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Lirik dan Kunci Gitar Lagu Saw You In A Dream - The Japanese House
7 Oktober 2022 10:25 WIB
Tulisan dari Musik dan Lirik tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Saw You In A Dream merupakan lagu yang dipopulerkan oleh The Japanese House .
Lagu berdurasi 3 menit 28 detik ini merupakan lagu pertama dalam album bertajuk “Saw You In A Dream” yang dirilis pada 26 April 2017.
Penasaran seperti apa lagunya? Untuk mengetahui lirik lagu dan chord “Saw You In A Dream” yang dinyanyikan The Japanese House, simak selengkapnya di bawah ini. Chord gitar di bawah adalah chord yang dinaikkan satu nada dari penyayi aslinya.
Lirik Lagu Saw You In A Dream – The Japanese House
[Verse 1]
F# D#m
I saw you in a dream
You had stayed the same
You were beckoning me
G# F#
Said that I had changed
Tried to keep my eyes closed
I want you so bad
C# F#
Then I awoke and it was so sad
D#m G#
Haven’t talked to you in months
F# G#m Bm F
And I thought that I might cry
Bm F# G#m/A#m
But I’m not that kind of guy
[Verse 2]
F# D#m
I saw you in a dream
You came to me
C# G#
You were the sweetest apparition, such a pretty vision
F# D#m G#
There was no reason, no explanation
C# F#
The perfect hallucination
D#m G#
All good things come to an end
F# G#m Bm F
But I thought that this might last
Bm F# G#m/A#m
But you came and left so fast
B C# A#m B
And when I’m awake I can’t switch off
C# A#m B
It isn’t the same but it is enough
D#m A#m F#
(It isn’t the same but it is enough)
[Verse 3]
I saw you in a dream
Then it came to an end
Fm C# F#
I wonder if you’ll come and visit me again
D#m G#
You take your time to reappear
C# G#
I’m starting to believe that when I call your name
F# D#m G#
You just don’t hear me anymore
C# G#m Bm F#
And I know that I shouldn’t even try
A#m F Gm/Am
It’s a waste of time
B C# A#m B
And when I’m awake I can’t switch off
C# A#m B
It isn’t the same but it is enough
D#m A#m
(It isn’t the same but it is enough)
B C# A#m B
And when I’m awake I can’t switch off
C# A#m B
It isn’t the same but it is enough
D#m A#m F#
(It isn’t the same but it is enough)