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"Tormented", A Short Movie Review
14 Maret 2020 23:30 WIB
Tulisan dari Nurul Hidayah tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan

On 8th March, we had commemorate World's Women Day. Talking about Women and feminism, many movies that raise this topic. One of those is "Tormented".
Tormented is a short movie adaptation from Vigina Woolf's short story entitle "The Wark on The Wall". This short movie genre is a drama which centered on the life of a woman after marriage. It is a production from Literatory and directed by Abdul MH Faiz in 2018. Literatory isn't a big production. It just a production by fifth semester of English Letters students of IAIN Surakarta. Even though, this short movie should be appreciated from various sides and points of view.
For the problem of acting, they are good enough although there are still some shortcomings. The chemistry between players is still stiff in playing the role and character. For example the cast of diana and dianto where they are supposed to be a married couple, but only look like friends.
When viewed from the camera angle, this film can be said to be very good. They show the details well, even though there is one scene that looks unstable. In editing, there are some scenes that are missing. In one scene there is a cameraman behind the player, this is a bit fatal in the world of editing. Besides that, about lighting and its effects there are some that are still not consistent. Scene where the character Diana is lost in the forest, there is very visible effect is not consistent. Besides, the effect used on this scene is not suitable because it does not display a tense impression even though the music they choose is very good to support the situation. However, the back sound volume and sound of each character is unstable. High and low makes us sometimes surprised, and must really listen carefully as we have ear disease, LoL.
The costumes used by the characters in accordance with the concept, characters and settings, but not varied. For the makeup problem, some characters are suitable and good, but Dianto's character looks pale as if someone hasn't eaten in a week. LoL. In the choice of place settings, they choose an interesting place. And this is also really spoiled the eyes of the viewers by presenting the natural scenery.
This short movie has advantages and disadvantages in each element. The author presents a good flow, when it is viewed from the background of the writer who is still a student. So, we give this film a rating of 6.5 / 10 aka Okay Movie. Because they really pamper us with nature and a good camera transition. And for you guys who want to learn about camera cinematography, this short movie can be your reference.
Regards love,
Mutiara Ayuningsih dan Nurul Hidayah