Digitalize Numerous Colleges in Papua - SEVIMA brings Cloud, IoT & CBT Platform

Sentra Vidya Utama (Sevima) adalah Education Technology yang berdiri sejak tahun 2.004, dengan komunitas dan pengguna platform yang tersebar di lebih dari 1.000 kampus se-Indonesia. Bersama kita revolusi pendidikan tinggi, #RevolutionizeEducation!
Konten dari Pengguna
20 April 2021 4:52 WIB
Tulisan dari SEVIMA tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Ilham Dary as Community Manager in SEVIMA: Sevima is commited to 360 degrees of innovation in university development. Putting a huge and well calculated bet on digitalization methods.
Ilham Dary as Community Manager in SEVIMA: Sevima is commited to 360 degrees of innovation in university development. Putting a huge and well calculated bet on digitalization methods.
STIE Jambatan Bulan (STIE JB) is one of 30s campus that SEVIMA has partnered in Papua. This particular university is located in Mimika Regency.
This campus has a vision to form a new generation of quality in the land of Papua. Located at the eastern tip of Indonesia, STIE JB strives to form graduates who can actively contribute to the development process and socio-economic growth and development in Papua and Indonesia. In addition, this campus also upholds local wisdom based on a people's economy.
Unfortunately, the goals and efforts that have been formulated are contrary to the conditions in Papua. Campus must make extra effort to make it happen. The inadequate condition of the area in Mimika has made it difficult for this campus to build an academic information system. Especially by building your own server.
Based on PDDikti data, currently there are 1,199 active students. Meanwhile, the teaching and management staff on the campus are still very limited. Not only that, the campus also does not have qualified IT personnel to develop its own academic information system.
Ketua Program Studi di STIE Jambatan Bulan sekaligus Superadmin Pengelola Jaringan Digital di Kampus Papua satu ini
STIE Jambatan Bulan Ways to Solve Problems
Seeing this situation, made STIE JB look for solutions to solve these problems. Until 2017, the campus conducted a comparative study to the Merdeka University Malang (Unmer). From here, STIE JB finally found a solution to the problem.
Initially STIE JB wanted to create their own Cloud application, but the costs required were very large. For this reason, Unmer did not recommend creating their own academic service system.
"In the beginning, STIE JB wanted to make its own Cloud. However, Unmer suggested another option because it was considered ineffective. If you create your own cloud, the campus must provide a satellite-based internet subscription and of course be accompanied by adequate IT personnel. This could increase the campus expenses by 12 million per month. Not to mention Mimika's inadequate geographical condition. Therefore, Unmer does not recommend making Cloud yourself, ”concluded Abu Bakr.
Unmer recommends using the SEVIMA siAkad Cloud service. By using siAkad Cloud, these problems can be overcome. STIE JB doesn't need to worry anymore about the academic information system to be built. All can easily be found in this siAkad Cloud feature.
After doing a product review, finally decided to use siAkad Cloud. It turns out that this service is what the campus has been looking for.
"After getting a response and a demo from SEVIMA, we feel that this product is a product that is needed by STIE JB. For that, when submitted to the leadership, he immediately agreed to it, "said Abu Bakr.
STIE JB's new face after using SiAkad Cloud
After receiving this enlightenment, at the end of 2017 the campus directly contacted the SEVIMA team. So, this is where STIE JB finally decided to use the Siakad Cloud Silver service in 2018.
According to Abu Bakar, Head of the Economic Development Study Program of STIE Jambat Bulan Timika, after successfully implementing siAkad Cloud services, STIE JB made a scene in the people of Papua. Several media made headlines for their success in holding the first online-based New Student Registration (PMB) in the Mimika area, Papua.
"Unmitigated, in the 2018 PMB, the number of registrants has increased by three times. This registration is purely because the people of Mimika and its surroundings are curious about the college registration process that only uses smartphones, "said Abu Bakar.
So far, the PMB process on campus has been carried out offline. Not infrequently, every year this PMB also invites people because of mutual pressure. By using siAkad Cloud, registrants no longer need to queue to complete the registration process.
In 2020, the use of technology in STIE JB is growing. The siAkad Cloud service that has been integrated with Edlink has successfully conducted an online-based entry test. Prospective students can take the CBT test online at their respective homes and are directly supervised through the Zoom application. Interestingly, the results obtained immediately appear after prospective students complete the exam questions.
Abu Bakar also said that they really hope that SEVIMA will always update the latest features of all DIKTI program changes. This will make it easier for the STIE JB campus to provide services to students in the future. For the efforts and hard work of this campus, SEVIMA finally gave the Best Self Learner award in 2019.
Feeling the extraordinary benefits of SEVIMA's products, Abu Bakar hopes that SEVIMA needs to do canvassing in Eastern Indonesia. Given the increasing number of students who are booming, but there is no adequate academic information system. For this reason, the use of this Cloud service really helps the campus in the registration process, PMB, to lectures.
Aligned with what Abu Bakr has said, Ilham couldn't agree more that IT-based academic information systems are needed by every campus. This convenience will help the campus in carrying out the process of academic information system activities.