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5 Contoh Soal Report Text Kelas 9 beserta Jawabannya

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Ilustrasi contoh soal report text kelas 9. Sumber foto: Pixabay/DariuszSankowski
Ilustrasi contoh soal report text kelas 9. Sumber foto: Pixabay/DariuszSankowski
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Contoh soal report text kelas 9 dapat dipelajari untuk memperluas wawasan siswa tentang ragam jenis text dalam bahasa Inggris. Teks tersebut dapat berupa hasil dari observasi yang menyeluruh.
Report text (teks pengamatan) termasuk salah satu factual texts. Melalui teks ini suatu objek dapat dijelaskan secara detail dan sistematis.

Contoh Soal Report Text Kelas 9

Ilustrasi contoh soal report text kelas 9. Sumber foto: Pixabay/DariuszSankowski
Berdasarkan buku Menghadapi Ujian Nasional 2010: Bahasa Inggris SMP, Tim Literatur Media Sukses, (2009,21), pengertian teks report adalah suatu teks yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara umum, misalnya berbagai benda, makhluk hidup, lingkungan, fenomena alam, dan keadaan sosial yang terjadi di lingkungan sekitar.
Ciri kebahasaan (language features) dalam teks memakai bentuk present tense, general nouns, dan kalimat pasif (passive voice). Adapun struktur teks ini meliputi general classification dan description. Selain itu, report memiliki urutan yang logis mengenai fakta tanpa melibatkan hubungan personal penyusun.
Agar lebih memahaminya, inilah kumpulan contoh soal report text kelas 9 yang dapat dipelajari mengutip buku Fresh Update Mega Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP kelas 1, 2, & 3, Tim Guru Eduka, (2015:135-139).
Read the text to answer questions 1-3.
The largest meat-eating animal in the world is the brown bear that lives in Alaska. “Brownie”, as this bear is called, will always keep away from people. But, be careful if it is wounded with a gun or the mother bear and her cubs are shocked. Some hunters claim the brown bear can outfight a tiger.
A grown brownie may be up to nine feet tall. It may weigh over 1,600 pounds. But when the brown bear is born, it weighs less than one pound. If you grew at the same rate, you would weigh almost 10,000 pounds when you were fully grown!
1.What does the text mostly tell about?
A. Brown bears.
B. Strong hunters.
C. Fighting tigers.
D. Alaskan people.
Jawaban: A. Brown bears.
2. Which statement is not true according to the text?
A. Brown bear eats meat.
B. Brown bears can beat a tiger.
C. Brownie will keep away when it sees. People.
D. Brown bears are tame animals.
Jawaban: D. Brown bears are tame animals.
3. But, be careful if it is wounded with a gun or the mother bear and her cubs are shocked.” (line 6)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Male bears.
B. Baby bears.
C. Group of bears.
D. Other bears.
Jawaban: B.Baby bears.
4. Read the text to answer questions 4-5.
A storm is a disturbance of the ordinary conditions of the atmosphere accompanied by wind, rain, snow, sleet, hail (frozen rain), or thunder and lightning.
Types of storms include the extra tropical cyclone, the common, large-scale storm of temperate latitudes; the tropical cyclone, or hurricane, which is somewhat smaller in area than the former and accompanied by high winds and heavy rains; the tornado, or “twister”, a small but intense storm with very high winds, usually of limited duration; and the thunderstorm, local in nature and accompanied by brief but heavy rain.
Showers and often by hail. The termstorm is also applied to blizzards, sandstorms, and dust storm, in which high wind is the dominant meteorological element.
4. What is the text about?
A. Storms.
B. Thunderstorms.
C. Cyclones.
D. Hurricanes.
Jawaban: A.Storms.
5.What is the small storm with high winds happening in a short time called?
A. a cyclone.
B. a twister.
C. a hurricane.
D. a blizzard.
Jawaban: B. a twister.
Itu tadi kumpulan contoh soal report text kelas 9 beserta jawabannya. Dengan mencermati soal-soal di atas, pembaca diharapkan mampu mengetahui struktur dari report text dan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam memahami teks bahasa Inggris. (Riyana)