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Contoh Review Text Lagu beserta Generic Structernya untuk Kelas 12
27 Januari 2025 17:09 WIB
waktu baca 3 menitTulisan dari Ragam Info tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan

Contoh review text lagu dapat menjadi referensi bagi siswa kelas 12 yang sedang mempelajari materi review text lagu. Review text lagu maksudnya adalah mengulas isi dari teks atau lirik dalam suatu lagu.
Dalam review lagu, pengulas teks lagu memberikan penilaian mengenai kelebihan dan kekurangan dari lirik lagu tersebut. Penilaian itu bersifat subjektif tetapi pengulas teks lagu memberikan argumennya mengenai penilaian tersebut.
Contoh Review Text Lagu Bahasa Inggris
Menurut buku Top No. 1 UN SMA/MA IPA 2016 oleh Tim Guru Indonesia (2015: 163), tujuan review text adalah memberi penilaian atau kritik terhadap kegiatan atau hasil karya seni. Misalnya, buku, film, pertunjukkan, dan lagu. General struktur review text adalah sebagai berikut:
Berikut ini contoh review text lagu Bahasa Inggris Let It Be yang dinyanyikan The Beatles:
1. Orientation
Let It Be is one of classic song by The Beatles. The melody and the lyrics made the song very popular among Beatles fan and music listener in general.
This song was released in 6 March 1970 as the title track for their final studio album, Let It Be. This song was written and sung by Paul McCartney.
The idea of this song came to McCartney after the dream he had. His late Mother, Mary McCartney come to him in that dream and reassuring him that everything will be fine.
2. Interpretive Recount
The song started with the narrator of the song said that when he fins himself in times of trouble, Mother Mary came to him and speaking the words of wisdom, 'let it be'.
The whole verses of the song giving reassurance to the listeners that despite of the difficult time that they have, they could still find comfort and the obstacles that they face will pass.
3. Evaluation
Let It Be is one The Beatles' iconic and legendary song. There are some factors that make this song very memorable to the listener. First, the message giving reassurance and delivering the comfort to people.
Second, the words in the lyrics are actually very simple but it makes the listeners remember the song easily. The chorus part becomes the part that people always remember.
The song has slow tempo and soft melody. The melody and the arrangement, give a sense of comfort that amplify the message that the song try to convey.
4. Evaluative Summary
Even though Let It Be has been released since 55 years ago, the message that the song try to deliver is still relevant to people nowadays. The melody and the lyrics made it very easy listening but still has deep meaning. Overall, the song was really well made and well written that's why it became one the legendary songs by The Beatles.
Demikian contoh review text lagu Bahasa Inggris beserta generic structurenya. Semoga dapat memberikan wawasan mengenai teks review dalam Bahasa Inggris. (IND)