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24 Februari 2018 8:43 WIB
Diperbarui 14 Maret 2019 21:11 WIB
Tulisan dari Shafira tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Sometimes I sit and think of you, where I let reality leave my view.
I look for hints and signs that you’re there and wonder when you’ll find your way here.
Your smile, eyes, and heart race through my mind while all the others I leave behind.
There’s no doubt that you’re around, unsure if our paths have been found.
I’m not quite sure, but still our future remains a blur.
One day I know we’ll find each other somehow some way, but till then I’ll sit patiently and wait.
Till that faithful day our lives should mend and our hearts we lend.
Till you’re in my arms forever till the end, till I can say our lives together we’ll spend.
Each day that passes my heart grows fonder of whoever you are,
Each moment I wait seems like we’re a little less far.
Wherever you are know one thing, once together I’ll never take off that ring.
You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours and together we’ll be each other cures.
The cure to the sadness, heartbreak, and loneliness we both had to endure.
Life goes on in some sort of way though I know it won’t truly start till you carry me away.
One day together we will stand forever and ever till the end.
I’ll promise to be a good life partner as long as you help me and accompany me in getting into Jannah.
So for now, I’ll sit back down and wait till He knows when.
I love you, callous piece of living shit, till then.
Best regards,
(Your Future Partner in Crime)