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When Deserts Flood and Forests Dry Out
27 Oktober 2024 14:13 WIB
waktu baca 2 menitTulisan dari Sekarningrum Dyah Nareswary tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan

Climate change is becoming real when a biome loses its main features. The loss or change of a biome is an important issue. This was recently seen when deserts flooded and forests faced drought.
The Wrong Components
Deserts are large, dry areas. Sandy deserts mainly have sand, and water is rare because of low rainfall. On the other hand, forests have many trees and high humidity, leading to a lot of rain. Forests also help collect water.
The clear differences between these two biomes show that each has its own role on Earth. But what happens when these environments change?
Recently, there were natural disasters in 2024. In September, the Sahara Desert saw significant flooding, while the Amazon Rainforest suffered from severe drought, leading to wildfires.
Climate Change is Clearer!
Deserts usually have low rainfall, but suddenly, heavy rains fell in parts of the Sahara. Rainfall increased more than four times the normal amount, causing big floods in northern Africa.
The increase in rainfall in the Sahara is clear evidence of climate change. This change does not happen naturally and is harmful to the desert's ecosystem.
At the same time, wildfires in the Amazon Rainforest are a serious problem for that ecosystem. It is unusual for the Amazon to catch fire because it is a tropical rainforest, known for high rainfall and humidity. Now, the Amazon is facing its biggest disaster.
These wildfires could not happen naturally either. This is the largest fire event, destroying many trees in the rainforest. This is worrying because humans need forests, and one of the largest has been burned.
Humans No Longer Need Shelter
The clear signs of climate change show that "humans no longer need shelter." The damage to forests and deserts should be a serious warning for everyone.
Parts of the Amazon, the largest rainforest, are being destroyed by fire. This is a big threat because the Earth is losing a vital source of oxygen, which is essential for human life.
Also, the flooded desert can cause problems like erosion and the spread of diseases. Once again, humans will be affected by these issues.
So, it seems that humanity has lost its need for shelter. People seem indifferent, focusing more on industrial life than on the need for clean air to breathe.