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2 Contoh Motivation Letter Beasiswa Berbahasa Inggris yang Menarik

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25 Oktober 2023 10:25 WIB
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Contoh motivation letter. Foto hanya ilustrasi. Sumber: Pexels/ Cytonn Photography
Contoh motivation letter. Foto hanya ilustrasi. Sumber: Pexels/ Cytonn Photography
Salah satu syarat mendaftar beasiswa adalah menuliskan motivation letter. Biasanya, contoh motivation letter beasiswa ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang akan dikirimkan ke pihak penyelenggara.
Dikutip dari buku Sukses Lolos Beasiswa LPDP dan MEXT Plus Short Course Gratis ke Jerman oleh Bayu Mayura (2020:49) isi dari motivation letter haruslah mendeskripsikan diri sendiri dengan terang dan gamblang agar pihak penyelenggara tertarik untuk menerima.

Contoh Motivation Letter Berbahasa Inggris

Contoh motivation letter. Foto hanya ilustrasi. Sumber: Pexels
Motivation letter adalah suatu surat yang ditulis oleh kandidat penerima beasiswa untuk meyakinkan penyelenggara menerimanya. Sebagai referensi, simak contoh motivation letter beasiswa dalam bahasa Inggris berikut ini.

Contoh Motivation Letter 1

Dear. Scholarship Program Organizing Committee
Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.
Since childhood, I have always believed that opportunities do not just come by chance. Opportunities must be seized with bold steps and a ready heart.
Based on the courage and readiness of my heart, I want to take the opportunity to win a scholarship from the Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.
I am writing this motivation letter to express my interest in the scholarship program created by the Ministry. I have just completed my undergraduate education at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia.
Since the first day of college, I realized that there were many things that needed to be revived in the country's economy. Therefore, I try to continue to explore knowledge in the field of economics for one main goal, namely contributing to economic development in Indonesia.
I’m sure that participating in this program, I will obtain great deal of knowledge and valuable experience that useful for my self and community.
Very sincerely yours,
Willy Christ
Contoh Motivation Letter 2
I’m I Putu Bayu a junior staff in Clinical Microbiology Department, Faculity of Medicine, University of Indonesia. Ia have strong willingness to attend and join the International Summer School 2023 program.
I’m interested in doing research. I like working in the laboratory, especially ini microbiology and molecular biology. Doing research is my passion.
With all these reasons and considerations mentioned above, I’m doing my best to make my self as part of this program. I’m sure that participating in this program, I will obtain great deal of knowledge and valuable experience that useful for my self and community.
Very sincerely yours,
I Putu Bayu
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