email.
Joan Jay
4. Surat Rekomendasi untuk Beasiswa di Turki
Surat rekomendasi yang dapat dibuat untuk memperoleh beasisa di luar negeri. Berikut adalah recommendation letter dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk beasiswa di Turki.
The scholarship committee,
Contact details.
Professor Name,
Contact details.
Subject: Letter of Recommendation
This recommendation letter is on behalf of my student [Student’s Name] to recommend him for a Scholarship in Turkey. I am familiar with [his/her/their] for the past two years. I have been his Mathematics teacher at school.
He has developed himself under challenging circumstances throughout [his/her/their] studies, [he/she/they] has the determination to achieve [his/her/their] goals, and which gives [him/her/them] a strong recommendation for this scholarship.
I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend [Student’s Name] for admission to your postgraduate program in [Specific Field or Program]. As [Student’s Name]’s professor in [Relevant Course(s) or Program] at [Your University/Institution], I have had the pleasure of witnessing [his/her/their] remarkable academic journey over the past [number of years/semesters].
[Student’s Name] has consistently demonstrated exceptional abilities in [mention specific academic skills or areas, e.g., critical thinking, research, laboratory work].
For instance, in [a specific project, thesis, or coursework], [he/she/they] showed [specific achievements or qualities, e.g., analytical skills, creativity, diligence]. [His/Her/Their] project on [specific project topic] was particularly noteworthy for its [mention specific qualities, such as depth of research, innovation, impact on the field].
Apart from [his/her/their] academic prowess, [Student’s Name] is also characterized by [mention personal qualities, e.g., leadership, teamwork, resilience]. [Provide an example of a situation where the student demonstrated these qualities, possibly in a group project, seminar, or extracurricular activity]. These attributes, combined with [his/her/their] passion for [specific field or subject], make [him/her/them] an ideal candidate for your program.
I have no doubt that [Student’s Name] will bring the same level of dedication and exceptional intellect to your postgraduate program that [he/she/they] has consistently displayed here at [Your University/Institution]. [He/She/They] has my highest recommendation.
Please feel free to contact me if you need further information or specific examples of [Student’s Name]’s work and achievements.
Signature of Professor,
Contact details of Professor.
5. Surat Rekomendasi untuk Beasiswa di Jerman
Surat rekomendasi beasiswa di Jerman disebut juga dengan LOR. Pelamar dapat mengirim LOR untuk mempertegas profil pelamar beasiswa. Berikut adalah contoh LOR untuk beasiswa di Jerman.
“As, in the ____________ department at , I am happy to write this letter for Mr. ABC. It is a pleasure to recommend him for the XXX graduate programme at your esteemed university.
I have had the pleasure to know and work with him for the past _____ years. ABC first worked with me as an undergraduate intern in the _________ department at this organisation.
Following this internship, I was fortunate to keep a track of ABC’s career so that, when the opportunity arose, I was able to recruit him to his current position as in the ____________ department here. The same characteristics, namely _____________ and ______________, to name a couple, which convinced me to hire him, are also why I am happy to provide him with an endorsement for his graduate study.
ABC brings enthusiasm and commitment to every project that he is assigned or takes up. This is to be expected in any successful member of an entrepreneurial organization, and in this regard, he fits in well.
He consistently delivers high-quality software for our organization, such as ________________.
While ABC is a relatively new member at our department, as measured by tenure, he quickly established himself as a go-to person in the ________ domain by helping others. Once such example is when he was approached for a ______________________________ assignment.
ABC’s knowledge and expertise came to light during a client meeting for _________________________. He was able to demonstrate skills like ____________ and ____________, and turn the meeting in our favour.
Apart from this, ABC’s broad range of interests speaks well of his potential as a researcher, especially in bringing a wide range of theories to the research at hand. I witnessed this during _______________.
With full confidence in ABC’s abilities, I am sure that he will prove to be an asset to your department just as he has been to our firm.
His intelligence, commitment, and diligence, together make him an ideal candidate for this course. Hence, I wholeheartedly recommend ABC for your esteemed institution. I wish him all the best in his future endeavours.
Yours faithfully,
Full name of the recommender
Designation, Department
Institution/Company Name, City
Contact No:
Email ID:
Institution website:
Contoh surat rekomendasi dalam negeri dan luar negeri dengan berbagai bahasa dapat diedit desuai dengan kebutuhan. Pastikan untuk selalu mengecek kelengkapan berkas sebelum mengunggah seluruh persyaratan beasiswa. (Fia)