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Movie Review: “Tormented” (2018)

20 Maret 2020 12:41 WIB
Tulisan dari Riristia Hayu tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Tormented was produced by English Letters C class (Literatory) of IAIN Surakarta
Tormented was produced by English Letters C class (Literatory) of IAIN Surakarta
Lately, the issue of women is being widely discussed. As we know, women are the most beautiful creation full of ‘slander’. Gender equality is the main focus that has been the theme of the discussion of issues concerning women from the past to the present. Women, nowadays, are even bolder to voice their rights, women rights. The right to study, the right to work, the right to speak, till the right to lead. And the film “Tormented”, a film made by students of English Letters IAIN Surakarta in 2018, can be said to be dare in voicing the hearts of women.
Diana (Marwah) and Dianto (Reva Alfi) are married couple who recently moved to a new home. Their life was normal, loving and caring each other. Until one day, Diana felt her life was so boring to be a wife who only stayed at home all day long. In this part began to appear a depiction of anxiety about how confined as a woman. Even though Diana was bored, but she still obeyed her husband. Well, she’s kind of good wife.
“Not Couple” Couple Look (?)
It sounds strange indeed, but that’s how the audience will get when enjoying the acting of the main cast of this film. There isn’t seen a strong chemistry between Diana her husband whereas they are a new married couple. Were they arranged for marriage? Besides there is no strong chemistry, Marwah’s acting as Diana seems less natural when she expresses her feelings to Dianto as a code that she wants to continue to study or work. And also, Reva’s acting as Dianto looks flat. Many of dialogues are the same and repeated in different scenes such as: “What are you thinking?” “Hmm.. nothing.” The audience will memorize the dialogue easily. May be Dianto is not a romantic person, LOL. But for their conversation is clear enough to be heard and good proficiency.
Music and Sound Effect
In the beginning, a movie directed by Abdul M H Faiz began with a horror sound effect, so it makes the audience assume that Tormented is a horror or thriller genre. Honestly, you will not be scared while watching this movie, not at all. The sound effects are quite appropriate for tense scene. Weddings, as we can feel, are usually full of romantic atmosphere, including the music. But I don’t know, is this because modern era or too many EDM genre, the music in the wedding scene just like a hip hop music that can make you dance. LOL.
Beautiful Camera Movement
The best point in this film is the cinematography. The camera movements are good and also switching scenes are good enough. The color grading and editing can be an additional point for this movie. There are some things that make the scene a little less sweet such as the shadow of the cameraman on the car door and also the cameraman who is hiding behind a chair. Oh, there’s a scene where Diana and Dianto sat on the bed and had a chit chat before Dianto went to work, the camera only shot them from behind, so the audience can’t see their expression clearly. But that’s okay.
Supporting Properties and Setting
Little but can make trouble. Properties are the most important thing to support the story. Illogical can make the story weird. Imagine that you are going to move to a new house. You will definitely carry lots of things, right? Will you only carry a suitcase and a bag? No truck, no boxes. Then the suitcase only contains books, not clothes. And the house cleaned, you don’t need to clean the rooms, there’s no housekeeper. Well, you will find this case in this movie. I’m not kidding.
Localize Adaptation
FYI, the story of Tormented is adapted from Virgina Woolf’s novel “The Mark on the Wall”. We know (if you ever read her works) that she used symbols to deliver deep meaning to the story. This movie localized the mark on the wall with Jarik, a Javanese traditional fabric with batik pattern, to symbolize bad luck. The philosophy of Jarik in this movie is the pattern has rules and can’t be broken. Just like Diana’s life as wife, she can’t feel a freedom. It is a good adaptation.
The last thing, although Tormented has some weakness, this movie is good since it made by student. So, 7,5/10 is good enough with parental guiding. This movie is only for people who love to use their brain while watching a movie. If you don’t want to think harder by watching this movie, you’d better stalk your ex.
Written by Fera Istiqomah and Riristia Hayu