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Pakistan and the diplomacy of President Raisi to its neighbors.

23 April 2024 11:04 WIB
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Tulisan dari Kedutaan Besar Republik Islam Iran - Jakarta tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
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Author: Mehdi Fayazi, International Relation Expert
Strategic importance of Pakistan for Saudi Arabia is similar to Lebanon for Iran, and some of its seminaries were the origin of Taliban and Al-Qaeda and extremism, which had an impact on Afghanistan and the world for several decades, and its Sunni people are of two tendencies and the strong religious sect of the Barilavis. (Sufis and Qadris and aligned with Muslmi Ummah specially Iran and Shi’ism) and Deobandis (aligned with Salafis and Takfiris) are numerous.
Conflicts of India and Pakistan, especially on the issue of Kashmir and the need for energy and industry, Pakistan has to have extensive economic relations with Iran, and Iran’s agricultural needs can be fulfil by Friend country Pakistan, but despite the neglect of Iranian businessmen and industrialists and the obstacles of the United States and Saudi Arabia, the level of economic relations can’t extend as both countries tried and wish.
In Pakistan, political extremism and the influence of the unseen hands in politics causes instability, as it was present in the Saudi coalition against the Houthi revolutionaries in Yemen, but withdrew from it at the request of Iran.
The Pakistani Muslims were the first nation who rise up against Salman Rushdie, Iqbal Lahori and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah have laid a good foundation for reconciliation with neighbor country Iran.
Pakistani Shiites have special inspiration to the religious and Spiritual Scholar of Qom, so they name their children Khomeini, Mohammad Taqi Behjat, etc.
For many years, strong universities affiliated to the Pakistani army have been the destination of Iranian medical students funded by Iranian Ministry, deserves to continue this practice and need special MOU’s in this regards to extend Student and Teacher Exchange in different fields.
The official language in Pakistan is English, has facilitated the migration of their elites to Western English-speaking countries, and their cheap labor force is also immigrants in the Persian Gulf countries, and these two have made Pakistanis have an effective global network.
Pakistanis have special devotion to religious events like Umrah, Arbaeen walk, Pilgrimage visits to Mashhad and Urs visits. Few years back, Persian language has also been an optional part of the recruitment exam in the government of Pakistan.
The potential capacity of cooperation between Iran and Pakistan is so wide that it is possible to have strategic or operational partnership and cooperation with them on various issues; and Government Officials of both countries may over ride different bearers with full devotion and avoid bureaucratically issues.
It is hoped that the government's neighborly diplomacy will boost cooperation, especially between the public and non-governmental sectors of Iran and Pakistan, and that cultural diplomacy will be a strong part of these relations to regulate and facilitate relations in time to overcome crisis facing by both countries in different areas.