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26 November 2022 21:01 WIB
Tulisan dari socha salsabila tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan

Cerita Pendek 1
Sang Nenek tua dan Seekor Kucing
Di sebuah rumah tua yang terletak di tengah kebun teh, hiduplah seorang nenek tua yang hidup sebatang kara. Nenek tersebut hidup berkecukupan dengan bekerja sebagai pemetik daun teh. Ia terbiasa memetik daun teh ketika sebelum matahari terbit.
Suatu hari ketika sang nenek sedang memetik daun teh, ia melihat seekor kucing berbulu putih dengan gelang leher berwarna merah berjalan kearahnya dengan kaki terpincang-pincang dan tubuh yang basah. Sang nenek menghampiri kucing tersebut dan melihat ada luka besar di kaki kucing tersebut. Sepertinya kucing berbulu putih tersebut baru saja jatuh dan terluka.
Sang nenek merasa sangat kasihan dan membawa pulang kucing tersebut ke rumahnya. Setelah sampai di rumah, nenek tersebut memandikan, menyisiri bulunya dan memberi makan kucing tersebut. Ketika kucing tersebut tengah asyik menyantap makananya, sang nenek memerhatikan kucing tersebut dan pandanganya terjatuh pada gelang leher berwarna merah milik kucing tersebut. Gelang leher berwarna merah tersebut memiliki bandul perak di bagian depan dengan ukiran nama 'Lili' dan sebuah alamat lengkap di sisi bagian lainya.
Keesokan pagi, sang nenek mengantarkan kucing tersebut pada alamat yang tertera di bandul kucing. Saat tiba di alamat yang ia cari, sang nenek sedikit terkejut karena alamat tersebut membawanya menuju rumah besar yang megah.
Nenek tersebut menekan bel rumah tersebut beberapa kali hingga sang pemilik berlari keluar.
Seorang anak kecil yang cantik jelita terlihat sedikit berlari keluar menuju pintu dengan sang ibu. Namun, ketika sang ibu membukakan pintu dan melihat kucing peliharaanya digendongan sang nenek tua. Ia marah dan menuduh sang nenek telah mencuri kucingnya.
Nenek tua hanya tersenyum dan mengembalikan kucing yang berada di gendonganya kepada anak kecil tersebut dan berkata "aku menemukanya terluka di pinggir kebunku." Nenek tersebut berbalik pergi meninggalkan rumah besar dan megah tersebut.
Sang ibu yang tak sempat meluapkan amarahnya hanya mengenduskan napas kasar dan kembali masuk ke dalam rumah. Namun, satu hal yang Sang Ibu tahu, bahwa kucingnya memakai gelang leher berwarna merah, dan kucing yang diberi oleh nenek tersebut tidak memakai gelang leher tersebut.
Ia berbalik dan berlari untuk melihat kembali sang nenek yang pergi semakin jauh, sang neneklah yang memakai gelang leher tersebut di tanganya dan berjalan semakin jauh dengan keadaan sedikit terpincang.
Short Story 1
The Granny and A Cat
In an old house located in the middle of a tea garden, there lived an old granny who lived alone. The granny lived well with worked as a tea leaf picker. She used to pick tea leaves before sunrise.
One day when the granny was picked tea leaves, she saw a white cat with a red neck approached her with limp legs and a wet body. The granny approached the cat and saw a large wound on the cat's leg. It looked like the white fur cat just fell and was injured.
The grandmother felt very pity and took the cat home. After arrived home, the granny bathed, combed the cat's fur and fed the cat. When the cat was eat its food, the granny noticed the cat and her eyes fell on the cat's red neck bracelet. The red neck bracelet has a silver pendulum on the front with the name 'Lili' engraved and a full address on the other side.
The next morning, the granny delivered the cat to the address listed on the cat's pendulum. When she arrived at the address she was looking for, the granny was a little surprised because the address led her to a magnificent mansion.
The granny rang the doorbell several times until the householder ran out.
A pretty little child is seen running out the door with her mother. However, when the mother opened the door and saw her pet cat being carried by the old granny. She was angry and accused the granny of stole her cat.
The granny just smiled and returned the cat that was in her arms to the child and said "I found this cat injured at the edge of my garden." The granny turned to leave.
The mother who didn't have time to express her anger just sighed with trembling and went back into the house. However, one thing the mother did know, that the cat was wearing a red neck bracelet, and the cat her granny had given her was not wearing a neck bracelet.
She turned and ran to look back at the granny who had gone further, the grandmother who was wearing a red bracelet on her hand and walking further with a slight limp.
Cerita Pendek 2
Tito Si Landak Baik hati
Di suatu pagi di sebuah hutan, Toti si anak landak sedang berjalan-jalan seorang diri untuk mencari makan. Toti merupakan anak landak yang penyendiri dan tidak mempunyai teman. Sebenarnya Toti adalah landak yang sangat baik hati dan senang berbagi makanan kepada hewan lain. Namun, Ia sering kali dijauhi karena duri di tubuhnya yang sangat tajam, sehingga membuat hewan lain ketakutan berada di dekatnya.
Ketika bermain, seringkali duri di tubuh Toti tidak sengaja mengenusuk kulit hewan lain hingga terluka. Toti sangat sedih karena tidak punya satu pun teman dekat di hutan ini.
Toti berjalan dan terus berjalan, ia melewati sekelompok anak ayam yang sedang bermain-main di pinggir sungai. Toti pun mendekati sekelompok anak ayam tersebut untuk menyapa dan meminum air sungai.
Ketika Toti mendekati sekelompok anak ayam tersebut untuk menyapa, Kipo yang merupakan salah satu anak ayam tertua di kelompok tersebut bergerak mundur untuk menjauhi Toti. Anak ayam lainnya yang melihat Kipo berjalan mundur, ikut merasa ketakutan akan kehadiran Toti.
“Halo semua selamat pagi, apakah aku boleh meminum air sungai ini dan ikut bermain bersama kalian?” Tanya Toti dengan muka berharapnya. Namun, Kipo si anak ayam dengan tegas menjawab “Maaf Toti, tapi bisakah kamu pergi? Kami disini ketakutan melihat kamu dan durimu itu.”
Toti sangat sedih mendengar perkataan Kipo, namun Toti tetap bersabar dan berkata “Baiklah, tetapi setidaknya biarkan aku meminum air sungai ini, karena aku sangat kehausan.”
Akhirnya Toti berjalan menuju pinggir sungai dan meminum air sungai tersebut. Ketika ia sedang meminum air sungai, terdengar jeritan Kipo yang melengking. Toti menoleh ke arah suara tersebut dan melihat salah satu anak ayam sedang diserang oleh ular sawah.
Ular sawah tersebut membelit salah satu anak ayam hingga lemas. Kipo yang melihat temannya di belit oleh ular sawah tersebut hanya bisa menangis dan menjerit minta tolong. Namun, saat itu suasana sedang sepi dan tidak ada hewan lain selain sekelompok anak ayam tersebut dan Toti.
Toti yang panik langsung menghampiri ular sawah tersebut dan menusuknya dengan durinya yang tajam hingga ular sawah tersebut kesakitan. Ular sawah tersebut melepaskan belitannya dan pergi menjauh dari tempat itu menuju semak-semak.
Kipo dan Toti berlari menolong anak ayam yang tadinya dibelit oleh ular sawah.
Setelah kejadian itu Kipo merasa bersalah telah menjauhi Toti dan tidak mau bermain bersamanya. Walaupun Toti merasa sakit hati pada sekelompok anak ayam tersebut, Toti tetap membantu dan menolong sekelompok anak ayam tersebut ketika dalam berbahaya.
Kipo meminta maaf pada Toti dan mengajak Toti untuk bermain bersamanya dan teman-temannya yang lain. Kipo sadar bahwa kita tidak boleh membeda-bedakan teman, apapun kelebihan dan kekurangan teman kita harus bisa kita terima.
Short Story 2
Tito the kind Hedgehog
One morning in a forest, Toti the hedgehog was walking alone looking for food. Toti is a hedgehog child who is aloof and don't have a friends. Toti actually is a very kind-hearted hedgehog and likes to share food with other animals. However, Toti is often shunned because the thorns on Toti's body are very sharp, and makes the other animals afraid to be near Toti.
When playing, the thorns on Toti's body often accidentally pierce the skin of other animals, caused injuried. Toti is very sad because Toti does not have friends in this forest.
Toti walked on and passed a group of chicks played by the the edge of the river. Toti approached the group of chicks to say hello and drink a water.
When Toti approached the group of chicks to say hello, Kipo who was one of the oldest chicks in the group moved away from Toti. The other chicks who saw Kipo walked backwards were also frightened by Toti's presence.
"Hello everyone good morning, may I drink this river water and play with you guys?" asked Toti with a hopeful face. However, Kipo the girl firmly replied, “Sorry Toti, but can you go? We are here afraid to see you and your thorns."
Toti was very sad to hear Kipo's words, but Toti remained patient and said "Okay, but at least let me drink this river water, because I am very thirsty."
Finally, Toti walked to the river bank and drank the river water. While drinking, Kipo's screams were shrill. Toti turned towards the sound and saw one of the chicks being attacked by a snake.
The snake convoluted around one of the chicks until the chick was limp. Kipo who saw his friend attacked by snake could only cry and scream for help. However, at that time the atmosphere was quiet and there were no other animals apart from the group of chicks and Toti.
Toti who panicked immediately approached the snake and stabbed it with its sharp thorns until the rice field snake was in pain. The snake untied it and went from that place to the bushes.
Kipo and Toti ran to help the chicks that had been entangled by snakes.
After that incident, Kipo felt guilty for leaving Toti and didn't want to play with Toti. Even though Toti felt hurt for the chicks, Toti still helped the group of chicks when they were in danger.
Kipo apologizes to Toti and invited Toti to play with Kipo and other friends. Kipo is aware that we should not discriminate between friends, whatever the strengths and weaknesses of our friends we must accepted.