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5 Contoh Dialog tentang Sekolah Bahasa Inggris untuk 2 Orang

Sejarah dan Sosial
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7 April 2023 13:45 WIB
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Ilustrasi Dialog (Pixabay)
Ilustrasi Dialog (Pixabay)
Dialog tentang sekolah kerap muncul saat kita bertemu dan mengobrol dengan teman satu sekolah.
Ahmad Mursyidon Nidhom dalam buku Interaksi Komputer dan Manusia, berpendapat dialog adalah percakapan yang melibatkan 2 orang atau lebih.

Berbagai Contoh Dialog tentang Sekolah dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ilustrasi dialog tentang sekolah (Pixabay)
Ingin menambah kemampuan Anda dalam percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris, ini loh beberapa contoh dialog dalam bahasa Inggris tentang sekolah untuk 2 orang:

1. Membicarakan hal-hal positif tentang sekolah

A: “Hi, Dani. How are you?
B: “Hi, Fitri. I'm fine, Thank you. How about you?”
A: “Fine. Dani, I wonder what you think of our school. What do you like about our school?
B: “I like the atmosphere in this school. Everyone is very friendly and relaxed, and our teachers are very helpful. How about you?
A: “Just like you, I also like the atmosphere in this school.

2. Membicarakan kesulitan di sekolah

A: “Hi, Fikri. How are you?
B: “Hi, Rizki. I'm fine, Thank you. How about you?
A: “Fine. Fikri, I'm having trouble at school with math. Can you help me?
B: “Of course, I'm glad I could help you.
A: “Good, I can meet you after class tomorrow. Is that okay?
B: “Sure, that's fine.

3. Membicarakan aktivitas ekstrakurikuler

A: “Hi, Indra. Have you decided what extracurricular activities you will be participating in this year?”
B: “Hi, Great. Okay, I'm going to join the soccer club.
A: “That's great! I'm also thinking about joining a soccer club. Can we join together?
B: “Yes, of course. I'm happy to have a football club friend.

4. Membicarakan tugas sekolah

A: “Hi, Sinta. Have you finished your math assignment?
B: “Hi, Bima. Not yet, I'm having trouble with the task.
A: “Oh, I see. Can I help you?
B: “Of course, I really appreciate your help. When can you help me?
A: “Great, I can help you after class tomorrow. Is that okay?
B: “Yes, of course. I will wait for you in the library.

5. Membicarakan pengalaman di sekolah

A: “Hi, Ika. Long time no see you. How are you?
B: “Hi, Rudy. I'm fine, Thank you. How about you?
A: “Fine. I'm curious, what was your best experience in school?
B: “My best experience was when I won a speech contest last year. I am very happy because I managed to give a good speech in front of many people.
A: “Wow, that's really awesome. I can't wait to see you give another speech.
B: “Thank you, Rudi. How about you, what was your best experience while at school?
A: “My best experience was when I was elected as class president last year.
B: “That's great! I know that you have great leadership abilities and I am sure that you will continue to be successful in the future.
A: “Thank you very much, Ika. You're welcome, I'm sure you'll also achieve great things in the future.
Itulah lima contoh dialog tentang sekolah dalam bahasa Inggris untuk 2 orang. Semoga contoh dialog ini dapat memberikan inspirasi untuk memulai percakapan yang menyenangkan dengan teman di sekolah. (AZZ)