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New Year, New Steps: Walking as the Beginning of Change in 2025
22 Desember 2024 11:43 WIB
waktu baca 8 menitTulisan dari Michelle Putri Permana tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan

2025 is right around the corner, but don't you feel like the world is getting hotter every day? One of the reasons the world is getting hotter is due to increasing air pollution. Without us realizing it, the vehicles we use to travel have a big impact on our earth. Let's change driving to walking to welcome the new year 2025!
In modern times, environmental problems have become a major issue; Air pollution is increasing certainly has an impact on our quality of life. The increase in the number of vehicles on the road causes an increase in air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and noise pollution, all of which hurt human health and ecological sustainability. Walking is a simple but very positive way and solution that can help overcome the problems above and live a healthier and environmentally friendly lifestyle.
Walking is a physical activity that not only supports a healthy lifestyle but also plays an important role in reducing air pollution which is a negative impact of motorized vehicles. Walking reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, air pollution, and noise. Walking activities also reduce the stress we face. Walking involves many parts of the body, which can improve a person's health.
This article explains why walking can be an effective and environmentally friendly alternative, how it can be applied in everyday life and will tell you about the positive impacts on the environment and health, as well as the challenges and solutions in increasing the culture of walking in society. Let's see!
The Positive Impact of Walking on the Environment
One of the most significant impacts of walking is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Motorized vehicles, especially private cars, are the main contributor to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions which contribute to global warming. By replacing short trips typically made by motor vehicle with walking, individuals can significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Data shows that by replacing the usual five 2 km trips per week with a car, a person can reduce emissions by up to 86 kg CO2 per year. This is a significant contribution to global efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change.
Apart from that, walking also plays a role in reducing air and noise pollution. In big cities, emissions from motor vehicles often reach levels that are dangerous to human health. By reducing the number of vehicles on the road, walking helps reduce emissions of harmful exhaust gases such as carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxide (NOx). The reduction in vehicles also contributes to reducing noise pollution, which is often a serious problem in urban areas. Cities that support a walking culture tend to have better air quality and lower noise levels, which in turn improves people's quality of life.
Health Benefits of Walking
Not only does walking provide the environment, it also provides major benefits for physical and mental health. This activity is a form of light and free exercise that can be done by anyone, at any time, without requiring special equipment and techniques to do it. Walking regularly helps improve heart health by improving blood circulation, lowering blood pressure, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. According to research in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine shows that walking for 30 minutes every day can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 19%.
Not only does walking provide environmental benefits, it also has a significant positive impact on individual health. This physical activity helps maintain ideal body weight and control blood sugar levels, which is very important for the prevention of obesity and type 2 diabetes. By walking regularly, individuals can burn calories and increase the body's metabolism, which contributes to long-term health.
Apart from that, walking is also known to be good for heart health. This activity strengthens the heart muscle and improves blood circulation, which helps keep blood pressure normal. Walking regularly can also prevent various cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension and stroke. The mental health benefits of walking cannot be ignored either. This physical activity can reduce stress, improve mood, and provide an opportunity to connect with nature, all of which contribute to overall mental well-being.
Walking not only provides physical benefits, but also has a positive impact on mental health. This physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, known as the "happiness hormone," which can improve mood and reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Research shows that walking can increase norepinephrine levels in the brain, which helps the body respond better to stress, as well as influencing the brain to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety (Mayo Clinic, 2023; Smith et al., 2021). In addition, walking in a green or natural environment strengthens its positive effects on mental health, reduces mental fatigue, and increases focus and creativity (Mayo Clinic, 2023).
In addition, walking can also contribute to improving sleep quality. Regular physical activity helps regulate sleep patterns, making sleep more restful, and the body fresher the next day. With a regular sleep pattern, a person can feel more productive and energetic throughout the day (Smith et al., 2021). With all these benefits, walking is an easy and useful activity choice for maintaining overall physical and mental balance.
Challenges in Improving a Walking Culture
Even though the benefits of walking are very clear, there are several challenges that must be faced in improving the walking culture in society. One of the main challenges is inadequate infrastructure conditions. Many cities, including in Indonesia, still have narrow, damaged, or even non-existent sidewalks. Disturbances on sidewalks, such as street vendors, also often make it difficult to walk comfortably and safely. Therefore, improving infrastructure is an important step to encourage people to walk more.
Apart from that, weather conditions can also be an obstacle. In countries with hot climates, walking during the day can be uncomfortable. People's habits of preferring to use private vehicles or technology to facilitate mobility also reduce interest in walking. Therefore, efforts need to be made to change this habit by promoting awareness of the benefits of walking, as well as providing facilities that make it more comfortable.
Solutions to Improve Walking Culture
To increase the walking culture and reduce dependence on motorized vehicles, two main solutions can be implemented. First, it is important to socialize and educate the public about the benefits of walking. Campaigns that encourage reduced use of motorized vehicles, especially for short-distance travel, can be implemented through various media, such as social media, seminars and community activities. In this case, education plays an important role in changing people's mindsets to be more concerned about healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyles (WHO, 2020).
Second, infrastructure improvements are also very necessary. The government must take active steps to build facilities that support pedestrians. This includes providing wider sidewalks, green lanes and safe crossings. Pedestrian-friendly infrastructure will increase people's comfort and safety in their activities. Studies show that the presence of good sidewalks and green areas can increase the frequency of walking among the community (Litman, 2021). This effort will encourage people to prefer walking rather than using motorized vehicles, which in turn will reduce traffic jams and negative impacts on the environment.
The conclusion of this discussion confirms that walking is an effective and environmentally friendly solution in facing modern challenges such as air pollution, climate change and public health problems. By replacing short trips usually made by motor vehicle with walking, individuals can contribute significantly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Additionally, the health benefits derived from walking, such as improved heart health, weight control, and reduced stress, further strengthen the argument for promoting this lifestyle among the public.
However, to improve the walking culture, collaborative efforts are needed between the government, society and various stakeholders. Improving infrastructure that supports pedestrians, educating people about the benefits of walking, and providing comfortable green open spaces are important steps that must be taken. By creating a more pedestrian-friendly environment, we can not only improve people's quality of life, but also contribute to environmental sustainability and global health. Therefore, encouraging a walking culture should be a priority in future urban planning and public policy.
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