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Utilization of Technology in Information System Management
28 September 2021 17:55 WIB
Tulisan dari Haidar Islahumma Linggabuana tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan

In the current era of globalization, the use of technology is developing rapidly. Human life even seems to be facilitated by the existence of sophisticated technology and able to help various human jobs. This rapid technological development cannot be separated from giving influence to information systems. Information that exists today is easy to access by anyone, anywhere, and anytime. The development of technology in encouraging this information system also gave rise to the existence of a Management Information System. The emergence of the Management Information System provides convenience to humans in obtaining various information. So what are the actual role and use of technology in Information System Management?
Management Information Systems seeks to collect, process, analyze, explain and include the use of information. In this case, technology is one of the foundations of Information System Management that cannot be abandoned. Technology has even become an important pillar in the existence and implementation of the Information System Management process. Utilization of technology in Information System Management is very necessary, especially in today's era where people need a variety of information every time. Information that can be accessed by the public has even become the key and daily food for today's society. Information is a tool and means of society in communication and interaction through messages conveyed by the sender to the recipient of the message.
The development of technology, especially in the field of information provides various benefits in people's lives. The existence of information technology facilitates public communication even over long distances. In Information System Management, the development of information technology helps collect thousands of incoming data to be collected and utilized. Moreover, the use of Information System Management is not only used in one field but several fields, ranging from education, economy, business, and many more. Therefore, the use of technology and information must be utilized as much and optimally as possible because its existence has an important role in people's lives.
As a system that is interrelated and related to each other, the use of information technology in Information System Management helps the system run properly. Information System Management would be difficult to implement without using information technology. Without a technology network, existing data will not be able to be operated to become information. Therefore, the existence of information technology is an important factor in the process of implementing Information System Management. Information Technology also facilitates the implementation of Information System Management control because technology will control and support every part of Information System Management. For example, the existence of the internet, computers, laptops from the development of technology and information that helps carry out the processing of Information System Management.
Information technology and Information System Management are interrelated with each other and influence each other. Information Systems in Management are needed in modern times, as well as information technology is needed to collect, process, store, and connect various data which will later be used as information for an institution as a basis. This information system and information technology help in the effectiveness of management implementation. Moreover, the data collected by information technology through Information System Management is then able to assist organizations and institutions in organizing, planning, controlling, and even making decisions.
Utilization of technology in Information System Management is also able to facilitate institutions or organizations in planning and control functions, facilitate the creation of data and information that must be submitted, help make judgments through existing information, to make it easier to control costs. Through the information obtained, many things can be done. Technological developments in Information System Management assist users in storing data, creating data, solving various problems, and sharing information. So do not be surprised if the use of information technology is used by several organizations and companies, especially in the present where technology is developing rapidly and significantly. This development will be in vain if not used optimally.