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FOMO: Fear of Missing Out That Leads to Identity Crisis in the Digital Age
20 Desember 2024 14:34 WIB
waktu baca 4 menitTulisan dari Nabila Azwa shahira tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan

According to JWT Intelligence (2011), FoMO is when people are afraid of knowing if others have a pleasant experience but the person is not involved in it. As a result, individuals will try to connect with what others are doing through media and the internet.
Social media has become an integral part of modern life. However, the phenomenon of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), or the fear of missing out, has emerged as a dark side of this digital culture. Research conducted by Rahmawati Latief (2024) explores the negative impact of FoMO on the younger generation, especially teenagers and university students, who are vulnerable to this influence. Quoting from the study, there are eleven negative impacts of FOMO, among others;
1. Social Media Fatigue.
Dependence on social media triggers a sense of fatigue due to too much time spent on digital platforms to find out what is trending nowadays.
2. Decreased Psychological Wellbeing.
Studies show that the higher the FOMO, the lower one's psychological well-being. Due to a person's desire to always follow the existing trends, there is no sense of satisfaction in himself.
3. Social Media Addiction.
FOMO can make a person addicted to social media where individuals always want to open social media and find it difficult not to play social media for fear of losing the latest information.
4. Consumptive Behavior and Hedonism.
The fear of 'the times' is often experienced by individuals who have FOMO behavior, thus making a person can behave consumptively which results in a person buying an item that is not needed to look 'current'.
5. Phubbing and Nomophobia.
FOMO also encourages unhealthy behaviors such as phubbing (ignoring your surroundings to focus on your phone) and nomophobia (fear of being away from your phone).
6. Decreased Productivity and Academic Performance.
Dependence on social media can make individuals neglect their duties as a student because their attention has been diverted to social media.
7. Social Stress and Frustration.
When an individual is unable to keep up with the latest trends on social media, it can cause stress and frustration as he/she feels 'left behind' especially when the people around him/her are already following the latest trends.
According to Trust Pulse, 69% of millennials have experienced or often experience FOMO. There are many causes, one of which is exposure to social media content. Therefore, FOMO must be addressed immediately so that it does not interfere with one's activities and feelings.
Here are some tips that you can do to prevent FOMO:
1. Reduce Social Media Usage
Social media is one of the biggest causes of Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO). According to WiserNotify, 67% of millennials experience Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) because of social media. Of these, 35% said that they post just for the fear of missing out.
2. Don't Have to Have Everything
Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) makes you want to have many things that other people have. However, as quoted from Psychology Today, needs are limited. However, desires are unlimited. Instill in yourself that you don't have to have everything. You don't have to fulfill all the desires that are on your mind. At least, you can fulfill your needs. Prioritize from what you really need to what you want.
3. Focus on developing your hobbies
By reducing your use of social media, FOMO can be prevented. Turn your attention to other activities that you enjoy. Cooking, sports, painting whatever you love. It may be difficult at first, but you will get used to it
4. Apply Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO)
Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO) is the opposite of Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO). JOMO means being calm or accepting when you miss out on something. Remember that to be happy, you don't have to follow all the trends.
5. Change Perception
Many studies mention that fear of missing out is a type of cognitive distortion. Distorted thinking is an irrational mindset that can lead to depression and other mental disorders. For example, you might think that your friends are talking about your shortcomings when they gather without you. You need to make more effort to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. You can “fast” from social media for a while if necessary. Additionally, you must have the ability to control your thoughts so that you do not dwell on unimportant negative things.