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Full metal alchemist brotherhood live action review in perspective Anime lovers

31 Maret 2018 20:45 WIB
Diperbarui 14 Maret 2019 21:10 WIB
Tulisan dari Rizal Nevergiveup tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
In Japan there is movie which adapted from anime series or Manga (Japan comic).Reason of anime or manga adapted into live action because anime included to success series. In the end of 2017 there is movie live action that was released, it is full meta alchemist which adapted from anime with the title. I think if I am not anime or manga lovers from full metal alchemist brotherhood, I will give 4, 5 star for the movie. Meanwhile 2,5 because I have already watched the anime series of full metal alchemist brotherhood. I given two rate based on two perspective because this movie is live action or we can said as the real representative of the anime and Sometimes anime lovers felt disappointed because the story not represented anime series or the actor not represented the character in the anime series.
Full metal alchemist brotherhood live action review in perspective Anime lovers
Live action version
Source of picture : otakumode.com
URL picture: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=imgres&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjdipC2pJXaAhUcSY8KHXD4AqYQjRx6BAgAEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Ffma.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FFullmetal_Alchemist%3A_Brotherhood&psig=AOvVaw2BvwHhhkWsUiP0IH6eJRMn&ust=1522541823153912
Full metal alchemist brotherhood live action review in perspective Anime lovers (1)
Anime version
Source of picture: fma.wikia.com
URL picture:
The main story of full metal movie is about 2 brothers Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric that lost their mother’s, they tried to bring her back life used alchemist process. Unfortunately they can do that and as the impact is lost their body or part of their body, there are right arms and left leg for Edward and all body for Alphonse.
In movie full metal alchemist brotherhood live action itself based on my opinion good in visual effect which almost like in anime specially when the character used their alchemist power. As a movie that for commercial purposed that is nothing worried about the editing, angel and back song. The reason for anime lovers like me just give this movie score 2, 5 is about some character lost their identity or their special characteristic. Although Edward is good acted by Ryosuke yamada, but another character such as Winry who is lost her character specially when she angry the character acted by Tsubasa hoda.
Not only about how the actor or the artist that act the character which is make the character cannot show their special characteristic, but it also happens because of the story of the movie is too less for the character such as Winry who is not really exposed for her role and it might be make Tsubasa can’t show her best act for Winry role, it happen too for Hawkeye, lieutenant Ross role and Dr.Marcoh . I though the story of movie is too forced because the enemy such as homunculus armies which is in the anime is show in the end of series, but in the movie was mixed with the beginning of story.
If talked about the moral value of this movie, I will say about human is can’t given up although in the bad condition. It shown from El and Al that not given to search way for make their body complete again.
Full metal alchemist brotherhood live action is good movie for watch, although make anime lovers of Full metal alchemist brotherhood series little bit disappointment.
BY: Rizal syaiful h