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Analytical Exposition Text: Definition and Its Examples
25 Maret 2024 13:52 WIB
waktu baca 11 menitTulisan dari Maulida Lintang Panggayuh tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Definition, function, and structures of Analytical Exposition Text
Hello, fellas! Did you know that the text in the language subject, especially English, has various types and structures? One of them is exposition text. It is a text where you write your own opinion toward an issue according to the facts. Besides, you also have to add several arguments to strengthen your opinion. Several news and articles are included in exposition text. Click here for more explanation.
There are two kinds of exposition texts. They are analytical and hortatory expositions. Analytical exposition is the text which elaborates the writer’s perspective about an issue. It aims to persuade readers and tell them that the topic is significantly important.
The structures of analytical exposition text consist of: a) Thesis. It is paragraph to introduce the topic and indicate the writer's position. b) Arguments. It contains sentences to support the writer’s perspective. The number of arguments may vary and differ based on the writer’s beliefs, but each argument must be supported by evidence and explanation. c) Reiteration. It restates the thesis and rewrites the idea to conclude the text as the closing statement without giving a recommendation.
The Examples
To comprehend this type of text, it is good to you to read the examples of it. Here, we proudly present the projects of creating analytical exposition text who were written by ten students of grade XI. Therefore, you can read the examples of analytical exposition text in this writing project.
1. The Impact of a Broken Home on Children (written by: Nayla Najahul I.Y)
Broken home is a term that refers to a family that no longer lives together due to various reasons such as parental divorce, death of one or both parents, or other separation. It will also have an impact on children, especially on children’s mental health. The followings paragraphs will explain the impact of a broken home on children in my view.
First, low of self-confidence. I think the birth of a child from a broken home family will cause a personality crisis so that their behavior will be inappropriate and often some will tend to lack self-confidence. So the child will not easily into society because they are ashamed of their broken family situation. According to research in the Bengkulu district, several children felt sad, disappointed, and hurt. Result the research concluded that teenagers had broken homes in Pagar Dewa village manna district, south Bengkulu Regency lacked confidence felt sad, disappointed, and sick with their current condition. In this daily life, they lack confidence in their abilities, are pessimistic, and not deeply objective when facing problems, have a low sense of responsibility, and often act out irrationally so they have a quieter and less active attitude in social environment
Second, become a rebel. Often children from broken homes will have a rebellious or violent nature. This is due to parental conflict in front of the child so that the child grows up to follow the behavior of his parents. Based on case research, a student at SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak has one of the characteristics of students who are irritable like scolding and saying rude to the point of cursing his friend. The subject of the case is not happy if disturbed. Meanwhile, sometimes the subject Cases also often disturb his friends, but he doesn't want to be disturbed. The subject of the case also often gets angry when asked for advice.
The last impact is children who experience a broken home also usually feel too sorry for themselves, so they feel that their life is the saddest. They can blame their parents, blame fate, and even blame God. They will feel that they are not as lucky as their friends who have complete parents and have the things they want. , get warmth and feel quality.
The conclusion that I can draw from the theme that I use is, that various reasons can cause a broken home, namely the divorce of parents, or the death of one or both of them. Broken homes can also have various impacts on children's health and mental health, some of which I wrote about are: low self-confidence, rebellion, and too much self-pity.
2. Dangers of Consuming Raw Milk (written by: Nita Dwi Astuti)
Did you know that consuming raw milk is dangerous for your health? So what do you think raw milk is like? Raw milk is milk that is milked directly without reducing or adding anything and has not been treated with anything except cooling. Raw milk is also called pure milk because it has not undergone a pasteurization process, namely the process of heating liquid food to kill pathogens so that it is safe for consumption. So why is consuming raw milk dangerous for health?
Raw milk or pure milk comes from cow's milk and goat's milk. It is called pure milk because this milk has not undergone any processing at all except cooling. In milk processing, pasteurization is usually carried out, namely a heating process to remove dangerous pathogens so that it is safe for consumption. However, pure milk does not go through the pasteurization process, so pure milk still contains quite dangerous bacteria
In health data from 1993 to 2012 there were at least 1,909 illnesses and 144 hospitalizations caused by raw milk products. In terms of health, raw milk is dangerous because raw milk contains antimicrobial resistance genes so the medicines we take for infections cannot work. The bacteria in pure milk are usually Salmonella, E.Coli, Listeria, and Compylobacter. This bacteria causes food poisoning. This happens when a person's immune system is very weak, such as small children, elderly people, pregnant women, and people affected by HIV, AIDS, cancer, diabetes, and others. In my opinion, as a person who likes to consume milk, I have to be more careful.
Based on my opinion and some facts above, raw milk has been proven to be dangerous if consumed, especially for the elderly and pregnant women. If we consume raw milk it will have a bad impact on our body, especially if the body is in a weak condition.
3. The Importance of Breakfast (written by: Ayu Diana Safitri)
On a super busy morning, many people tend to leave home without getting their breakfast. it is bad because breakfast brings many benefits. one of the most important benefits of breakfast is the energy that keeps the brain fresh and focus. That is why breakfast is very important. The following is my explanation of why breakfast is very important.
Breakfast provides nutritional intake. If you skip breakfast too often, the vitamins and nutrients your body needs will not be met properly. So, you see, when someone gets used to eating breakfast, they tend to have an overall healthy diet. So, if you do this regularly every day, breakfast can provide sufficient nutritional intake for the body. In this regard, you should not consume heavy snacks in the morning. To get the benefits of breakfast, you should consume whole grain cereal, fruit, vegetables, lean meat, boiled eggs, chicken, low-fat milk, or cheese. Keep away from evil diseases. Someone who habitually skips breakfast will have higher levels of bad cholesterol in the body, than those who consume a portion of whole wheat cereal or grains mixed with milk. Why? The reason is, that the fiber in these foods is responsible for binding bad cholesterol so that it is quickly removed from the body before it reaches the arteries. High fiber intake at breakfast is good to consume because it is believed to reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, breakfast can balance blood sugar levels and prevent insulin resistance. In other words, eating breakfast regularly will keep you away from dangerous diseases such as diabetes. easy to concentrate Increasing brain concentration is one of the benefits of breakfast that can be felt. Breakfast is the first intake after the body fasts overnight. At breakfast, the brain again gets the nutrients it needs, in the form of glucose and glycogen. Then, the brain will get a signal if the body is ready to carry out today's activities. If your glucose needs are not met, you will find it difficult to concentrate and feel tired quickly.
Breakfast is an energy source that keeps the brain fresh. On the other hand, if you are hungry, it makes your brain tired and affects your productivity when studying or doing activities. That’s why breakfast is very important for anything.
4. The Negative Impact of Sosial Media on Teenagers (written by: Arsila Khoerunnisa)
Adolescence is greatly influenced by the environment, especially the social environment. This condition makes them interact with other people via social media. Who here does not know social media? Social media is a communication medium that is certainly familiar in our lives. Social media has a negative impact, namely: can’t set the time, become lazy about studying, and rarely socialize. Here I provide the explanations.
First, most teenagers today cannot allocate time to social media. Sometimes they forget the time between playing and studying. It has a bad impact on teenagers because it can hinder their daily activities. For example, time that should be for eating, sleeping, bathing, or even helping parents become neglected with media social. If it continues and too much time to spent with social media it will increase the risk of mental disorders, such as depression.
Second, teenagers use social media too much and they become lazy. Many of them underestimate their study time and don’t even prioritize their future. In this situation, parents should accompany their children in studying and limit their time on social media. If it continues to happen, it can affect their knowledge and achievement.
Nowadays, many teenagers are found to be more engrossed in social media, rather than interacting socially in their world. It is the third bad impact that they think social media can replace more real social experiences. When someone spends more time on social media, they disconnect from real life. End up feeling less connected to themselves. Try to interact, or at least greet each other when you meet family, friends, or other people out there.
So the conclusion is, that most teenagers today are addicted to social media. Daily activities will be disrupted, they spend their time on social media. If this is done confinously it will have a negative impact on themselves and others. We must be able to control our time on social media from now.
5. The Juvenile Delinquency Problem (written by: Azqia Zulfa Adibah)
At present, delinquency is one of the national issues in our country. Delinquency itself is defined as misconduct and is part of a judicial matter. Experts believe that delinquency is perpetrated by those who think they are adults, but in reality, they are still 13-18 years of age. In my opinion, delinquency can change their outlook and thinking because the factors at his or her most unusual age are somewhat unstable. The root of the problem of delinquency is complex and involves a variety of factors, as for some of those factors.
The first factor is from family environment. Neither the lack of affection nor the attention of parents who are often busy at work, are factor in their trying to get attention by engaging in delinquency. Family functions include weaknesses in control management and oversight. Breakdown in the relationship between parent and child, child abuse, abandonment, or denial from parents to the point of delinquency. A parent who makes a child feel unwanted causes the child to turn to delinquency as an act of cruelty. When raised in a good and caring family, teenagers are reluctant to commit crimes out of love and family advice.
Another factor came from poor association. Young people are confused because of the differences in values within family and community. When no one is driving them it's easy to get carried away and get caught up in prevered things. Youths can follow through on a friend's routine, such as drunkenness or casual sex. Based on the data from the Indonesian child protection commission is known as much. 32% of youth ages 14 to 18 in the big cities of Indonesia (Surabaya, Jakarta, Bandung) were sexually involved before and before proving 62,7% of teens lose virgins while sitting on benches in middle school. 21,2% of the extreme was having an abortion.
The last common factor is influenced by social media. Because social media is universal anyone can access what's on the internet. And all the web too varies that's how social media works and affects a person's actions and behavior. Especially adolescents who have weak self-control. Because often teenagers are also exposed to content. That is inappropriate and unseemly to look at. Where such content is detrimental, like violence, hate speech, drugs, bullying, gambling, pornography, Etc.
The conclusion I can take from here is that the most fundamental factor in delinquency comes from the ward (family, association, social media) also from how the youth behaved and reacted to that influence.