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50 Contoh Soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTS

Kabar Harian
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8 Juli 2024 16:13 WIB
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Ilustrasi contoh soal PAS/UAS bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTS. Foto: unsplash.com/ Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu
Ilustrasi contoh soal PAS/UAS bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTS. Foto: unsplash.com/ Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu
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Menurut buku Cara Mudah Belajar Basic English Grammar oleh R. Maas Shobirin, belajar bahasa Inggris cukup penting, sebab bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang digunakan dalam berbagai bidang, termasuk bidang pendidikan.
Bagi peserta didik yang mencari contoh soal PAS/UAS bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTS bisa menyimak artikel ini.

Contoh Soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTS

Ilustrasi contoh soal PAS/UAS bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTS. Foto: pexels
Merangkum dari buku Rangkuman Lengkap Bahasa Inggris; SMP/MTs kelas 7/8/9 oleh Tim Guru Indonesia, Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas 9 oleh Siti Arina Budiastuti, S.Pd., M.Pd BI., dan sumber lainnya, berikut sederet contoh soal PAS/UAS bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTS serta jawabannya:
1. Khansa: How does the new secretary do her job?
Obi: She is a good secretary, she always does everything…
A. slowly
B. strongly
C. fast
D. well
Jawaban: D
2. Fia: What have you done?
Obi: Why
Fia: You look....
Obi: Oh, I have played basketball
A. tired
B. sad
C. pale
D. sleepy
Jawaban: A
3. The card is sent to...
A. wish Santi a recovery from her sickness
B. congratulate Santi on her feeling better
C. greet Santi on her happy thoughts
D. send Santi some thoughtful gifts
Jawaban: A
4. Aunt Irfa and family sent the card because they...
A. were thoughtful
B. feel better
C. care about Santi
D. will be better soon
Jawaban: C
5. "All of us..". The word "us" in the text refers to.....
A. Santi
B. Aunt Irfa
C. Aunt Irfa and Family
D. Santi, Aunt Irfa and Family
Jawaban: C
6. How is Liz's mother feel about her promise?
A. Impressed
B. Confused
C. Relieved
D. Guilty
Jawaban: D
7. Mom writes the text in order to...
A. apologize for not keeping the promise.
B. remind Liz that she has a promise with her.
C. tell Liz that she has to go to the meeting.
D. say that she cannot meet her in the Mall.
Jawaban: A
8. "Please, don't be angry" The underlined word means...
A. mad
B. curious
C. exhaust
D. hungry
Jawaban: A
9. The advertisement above tell us about?
A. A travel agent
B. A holiday package tour
C. A transportation number
D. A transportation company
Jawaban: D
10. The company will take the passengers to some cities in......... islands.
A. Five
B. Four
C. Three
D. Two
Jawaban: C
11. Where can we rent the Blackbird buses?
A. Java
B. Bali
C. Sumatra
D. Jakarta
Jawaban: D
12. For further information, call 0819197273.
A. Ask
B. Tell
C. Phone
D. Join
Jawaban: C
13. Arief: who won the Dermayon singing competition yesterday?
Dewi: I did. I won first prize.
Arief: well done...
A. I’m glad to hear that
B. You’re welcome
C. That’s too bad
D. I’m sorry
Jawaban: A
14. I promise I will study hard ….graduate soon.
A. So
B. So that
C. In order to
D. In spite of
Jawaban: C
15. Adi: It's break time. Let’s go to the canteen. I need something to eat. I’m hungry.
Budi: That's a good idea.
Rudi: I think so. Let’s go there now.
The underlined sentence shows…
A. An opinion
B. A suggestion
C. An agreement
D. A disagreement
Jawaban: C
16. A: ….you had your lunch?
B: no, I have not.
A. Do
B. Does
C. Are
D. Have
Jawaban: D
17. Looks! Mrs. Nina….her motorcycle.
A. Is riding
B. To ride
C. Rides
D. Ride
Jawaban: A
18. Look outside, it ….now.
A. Rains
B. Raining
C. Is raining
D. Was raining
Jawaban: A
19. I was sleeping when she …., I did not meet her.
A. Is coming
B. Come
D. Came
D. Comes
Jawaban: C
20. When I arrived in Japan, it ….hard.
A. Raining
B. Is raining
C. Rains
D. Was raining
Jawaban: D
21. I have ….my task yet.
A. Did
B. Do
C. Does
D. Done
Jawaban: D
22. Edo : Happy birthday, Lia
Lia : Thank you Edo. You are the first person who congratulate me.
Edo : Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.
Lia : Thank you very much. You are really my best friend
Edo gives Lia a present because . . . .
A. she likes a present
B. she asks Edo to give it
C. she wins a competition
D. she is celebrating her birthday
Jawaban: D
23. Who sends the message?
A. Lita
B. Lita’s mother
C. Mrs. Cathy
D. Mother’s friend
Jawaban: B
24. How is Lita’s mother feel about her promise?
A. Impressed
B. Confused
C. Guilty
D. Happy
Jawaban: C
25. Mom writes the message in order to...
A. Apologize for not keeping the promise
B. Remind Lita that she has promise
C. Tell Lita that she has to go to the meeting
D. Say that she cannot meet her in the mall
Jawaban: A
26. Which sentence is in the passive voice?
A. The teacher gave the students an assignment.
B. An assignment was given to the students by the teacher.
C. The students completed the assignment quickly.
D. They will finish the assignment before the deadline.
Jawaban: B
27. Which sentence is correct?
A. Its important to exercise regularly.
B. It's important to exercise regularly.
C. Its' important to exercise regularly.
D. It's' important to exercise regularly.
Jawaban: B
28. Choose the correct form of the verb in the present tense to complete the sentence: My sister ... studying for her exams.
A. am
B. is
C. are
D. be
Jawaban: B
29. Which sentence is grammatically correct?
A. I have already ate breakfast this morning.
B. I have already eaten breakfast this morning.
C. I have already eating breakfast this morning.
D. I have already ate breakfasts this morning.
Jawaban: B
30. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: We're going to the park ... soccer.
A. to play
B. play
C. playing
D. played
Jawaban: A
31. Which sentence has a subject-verb agreement error?
A. The dogs barks at the mailman every day.
B. The dog barks at the mailman every day.
C. The dogs bark at the mailman every day.
D. The dog bark at the mailman every day.
Jawaban: B
32. Situation:
Fadhli is going to participate in the story telling competition.
Hikmah shows her hope that Fadhli will get a prize.
The conversation:
Fadhli: "Hikmah, wish me luck. I will take part in the story telling competition."
Hikmah: "... I hope you will win the competition."
A. Thank you very much
B. I hope so
C. I’m sorry
D. Sure, Good luck
Jawaban: D
33. Situation:
Fitra has just finished drawing a picture of Tinta, his best friend.
He will present it to her on her birthday. Dara praises the picture and she’s sure that Tinta will like it.
Dara: "Fitra, that’s a beautiful picture. I’m sure Tinta will like it."
Fitra: " ... "
A. Wish me luck
B. Happy birthday
C. Good luck
D. Thanks. I hope so too
Jawaban: D
34. The following are the expression of hope, except...
A. I hope your father will be okay soon
B. I have to go to airport
C. Let’s hope we will pass the National Examination
D. I hope you will success
Jawaban: B
35. You hear that your classmate, Andi, got an accident and his arm was injured when he rode his bicycle yesterday.
What would you say to express your hope about Andi’s condition?
A. I hope he gets well soon
B. He should not ride bicycle carelessly
C. Good Job!
D. I have to visit him in the hospital
Jawaban: A
36. Elki: "Happy birthday to you, Mail. May God bless you."
Ismail: ……
Elki: "You're welcome."
A. I’m sorry
B. Well done!
C. I hope so
D. Thanks
Jawaban: D
37. Alya: "Do you know where is Gibril?"
Nisa: "I heard he went to Semarang. His uncle held a wedding party."
Alya: "… He has promised to company me watching movie tomorrow."
A. Thank you
B. Congratulation
C. I agree with you
D. I hope he will go home soon
Jawaban: D
38. Haris: "What do you think about tangled movie?"
Sinta: "I think it is a good movie. Although it is animation, but it contain many moral values."
Haris: "…. I think this movie isn’t fit for us, isn’t for children."
A. Do you agree?
B. Sure
C. I completely agree
D. I don’t think so
Jawaban: D
39. If we want to show our agreement, we can say…
A.I don’t think so
B. I’m with you
C. good job!
D. Thank you
Jawaban: B
40. Rina: "...If we play badminton this afternoon?"
Rini: "Yes, I agree. We can ask Nuri and Wahyu to play badminton."
Rina: "That's a good idea, so we can play it in double."
A. I hope everything is okay
B. You are right
C. What do you think?
D. May I congratulate you on?
Jawaban: C
41. If we want to ask someone not to tell something, we say….
A. Tell it to others
B. Don’t tell to anyone else
C. Please tell to anothers
D. You should tell it to others
Jawaban: B
42. What is the relationship between Dafa and Rizal?
A. Roomate
B. Classmate
C. Friend
D. Sibling
Jawaban: C
43. Who wants to buy a new bicycle?
A. Rizal and Dafa
B. Narti and Rizal
C. Narti and Dafa
D. Dafa and his friends
Jawaban: C
43. What does Narti say when She meets Dafa?
A. "Nice to eat you."
B. "Nice to meet you."
C. "Long time no see."
D. "Where have you been?"
Jawaban: B
44. Alex: "See you Fina"
Fina: "..."
A. Thanks
B. Bye
C. See you soon
D. Hi
Jawaban: C
45. Salma: Ouch, my foot.
Alika: … Salma, I step on your foot.
Salma: Please be careful next time.
A. I’m so sorry.
B. I’m so glad.
C. I feel happy.
D. I regret that.
Jawaban: A
46. What does the father say to his daughter when he comes home from work in the night?
A. Good morning
B. Good afternoon
C. Good evening
D. Good night
Jawaban: C
47. You help someone with a heavy bag. They say ''Thank you'' and you reply ....
A. No thanks
B. You're welcome
C. I appreciate it
D. I am grateful
Jawaban: B
48. Which one is true according to the text?
A. The restaurant only served Japanese food
B. You can enjoy the view in the restaurant only from June until July
C. The coffee will be give free for all customers
D. The restaurant can be found in Central Java
Jawaban: D
49. "While dining here you can enjoy the view...."
The underlined word has the closest meaning to....
A. scenery
B. field
C. mountain
D. picture
Jawaban: A
50. Complete this conversation!
Ahmad : Thank God. Finally, my father lets me go to the mountain walk.
Melinda: .... Have a nice trip
A. Wish me happy
B. Thank you very much
C. I hope to
D. I'm happy for you
Jawaban: D