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Forgiveness Therapy: An Effective Way To Heal From a Toxic Relationship
16 Desember 2024 16:15 WIB
waktu baca 4 menitTulisan dari Zalfa Aisya firmansyah tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan

Humans are social creatures, so they cannot be separated from direct or indirect interactions with peers or the surrounding environment. In this environment, we will find interpersonal and intrapersonal interactions. Humans are social creatures, so humans must have made relationships with fellow humans, such as friendship, family, or partners. In a human relationship, we must have experienced a bad relationship commonly known as a Toxic Relationship.
A toxic relationship features harmful behaviors from one person, impacting partners, friends, or family. It can cause unproductiveness and mental distress, often leading to emotional abuse. Feelings of being unsupported or belittled contribute to a negative dynamic, resulting in various forms of aggression. As for how to heal the wounds of toxic relationships, it is with forgiveness therapy methods. Forgiveness therapy heals psychological wounds, promotes understanding, and strengthens relationships, reducing depression, anxiety, anger, stress, and PTSD.
Why is Forgiveness Therapy Important in Toxic Relationships?
Forgiveness therapy is important for healing toxic relationships in families, friendships, or romantic partnerships. It alleviates anger, depression, and stress, fostering hope, peace, compassion, and confidence, which promotes healthier connections and enhances physical health. Additionally, it helps restore commitment and closeness after painful events by eliminating negative feelings and resentments.
Six-Step Forgiveness Therapy Process:
1. Building Rapport
Establish trust with the client, discuss forgiveness goals, and identify focus (forgiving others or self-forgiveness).
2. Inward-Mirror Image
To uncover emotions, the client creates three images reflecting feelings towards the person/event.
3. Experience Inventory
The client lists significant experiences related to the person/event, noting positives and negatives for deeper reflection.
4. Unsent Letter
The client writes a letter to the person they wish to forgive, expressing their emotions without sending it.
5. Empty Chair Technique
Client dialogues with the imagined person, alternating perspectives for emotional resolution.
6. Letting Go and Moving Forward
The client reflects on progress, creates symbolic art for healing, and considers reconciliation if safe.
When to use forgiveness therapy in toxic relationships?
the right time for forgiveness therapy is often after experiencing trauma, during recovery from substance use, when dealing with unforgiveness, or as part of a medical treatment plan. Emotional readiness and a commitment to the process are also crucial for maximizing the benefits of forgiveness therapy.
Toxic relationships, which can occur in a variety of contexts such as partner, friendship, or family relationships, are characterized by behaviors that damage mental health and can lead to emotional abuse. Forgiveness therapy is a psychological approach that helps heal the wounds caused by these relationships. It involves phases such as disclosure, decision-making, and emotional processing to reduce negative feelings and improve mental well-being. It has been proven to relieve depression, stress, and anger while promoting hope, peace, and healthier relationships. The six-step forgiveness therapy process includes building a trusting relationship, emotional reflection, writing an unsent letter, and symbolic actions to release emotional baggage and move on. This therapy is particularly beneficial after trauma or during the recovery phase, helping individuals restore confidence and relationships while ensuring safety in reconciliation efforts.
Zuroida, A., Kusnadi, S.K., Maharani, D.F., & Pambudi, D.H. (2023). Forgiveness Therapy untuk Meningkatkan Regulasi Emosi pada Anak Korban Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga. EDUKATIF : JURNAL ILMU PENDIDIKAN.
Sagala, J., & Simamora, M.R. (2021). Pendekatan Forgiveness Therapy dan Attachment Theory dalam Menangani Masalah Perselingkuhan Pasangan Kristen. Jurnal EFATA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan.
Worthington Jr, E. L., Witvliet, C. V. O., Pietrini, P., & Miller, A. J. (2007). Forgiveness, health, and well-being: A review of evidence for emotional versus decisional forgiveness, dispositional forgivingness, and reduced unforgiveness. Journal of behavioral medicine, 30(4), 291-302
Martha, K., & Kurniati, N. M. T. (2019). Efektivitas terapi pemaafan dengan model proses dari Enright untuk membantu remaja korban perceraian dalam memaafkan orang tua. Jurnal Psikologi, 11(1), 10-24.