10 Ramadhan 1446 HSenin, 10 Maret 2025
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Indonesia Local Heroes...

3 Mei 2018 0:28 WIB
Diperbarui 14 Maret 2019 21:09 WIB
Tulisan dari Silvia Sihombing tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Kalau di artikel sebelumya saya telah menulis mengenai UPRISING, sebuah institusi yang menjadi pahlawan untuk para creative musik anak bangsa. Maka di artikel ini, saya akan menulis satu persatu mereka, para produser muda bertalenta yang telah menelurkan single - single keren yang menjadi bukti bahwa di usia mereka yang masih sangat hijau dan muda kreatifitas mereka sangat sangat sangat tak diragukan lagi. Penasaran siapa saja mereka? Ini dia....
Eros Tjokro adalah sosok muda berbakat yang sangat suka bernyanyi. Dengan latar belakang dia dari teater musikal dan juga sangat menggemari musisi - musisi legend seperti James brown dan Elvis. Sementara pemikirannya yang terbuka mendapat pengaruh dari musik modern yang ada sekarang dan terus bisa mengahasilkan jenis musiknya menjadi lebih lebih menarik. Dengan lagu sebelumnya yang diberi judul "Addicted" yang di produseri oleh Adhe Ario di tahun 2017. Eros Tjokro muncul kembali pada tahun 2018 tepat ditanggal 26 Januari ini dengan lagu barunya "Good Times" bekerja sama dengan Shotgundre. Nuansa suara khas R&B yang dibawa oleh Eros Tjokro sangat pas dipadukan dengan luapan beat yang dikeluarkan oleh Shotgundre berkolaborasi dengan Ankadiov Subran dengan future-pop beat nya. Keseruan lagu "Good Times" tidak hanya terjadi dari kolaborasi mereka bertiga dimana menggunakan banyak elemen baru dalam bermusik, namun ada kejutan yang diberikan dengan meng-twist lirik ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Penasaran? Langsung cek lagu nya saja! Lagu "Good Times" sendiri menceritakan tentang sikap yang berani dan mudah untuk melihat bahwa Eros sangat nyaman bereksperimen dan membawa sesuatu yang baru. Sama seperti sikapnya terhadap musik, lagu "Good Times" adalah tentang wujud dirinya terhadap ambisinya dan tidak membiarkan seseorang atau apapun menghalangi. Selain menjadi penyanyi, penulis lagu dan aktor, Eros juga merupakan announcer radio di salah satu stasiun radio populer di Jakarta di mana dia merasa dirinya siap untuk menyebarkan hal hal positif dan mempengaruhi scene musik Indonesia. Di tanggal 26 Januari ini pun, Eros tidak hanya melepas lagu terbarunya "Good Times" tapi juga merilis official video clip "Good Times" yang bernuansa dan menggambarkan tentang diri Eros sendiri dan moment Good Times yang dilaluinya.
Arief Hidayat (A.K.A Ayip)
April 15th 1995, was the day when Arief Hidayat (A.K.A Ayip) saw the world for the first time. On June 2003, was the day when Ayip knew the world he wanted to be in. That day, he's still 8 years old, and already established himself as a little drummer. Unfortunately, an accident caused him to stop hitting the drums. When he was 11, he had an accident on his right foot, so he had to gave up his drumsticks. But, the 11 years old boy never gave up on music. When he was 14, he was introduced to vinyl by his cousin, and he fell in love to the DJ world when he was 17. Here starts, the story of Ayip as a DJ. Started of playing trance music, in-uenced by his cousin who introduced him to vinyls. As time goes by, Ayip started learning other genres such as progressive, breakbeat, R&B, Hip-Hop, Twerk, Trap, Mombathon, Mashup, etc. Until this day, Ayip is still learning and learning. His love of music generally, and in the DJ world specically, makes him wanting to learn more and more. But if you ask him what is his favorite genre to play on the deck, his answer would be Hip-Hop and R&B. Since he started of with vinyls, he knows how to scratch really well. He knows how to mix really good. When he's on the deck playing his Hip-Hop and R&B set, he knows how to make the ladies get down on the -oor and the gentlemen dance hard with the-owing beat. Ayip has performed in many clubs around Jakarta such as Fable, lucy, Domain, Umbra, Foundry8, Colloseum Jakarta, 365 Echo Bar, Bloeming. He has also performed in S Lounge Palembang, Venus Palembang, New Zone Medan, Shelter Bandung, Bucharest Bandung, Sobbers Bandung, and many more. Not only he has high mixing skills, he also has sick freestyleing skills that makes him being awarded in some Djing competition. In 2014, he was placed 2nd on IIDJ Battle Jakarta. In 2015, he was the nalist of HIN DJ Battle Bekasi, nalist of Pioneer UKB1 Challenge Asia 2015, 3rd winner of 2015 Pioneer WeGo Challenge Competition, Dinero$ DJ Hunt 2016 2nd Winner, 1st winner of Generation Noize 2016 and 3rd Winner of ICEPERIENCE Pro DJ 2017.
CVX is a electronic music project of Ikki Witjaksono, an electronic musician from Jakarta. It's based on his previous projects, Crownszky and Vulture Xhock. His core genre is RnB and Bass Music.
He began his music career when he was 15 as additional bassist for bands to hire. And then he learned piano at the age of 16. Not so long after that, he discovered electronic music software to compose his ideas. Now electronic music just became his way to share his thoughts and his messages.
His first major release was Subtropical EP, with his single track "Metro" at 2013. His breakthrough single that gain digital popularity was Jinny Oh Jinny Cover at 2016 that gained "Music Cover of The Year" by Popcon Asia 2017.
He is notable for his Growly Mid Range Bass, and merged with Analogue Old Synths. Sometimes He blends eighties/retro style in his music as an homage for his love to eighties music. He released his music in various Indonesian EDM labels such as Invert Recordings, Depictive Records, Javabass Records, Dead Records, Oraclesoundlab Rekords, and Uprising.
Now He is focusing on producing some good tracks for himself and his listeners, while producing music as the arranger for singers, while working as an AnR for a label.
Follow CVX :
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Discography (as CVX):
- Subtropical : Metro - EP (Invert Recordings) - 2013
- Prequel - LP (Free Download) - 2013
- Invincible - EP (Invert Recordings) -2014
- Vigilante - Single (Javabass Records) - 2015
- Avonturir - LP - with MSSVKNTRL (Depictive Records)
- Over The Night - Single (Javabass Records)
- Beatdown - Single (Oraclesoundlab Rekords)
- Down For You - Single & Remixes (Depictive Records)
- Sytematic Voyeurism - EP (Dead Records)
- Love Disco 3000 -- EP (Invert Recordings)
- Sempurna (with NSG) - Single (NSG Records)
- Back Again -- (Javabass)
- Biru (with Antartika) -- Single & Remixes (Uprising)
- Bicara -- (Uprising)
- Sudut Pandang (Uprsing)
- Groovyl@nd & Midnight Quickie & Jevin Julian - The Central
- Neurotic - Surga Durjana
- Matter Halo - Pesawat Kertas
- Muztang - The Motion
- Mardial - The Graduation Song
- Ravaga - Mercury
- Midnight Quickie - One Day
- MSSVKNTRL - Tomorrow Sun
- HMGNC -- Memories That Last A Dream
- Yacko -- Thang
- Mardial & Joe Million -- Sakaratul
- Decemberkid -- Something About You
- Rendy Pandugo -- Silver Rain (Sony Music Entertaiment Indonesia)
- Ramengvrl -- I'm Da Man
- Tanayu -- Bang Bang Baby (Lockerz Media)
- Rock n Roll Mafia ft. Petra Sihombing -- Intoxicated
Other Tracks:
- Lessons To Learn VIP - 1nverse Compilation (Invert Recordings)
- Gridline - Sub Survivor - ( Eath Foundation)
- Bad - Inve2se Compiation (Invert Recordings)
- Good - Alphastate Compilation (Depictive Recordings)
- Daft Punk -- Doin' it Right (Bootleg)
- You Taught Me (Free Download)
- The Death of Us (Free Download)
- Starship She (Free Download)
- Sugar Rush (Free Download)
- Lazer Power -- Uprising Complation
- Going The Distance -- Pemudig Compilation
- Basian Blur -- Alphastate 2 Compilation (Depictive Records)
- New Horizon -- IIVerse Compilation (Invert Recordings)
Di awal tahun 2018 ini, Dexfa salah seorang producer UPRISING merilis debut EP nya yang bertajuk Wild Side. Salah satu karyanya yang sempat mendapat perhatian di skena hip-hop yaitu kolaborasi bersama Ramengvrl dengan singlenya I'm Da Man yang mengangkat namanya sebagai salah satu rapper handal di Indonesia. Dia juga aktif di kolektif lokal Disappear Planet yang sudah merilis 2 kompilasi album. Walaupun terkenal dengan lagu-lagunya yang gelap, di EP terbarunya ini, Dexfa mencoba untuk menyuguhkan lagu-lagu yang lebih melodik dan memanjakan pendengarnya yang penggarapannya berkolaborasi dengan beberapa musisi yang memiliki bakat sangat menjanjikan, termasuk tambahan lagu akustik didalamnya. Lagu pertama di Wild Side EP ini bergenre Future RnB berjudul Take It Slow, berkolaborasi dengan seorang producer muda Tomatow dan penyanyi Jonah (sebelumnya dikenal Jonah4lyfe) yang mengusung mood ceria ditambah dengan vokal falseto khas Jonah yang catchy serta trap percussive Dexfa dan Tomatow. Lagu ke-2 yang menjadi judul EP ini merupakan kolaborasi bersama vokalis Mr. Headbox dan producer Antartika - menggabung karakter Future Bass mereka dengan khas Indie Pop nya Mr. Headbox. Lagu yang menutup EP ini mencampurkan unsur mellow dan keras bertajuk She's Out Of Fantasy featuring vokalis Akila seorang vokalis muda dari Jerman, ditambah dengan versi instrumental dengan judul sama yang merupakan kolaborasi dengan Dntless. Dalam waktu yang bersamaan, Dexfa juga merilis music video untuk lagu Wild Side yang di sutradarai oleh DOS93.
2009 is a break out year for this talented, up and coming DJ Anza Mauriza. Whether it was his recent success in Seattle DJ Competition hosted by Seattle's famous DJ Flave, or his involvement in the first Indonesian Production House in Seattle, JUNKO SEATTLE, Anza Mauriza is on the right path of establishing himself in Seattle's modern dance music community. He debuted as a guest DJ in front of hundreds of Indonesian "party-goers" at one of Seattle's premier nightclub, IBIZA, late 2005. With an arsenal of only 2 weeks practice from his Numark turntable and a strong inspiration brought on by trance master, Paul Van Dyk, Anza took center stage with a breath taking Progressive Trance mix that resulted in offers to play at several different Indonesian parties around Seattle. His reputation is not only popular among the Indonesian community but also with the locals. Last Supper Club, Contour and Tiki Bob's are a few on the list of local nightclubs that Anza has played in the past years. In 2007, Anza took a break and returned to Indonesia to pursue his love for music professionally. Jakarta's high appreciation of Electronic Dance Music gave him a wide access to the industry. Anza quickly mingled himself among Jakarta's most famous DJs where he listened and learned. During his stay in Jakarta, the name Anza had become a household name among those involved in the night scene and very famous rave party DWP 2012, listed as Become One Jakarta 2015 line up, DWP 2015, and also Shivering Ground. Anza hoped to set a new benchmark for Big Room or mostly peoples call EDM.
Gigs: Kamasura (Bali), MBC (Bandung), Sobbers (Bandung), Mansion (Bandung), Barcode (Jakarta), Boshe (Bali), X2 (Jakarta), Foundry8 (Jakarta), DWP'12, listed in Become One Jakarta 2015 Line up, DWP'15, Liquid (Jogja), Shivering Ground'16, Liquid (Semarang), Mox Club (Bandung) and many more.
Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud @AnzaMauriza -- Facebook A.Mauriza
Berisi multi instrumentalis musik produser Ben Atta dan penyanyi serta penulis lagu muda Kay Oscar, NOVAKANE mulai menunjukkan warnanya di belantika musik indonesia sebagai duo musikal yang penuh akan kejutan. Nama Mereka pun sudah mulai bergaung dan dikenal di skena musik indie. Kolaborasi mereka dengan beberapa musisi ternama seperti Ramengvrl dan Emir Hermono pun akhirnya mampu membawa mereka ke panggung besar di WE THE FEST 2017.
Keduanya dapat ditemukan di trek dengan hip hop hustlers lokal Ramengvrl,Clevt,Gbrand dan Ben Utomo bersama dengan produser NOCTEM Decemberkid dan NAJ. Cukup menarik ketika mereka bercerita tentang seorang Aktris kenamaan Indonesia, Tara Basro (yang berjudul sesaui namanya) dan akhirnya mengangkat namanya di dunia hiburan dan melenggang ke televisi nasional.
Tahun ini NOVAKANE akhirnya cukup berani untuk mengeluarkan debut EP mereka dengan merilis ROMANCE. Terinspirasi oleh pasang surut di tahun-tahun semasa sekolah menengah mereka, yang masih bertema sekitar cinta, masa muda, dan mimpi. Menampilkan lagu-lagu rapper Ramengvrl dan penyanyi Cindercella, NOVAKANE memanjakan pendengar dengan 5 lagu di dalam EP ini yang bergenre R&B dan pop, mengajak anda untuk ikut bersenandung dan mengenang masa-masa yang paling indah, yaitu masa remaja.
Original Work -- Single
Original Work -- Videos
Original Work - EP Album
Collaboration Work
Collaboration Work - Remixes
Collaboration Work -- Video
Gerald Gerald
Under his stage name as Gerald Gerald, Gerald Liu is a Pop, RnB, Hip Hop, Tropical House, Future House from Jakarta. He was performed in many place like Oxen Free Jogja, Camden Jakarta, Fable Jakarta, Dejavu Samarinda, Square Batam, Boshe Jogja & Bali, and many more. After DJing for many years as KMKZ (with Ken Raka) and Shout! (with Ken Raka and Aqi 'Alexa'), Gerald finally established his solo debut as Gerald Gerald. Stepping out of his comfort zone, Gerald focuses less on hard-hitting trap/dubstep sounds and more on strong future bass vibes, as well as hip hop, RnB, and pop grooves. His first release was a 'Rendy Pandugo - Silver Rain' remix which peaked at #1 on iTunes chart and was featured on Asia Pop 40 by Dom Lau, along with airplay on numerous radios in Indonesia. More tracks are expected to come in 2018, including an official remix for Weird Genius, collaboration with Ananta Vinnie, as well as a debut EP to be released in UPRISING. Gerald Gerald is influenced by Jonas Blue, Sigala, Graves, Vincent, San Holo, Cha Cha Malone, Dean, GREY, Whethan.
Twitter & Instagram @imnotgerald
Getting a taste for bass music in Vancouver's nightlife during university, he returned to Singapore to finish his degree in audio engineering. With releases on Beatport he has collaborated with the likes of Greybox, Matter Mos, Mardial and Ariel Nayaka. He has supported international acts such as FKJ and Cherokee from Roche Musique, MYRNE from Mad Decent as well as Lakim and Yukibeb from Soulection. Finding his sound and DJing since 2011, he plays a blend of everything from all different shades of House to Hip Hop, Dancehall and Trap while holding Bass music very close to his heart. His flow and eclectic taste has landed him in Jakarta Collectives: Uprising, NOCTM and De La House Indonesia.
2018 will see him release his debut EP on UPRISING RECORDS.
Muztang is a drum and bass alias musician Gede Angga Raditya, from Bali - Indonesia. Though fairly new to the electronic music scene, he's already gaining quite some fans and interest around town. Starting his ability for Dance Music Scene at 2010. Coming from a hardcore/rock background, you can tell that his style of music often reaches back to these genres, aswell as alot of breaks and punk influences. His debut album titled SILENCE TO WARM (2012) was quite getting attention from big masses from his hometown. His remix of Miss My Bliss by DTX & Riri Mestica proved his quality as a DJ and Producer. Stating at NO. 1 Invert Rec's chart. His second EP was released by INVERT RECORDINGS, titled THE MOTION EP (2013). His debut album coming on 2016. The first single was LET IT GO, invited Maximvs Raptor on the vocal. He got Yacko, Tuan13, DamnGood also Incanta inside the album. His single from the album Let It Go, is number 1st chart for HardRock FM! In the middle of it, JRSCK was developed. The first Single featuring Yarra Rai called DOWN4U, has proven his ability to make music far more The Drum and Bass scene. And another number 1st chart for him. After this debut single, he gain attraction from another musician to co-produce for them. JRSCK is his project to gain attraction from his local mainstream.
The Producer Project:
Muztang also produced for any other musician and DJ. He managed to be Pizza Hut Music Director and Redbull Threestyle Soundtrack for Indonesian Area.
MUZTANG EP - Silence To Warm
MUZTANG EP - The Motion
MUZTANG EP - Urban Jungle
MUZTANG LP -- Monomyth
JRSCK Ft. Yarra Rai
JRSCK Ft. Ramengvrl - Alpha Girl
JRSCK Ft. Tuan13 & KayOScar - 27th Club
Compilation Included:
Muztang - Apocalypse (Uprising Compilation)
Muztang - Let It Go VIP (Invert Summer Compilation)
Muztang Remix - Riri Mestika Miss My Bliss (Liquid Drum And Bass Essential)
Muztang - Voodoo (Velocity Compilation)
Muztang - Ophidia (INVERSE 1)
Muztang - Epilogue (INVERSE 2)
Riri Mestika - Miss My Bliss
Avonturir Ft. Belle
Christabel Annora - If This Walls Could Talk
Chrisye - Kala Cinta Menggoda
Mardial X Joe Million - Sakaratul
SATCF - Party Line
HMGNC - Today & Forever
Mardial - Nanana
Rendy Pandugo - Silver Rain
Raksasa - Insomnia
WARKOP DKI - Chicken Dance
Cheryl - Sweetest Last
Tuan13 - On My Mind
Pizza Hut
Redbull Threestyle
T-Sha Ft. Nadhira - Holy Mountain
JRSCK (Jurassick / drask) is collaborative effort between Muztang and OSGD who are mainstays in the local Drum and Bass scene. With Muztang holding a spot on the Invert Recordings roster and OSGD being a regular on Javabass' monthly Phunktion nights, the first release from this joint effort was highly anticipated and didn't disappoint. With their solo work deeply rooted in Drum and Bass- JRSCK is an outlet for these two DJ / Producers to showcase range and creative flexibility. Future releases from this project promises to crossover into RnB, Hip Hop, Soul, Deep House , UK Garage or anything from luminous house anthems to trap bangers.
The first debut single "Down 4 U" was released on November 7, 2016. Featuring the lovely Yarra Rai on vocals- her performance at C.N.M's Are U That Somebody nights as well as being a regular at H Gourmet's Tribute nights had landed her a spot on Soul Menace's roster earlier in August.
"Down 4 U Remixes" was released on December 26, 2016. There are 4 remixes made by Audrey, Avonturir, Decemberkid and DVTR. Bringing out different feels from the original version. From a cute and lovely one, to the darker hype.
The second single is "Alpha Girl" was released on February 12, 2017. Teamed up with Ramengvrl who wrote the lyrics. Talking about gender equality where everyone should receive equal treatments.
Uprising, Where Rebellions Unite