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Lirik Lagu Strategem - Big Head Todd and The Monsters
2 November 2023 14:40 WIB
Tulisan dari Musik dan Lirik tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Strategem merupakan lagu yang dipopulerkan oleh Big Head Todd and The Monsters.
Lagu berdurasi 4 menit 25 detik ini merupakan lagu kedua dalam album bertajuk “Strategem” yang dirilis pada 14 September 1994. Album ini memuat 11 trek lagu, di antaranya Candle 99, Wearing Only Flowers, dan Angel Leads Me On.
Penasaran seperti apa lagunya? Berikut lirik lagu “Strategem” yang dibawakan Big Head Todd and The Monsters.
Lirik Lagu Strategem – Big Head Todd and The Monsters
Angry hands upon the wheel turn slow
Without a star the water turns to stone
Here I stand by lovely strategem
When love is gone I’ll invent again
Lady in Ashes, Forget her name
Her beauty was matchless, her nature untame
And by now her face is far below
Still beneath the desert rivers flow
Take the sand in empty hand and then
Blow away and bring her back again
And if you ask it, dear one plays again
Her beauty was matchless, her nature untame
Deathless hand in land where devils roam
Who with a switchblade cut the head of hope
It’s time to exchange the evil, blow by blow
Without a star the water turns to stone
If time is our master, then I’m lost again
Her beauty was matchless, her nature untame