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2 Contoh Recount Text Pengalaman Hari Kemerdekaan Bahasa Inggris
20 September 2024 18:36 WIB
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Contoh recount text pengalaman hari kemerdekaan bahasa Inggris yang cocok dijadikan sebagai referensi belajar. Hari Kemerdekaan adalah momen yang penuh makna bagi setiap warga negara Indonesia.
Setiap tanggal 17 Agustus, rakyat Indonesia berkumpul untuk merayakan kemerdekaan dari penjajahan yang telah diperjuangkan dengan susah payah. Dalam perayaan ini, berbagai kegiatan dilakukan, seperti upacara, perlombaan, dan pawai budaya.
Contoh Recount Text Pengalaman Hari Kemerdekaan Bahasa Inggris untuk Referensi Belajar
Bagi pelajar, pengalaman Hari Kemerdekaan sering kali menjadi salah satu momen yang berkesan. Dikutip dari buku Meningkatkan Motivasi, Hetty (2020), dalam perayaan Hari Kemerdekaan pelajar mengikuti berbagai acara di sekolah dengan semangat nasionalisme yang tinggi.
Salah satu pengalaman yang sering dijadikan recount text dalam bahasa Inggris adalah pengalaman mengikuti lomba-lomba di sekolah saat perayaan Hari Kemerdekaan. Selain itu, kegiatan seperti upacara bendera memberikan kesan mendalam tentang arti kemerdekaan.
Berikut adalah contoh recount text pengalaman Hari Kemerdekaan bahasa Inggris untuk referensi belajar.
1. My Independence Day Experience
Last year, on August 17th, I had one of the most unforgettable experience celebrating Indonesia’s Independence Day at my school. The day started with an early morning flag ceremony. All students, teachers, and staff gathered on the school field wearing red and white uniforms, symbolizing the colors of our national flag. As the flag was raised, we sang the national anthem "Indonesia Raya" with pride and passion. I felt a deep sense of patriotism and pride for my country at that moment.
After the ceremony, the excitement began with various traditional games. I participated in the sack race and tug-of-war competition. The atmosphere was filled with joy and laughter as we all competed in the spirit of friendship. Even though I didn’t win any of the games, I had a lot of fun. The highlight of the day was the "panjat pinang" competition, where groups of students tried to climb a slippery pole to grab prizes at the top. It was hilarious to watch and cheer for my friends as they struggled but worked together as a team.
In the afternoon, the school held a cultural parade showcasing traditional costumes from different regions of Indonesia. I was chosen to represent the Bali province and wore a beautiful Balinese costume. Marching around the school with my classmates made me feel proud of Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage. The parade ended with everyone singing "Hari Merdeka," a song that reminds us of the sacrifices made by our heroes for Indonesia's freedom.
That day, I learned that Independence Day is not just about celebrating our freedom, but also about coming together as one nation, appreciating our culture, and remembering the struggles of those who fought for our independence.
2. My Independence Day Experience at School
Last year’s Independence Day celebration at my school was one of the most exciting days I’ve ever had. The day began with a solemn flag-raising ceremony. All students, teachers, and staff stood proudly as we sang the national anthem, "Indonesia Raya." I felt a deep sense of pride and unity as we honored the heroes who fought for our independence. After the ceremony, the fun activities began. I took part in several traditional games, like the sack race and the eating crackers competition. It was thrilling to compete with my friends, and even though I didn’t win, the experience was unforgettable.
The highlight of the day was the "panjat pinang" game, where teams tried to climb a greased pole to grab prizes at the top. My friends and I gave it our best shot, and even though we couldn’t reach the top, we had so much fun trying. The day continued with a cultural parade, where students showcased traditional costumes from various regions in Indonesia. I was proud to wear a Batak costume, representing the rich heritage of North Sumatra. The entire celebration made me appreciate our nation’s diversity and the freedom we now enjoy.
This experience taught me the true meaning of independence: unity, perseverance, and remembering the sacrifices made by our ancestors. It was a day full of joy, laughter, and patriotism.
Itulah contoh recount text pengalaman hari kemerdekaan bahasa Inggris yang cocok dijadikan sebagai referensi belajar. (Msr)