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Lirik Lagu Makes Me Wanna Die - Tricky

Musik dan Lirik
Menyajikan rekomendasi lirik lagu terkini dan segudang serba-serbi perihal dunia musik.
8 Maret 2025 10:40 WIB
Tulisan dari Musik dan Lirik tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Ilustrasi remaja bernyanyi di taman. Foto: Tom Wang/Shutterstock.
Ilustrasi remaja bernyanyi di taman. Foto: Tom Wang/Shutterstock.
Makes Me Wanna Die merupakan lagu yang dipopulerkan oleh penyanyi laki-laki asal Britania Raya, Tricky. Lagu berdurasi 4 menit 1 detik ini merupakan lagu kelima dalam album bertajuk “Pre Millennium Tension” yang dirilis pada tahun 1996. Album ini memuat 11 trek lagu, di antaranya Vent, Piano, dan My Evil Is Strong. Penasaran seperti apa lagunya? Berikut lirik lagu “Makes Me Wanna Die” yang dibawakan Tricky.

Lirik Lagu Makes Me Wanna Die – Tricky

She makes me wanna die
Follow where Mary goes
Cherish the things she knows
Says if I change my stride
Then I’ll fly
She makes me wanna die
And change my stride
Then I’ll fly
Look to the sun
See me in psychic pollution
Walking on the moon
And how could you dare?
Who do you think you are?
You’re insignificant
A small piece, an ism
No more, no less
You try to learn the universe
And can’t even converse in universe
You know it’s ironic
Smoking hydroponic
She makes me wanna die
And change my stride
Then I’ll fly
She makes me wanna die
Follow where Mary goes
Cherish the things she knows
Says if I change my stride
Then I’ll fly
And change my stride
Then I’ll fly
Look to the sun
See me in psychic pollution
Walking on the moon
And how could you dare?
Who do you think you are?
You’re insignificant
A small piece, a ism
No more, no less
You try to learn the universe
And can’t even converse in universe
You know